
Frontiers in Biology入选为“2016年中国最具国际影响力期刊”
张雪丽 2016-12-16 10:47
Frontiers in Biology已连续2年入选为“中国最具国际影响力期刊”,我们将再接再厉,努力为学者们服务!
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Frontiers in Biology入选为“中国科技核心期刊”
张雪丽 2016-12-16 10:44
2016年Frontiers in Biology被中国科学技术信息研究所 收录进“中国科技核心期刊”目录。我们将继续努力将国人的工作分享到世界,欢迎各位学者投稿!
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Frontiers in Biology:加州大学伯克利分校Tanouye教授综述文章
张雪丽 2016-4-7 16:14
Forntiers in Biology近日收到了加州大学伯克利分校 Mark A. Tanouye教授的综述文章: Drosophila seizure disorders: geneticsuppression of seizure susceptibility,文章对癫痫敏感突变及癫痫抑制突变,以及癫痫果蝇的研究等进行了介绍。详细见http://journal.hep.com.cn/fib
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Frontiers in Biology入选“2015中国最具国际影响力学术期刊“
张雪丽 2016-1-8 11:23
Frontiers in Biology 入选 “2015中国最具国际影响力学术期刊( 自然科学与工程技术) ”。 “中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”和“中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊”初选条件是在科技、人文社科两大序列中,按各序列的综合排序分别由前到后遴选,前者取全部备选期刊的前5%,也称TOP5%期刊;后者从TOP5%期刊的末尾开 ...
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Frontiers in Biology issue 5, 2015
张雪丽 2015-11-25 14:41
In this issue Review Functional states of resident vascular stem cells and vascular remodeling Desiree F. Leach, Mitzi Nagarkatti, Prakash Nagarkatti Taixing Cui » Abstract & ...
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Frontiers in Biology, Volume 10, issue 3
张雪丽 2015-7-2 10:51
In this issue Review Csk-homologous kinase (Chk/Matk): a molecular policeman suppressing cancer formation and progression Gahana Advani, Anderly C. Chueh, Ya Chee Lim, Amardeep Dhillon Heung-Chin Cheng ...
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Special issue: Stem cell metabolism
张雪丽 2015-5-8 11:37
Current issue EDITORIAL Special issue for stem cell metabolism: be quiet, grow, and differentiate DOI: 10.1007/s11515-015-1353-3 Sebastian Jessberger Full text PDF Cite this article: Sebastian Jessberger. Special issue for stem cell metabolism ...
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Frontiers in Biology 2015年第1期文章
张雪丽 2015-3-17 09:25
REVIEW Analyzing stem cell dynamics: use of cutting edge genetic approaches in model organisms DOI: 10.1007/s 11515-015-1347 -1 Gary R. HIME,Nicole SIDDALL,Katja HORVAY,Helen E. ABUD Full text PDF Cite this article: Gary R. HIME,Nicole SIDDALL,Katja HORVA ...
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Frontiers in Biology 2014年 第6期
张雪丽 2014-12-12 16:23
Review Functional implications of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generated by oncogenic viruses Young Bong Choi Edward William Harhaj http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11515-014-1332-0 Review Protein secretion systems in bacterial pathogens Li Xu Yancheng Liu ...
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Frontiers in Biology Volume 9, issue 4
张雪丽 2014-11-26 09:38
Cover Story The eukaryotic genome isfunctionally and spatially organized within the cell nucleus. How these spatialorganizations regulate gen ome function remains lar gely unclear. This review (pages 255-268) provides an overview on cytological observations of subnu ...
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