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IP: 58.20.53.*   [38]陈三茂   2011-7-21 15:58
IP: 61.185.190.*   [37]孙根年   2011-7-19 06:40

IP: 220.249.99.*   [36]aloud   2011-7-9 22:13
IP: 220.249.99.*   [35]aloud   2011-7-9 22:12
IP: 220.249.99.*   [34]aloud   2011-7-9 22:12
IP: 218.205.222.*   [33]jiuwei   2011-6-28 22:59
IP: 60.8.64.*   [32]cpf3   2011-6-28 22:30

一墩青农民协会是一个由农民组织起来进行互助的纯草根组织,作为农民我们希望把健康的土壤和清闲的空气留给后辈儿孙,也希望自己成为一个有良心的农民。由于协会没有什么资本,我们流转了100亩土地在当地进行有机农业的示范,也想把它做成农民田间学校。但当地农业部门没有有机农业的技术人员。甚至不知道 什么是有机农业,把它简单地理解为不上化肥,不打农药就是有机农业。

我的联系电话:13831381077。办公室电话:0313—7826565   电邮:chengpengfei3@163.com  Pengfei.cheng@actionaid.org




河北省怀安县一墩青农村社区发展促进会  秘书长
国际行动援助河北项目   负责人
IP: 118.228.169.*   [31]jiuwei   2011-6-27 16:34
我的回复(2011-6-27 21:25):内蒙古大学李博先生的生态学以及厦门大学李振基教授的普通生态学都可以看,我和南开大学高玉葆浙江大学常杰老师编写的植物生理生态学可以参考个体以下以及逆境生态学有关内容,也适合考试参考
IP: 124.206.156.*   [30]etwf123   2011-6-18 00:24
  康成生物是专业提供生命科学前沿研究技术的企业,致力于向客户提供创新性产品及技术服务,为客户在生命科学领域进行探索创造有利条件并最终实现 长期价值。 康成生物的产品和技术服务涵盖生命科学研究技术的诸多方面。 主要技术平台包括:生物芯片技术平台(microRNA 芯片(丹麦Exqion公司),.长链非编码RNA芯片(美国arraystar公司)基因芯片(Roche-NImblegen.Agilent)/蛋白芯片(RayBiotech公司),和 ChIP-chip 等Roche-NImblegen旗下品牌)、和Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx测序系统的新一代高通量测序服务
一. 表观遗传学研究的技术平台与研究策略
1. DNA甲基化:MeDIP-chip、MeDIP-seq
2. 组蛋白修饰与转录因子调控:ChIP-chip、ChIP-seq
二. 调控型非编码RNA研究平台的应用及研究进展
1. microRNA:miRNA Array、miRNA-seq
2. Long non-coding RNA:LncRNA Array
三. 表达谱芯片在生物学研究中的应用及数据深入挖掘
1. 结合论文实例解析实验技术思路
2. 表达谱芯片数据的有效使用
四. 特定基因集合在mRNA水平的高效定量检测
1. 实时定量PCR芯片的特点与种类
2. 解析经典文章的应用策略

康成生物发展的原动力是追求技术卓越和创新。康成生命科学实验中心拥有一流的实验设备 , 经验丰富的实验技术人员和突出的研发能力。实验中心通过不断地优化和创新,时刻同国际先进水平的生命科学技术发展保持同步。
康成生物通过技术创新和管理优化倾力为客户提供优质和高效的服务。我们的服务宗旨是提升客户的研发技术质量,降低客户的研发总体成本、缩短客户的研发整体周期,与客户建立长期合作关系。 www.kangchen,com.cn   联系 15510008801   王飞

一、国内客户使用康成Exiqon microRNA芯片技术服务发表的SCI文章

1.  Zhou, M., et al., MicroRNA-125b confers the resistance of breast cancer cells to paclitaxel through suppression of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 antagonist killer 1 (Bak1) expression. J Biol Chem, 2010. 285(28): p. 21496-507.

2.  Yi, Z., et al., Differential expression of miRNA patterns in renal cell carcinoma and nontumorous tissues. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2010. 136(6): p. 855-62.

3.  Wu, L., et al., A novel function of microRNA let-7d in regulation of galectin-3 expression in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder rat brain. Brain Pathol, 2010. 20(6): p. 1042-54.

4.  Wang, G., et al., Up-regulation of microRNA in bladder tumor tissue is not common. Int Urol Nephrol, 2010. 42(1): p. 95-102.

5.  Tie, J., et al., MiR-218 inhibits invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer by targeting the Robo1 receptor. PLoS Genet, 2010. 6(3): p. e1000879.

6.  Cheng, J., et al., MicroRNA profiling in mid- and late-gestational fetal skin: implication for scarless wound healing. Tohoku J Exp Med, 2010. 221(3): p. 203-9.

7.  Chen, X., et al., MicroRNA145 targets BNIP3 and suppresses prostate cancer progression. Cancer Res, 2010. 70(7): p. 2728-38.

8.  Zhang, B., X. Wang, and Y. Wang, Altered gene expression and miRNA expression associated with cancerous IEC-6 cell transformed by MNNG. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 2009. 28: p. 56.

9.  Yan, H.L., et al., Repression of the miR-17-92 cluster by p53 has an important function in hypoxia-induced apoptosis. EMBO J, 2009. 28(18): p. 2719-32.

10.  Xu, C.F., C.H. Yu, and Y.M. Li, Regulation of hepatic microRNA expression in response to ischemic preconditioning following ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice. OMICS, 2009. 13(6): p. 513-20.

11.  Wang, J., et al., MicroRNA: novel regulators involved in the remodeling and reverse remodeling of the heart. Cardiology, 2009. 113(2): p. 81-8.

12.  Lian, J., et al., Altered microRNA expression in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2009. 7: p. 13.

13.  Ju, X., et al., Differential microRNA expression in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2009. 26(1): p. 1-10.

14.  Guo, C.J., et al., miR-15b and miR-16 are implicated in activation of the rat hepatic stellate cell: An essential role for apoptosis. J Hepatol, 2009. 50(4): p. 766-78.

15.  Guo, C.J., et al., Changes in microRNAs associated with hepatic stellate cell activation status identify signaling pathways. FEBS J, 2009. 276(18): p. 5163-76.

16.  Ding, J., et al., Embryonic stem cells derived from somatic cloned and fertilized blastocysts are post-transcriptionally indistinguishable: a MicroRNA and protein profile comparison. Proteomics, 2009. 9(10): p. 2711-21.

17.  Huang, Y.S., et al., Microarray analysis of microRNA expression in hepatocellular carcinoma and non-tumorous tissues without viral hepatitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2008. 23(1): p. 87-94.

18.  Hu, S.J., et al., MicroRNA expression and regulation in mouse uterus during embryo implantation. J Biol Chem, 2008. 283(34): p. 23473-84.

19.  Yang, B., et al., The muscle-specific microRNA miR-1 regulates cardiac arrhythmogenic potential by targeting GJA1 and KCNJ2. Nat Med, 2007. 13(4): p. 486-91.

20.  Wang, C. and Q. Li, Identification of differentially expressed microRNAs during the development of Chinese murine mammary gland. J Genet Genomics, 2007. 34(11): p. 966-73.

二、国内客户使用康成SABiosciences PCR芯片技术服务发表的SCI文章

1.  Zhang, L., et al., Escin attenuates cognitive deficits and hippocampal injury after transient global cerebral ischemia in mice via regulating certain inflammatory genes. Neurochem Int, 2010. 57(2): p. 119-27.

2.  Xu, Z.Y., J.S. Chen, and Y.Q. Shu, Gene expression profile towards the prediction of patient survival of gastric cancer. Biomed Pharmacother, 2010. 64(2): p. 133-9.

3.  Xu, X.L., et al., The properties of tumor-initiating cells from a hepatocellular carcinoma patient's primary and recurrent tumor. Carcinogenesis, 2010. 31(2): p. 167-74.

4.  Shi, W.D., et al., Identification of liver metastasis-related genes in a novel human pancreatic carcinoma cell model by microarray analysis. Cancer Lett, 2009. 283(1): p. 84-91.

5.  Gu, H., et al., Effects of chronic mild stress on the development of atherosclerosis and expression of toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway in adolescent apolipoprotein E knockout mice. J Biomed Biotechnol, 2009. 2009: p. 613879.

6.  Duan, H., et al., Effect of burn injury on apoptosis and expression of apoptosis-related genes/proteins in skeletal muscles of rats. Apoptosis, 2009. 14(1): p. 52-65.


1.  Yin, M., et al., Lack of apoE causes alteration of cytokines expression in young mice liver. Mol Biol Rep, 2010. 37(4): p. 2049-54.

2.  Li, H., et al., Dendritic cell-activated cytokine-induced killer cells enhance the anti-tumor effect of chemotherapy on non-small cell lung cancer in patients after surgery. Cytotherapy, 2009. 11(8): p. 1076-83.

3.  Jiang, X., et al., Increased inflammatory response both in brain and in periphery in presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 conditional double knock-out mice. J Alzheimers Dis, 2009. 18(3): p. 515-23.

4.   Chen, L.L., et al., Evaluation of immune inhibitory cytokine profiles in epithelial ovarian carcinoma. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2009. 35(2): p. 212-8.

5.   Qin, D., et al., Induction of lytic cycle replication of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by herpes simplex virus type 1: involvement of IL-10 and IL-4. Cell Microbiol, 2008. 10(3): p. 713-28.

6.   Niu, Q.X., et al., Induction of inflammatory cytokine release from human umbilical vein endothelial cells by agonists of proteinase-activated receptor-2. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 2008. 35(1): p. 89-96.

7.  Li, A., et al., Dysfunction of splenic macrophages in cirrhotic patients with hypersplenism and HBV infection. Am J Med Sci, 2008. 336(1): p. 32-8.

8.  Kong, X.N., et al., LPS-induced down-regulation of signal regulatory protein {alpha} contributes to innate immune activation in macrophages. J Exp Med, 2007. 204(11): p. 2719-31.


1.  Lou, J., et al., Comparison between two kinds of cigarette smoke condensates (CSCs) of the cytogenotoxicity and protein expression in a human B-cell lymphoblastoid cell line using CCK-8 assay, comet assay and protein microarray. Mutat Res, 2010. 697(1-2): p. 55-9.

2.  Hao, Y., et al., IPO-38 is identified as a novel serum biomarker of gastric cancer based on clinical proteomics technology. J Proteome Res, 2008. 7(9): p. 3668-77.

五、国内客户使用康成Agilent 表达谱芯片技术服务发表的SCI文章

1.  Guo, X., et al., Homeobox gene IRX1 is a tumor suppressor gene in gastric carcinoma. Oncogene, 2010. 29(27): p. 3908-20.


1.  Yan, X.J., et al., Exome sequencing identifies somatic mutations of DNA methyltransferase gene DNMT3A in acute monocytic leukemia. Nat Genet, 2011.

2.  Liu, B.L., et al., Quantitative detection of multiple gene promoter hypermethylation in tumor tissue, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid predicts prognosis of malignant gliomas. Neuro Oncol, 2010. 12(6): p. 540-8.

3.  Zhang, L., et al., Genome-wide analysis of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation by ChIP-chip in gastric cancer patients. J Gastroenterol, 2009. 44(4): p. 305-12.

4.  Zhang, L., et al., Genome-wide analysis of histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of minimal change nephrotic syndrome patients. Am J Nephrol, 2009. 30(6): p. 505-13.

5.  Hu, J.L., et al., The N-terminus of histone H3 is required for de novo DNA methylation in chromatin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2009. 106(52): p. 22187-92.

七、国内客户使用康成Agilent aCGH芯片技术服务发表的SCI文章

1.  Xu, X.L., et al., The properties of tumor-initiating cells from a hepatocellular carcinoma patient's primary and recurrent tumor. Carcinogenesis, 2010. 31(2): p. 167-74.

八、国内客户使用康成Nimblegen aCGH芯片技术服务发表的SCI文章

1.  Zhang, Y., et al., Array-CGH detection of UGT2B28 gene deletion in a girl with primary amenorrhea and hyperandrogenism. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2010. 109(2): p. 164-6.

九、国内客户使用康成Nimblegen 表达谱芯片技术服务发表的SCI文章

1.  Li, Z., et al., From the Cover: Feature Article: Histone H4 Lys 20 monomethylation by histone methylase SET8 mediates Wnt target gene activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011. 108(8): p. 3116-23.

2.  Fan, C., et al., Random small interfering RNA library screen identifies siRNAs that induce human erythroleukemia cell differentiation. Leuk Lymphoma, 2011. 52(3): p. 502-14.

3.  Zheng B, Han M, Shu YN, et al., HDAC2 phosphorylation-dependent Klf5 deacetylation and RARα acetylation induced by RAR agonist switch the transcription regulatory programs of p21 in VSMCs. Cell Res., 2011; doi:10.1038/cr.2011.34
15510008801  etwf123@126.com

IP: 124.126.144.*   [29]李虎军   2011-6-10 14:39
蒋老师: 您好!我是《南都周刊》的记者徐卓君,借李虎军的帐号给您留个言,我在做一篇有关银杏移植的稿件,希望采访到您,给您的邮箱发了邮件,不知道什么时候比较方便?刚给您158的手机打了个电话,没有人接听。盼复!多谢!
IP: 123.113.35.*   [28]童庆炳   2011-5-28 08:54
IP: 202.98.244.*   [27]gqq   2011-5-6 10:07
蒋老师的大作真是让我们这些晚辈受益匪浅啊。 我在西藏林芝从事植物生态的教学研究工作,由于本人仅是小硕,很多东西弄不明白,仅能从蒋老师的文章中获取皮毛的收益,不过感觉已经很知足了。我会继续努力,关注蒋老师的博客!
我的回复(2011-5-7 23:04):谢谢关注,林芝是中国生态的一片净土,我们要保护好她
IP: 117.136.9.*   [26]xrlwq   2011-4-16 18:47
#抗生素#“提高内儿科医疗人员诊疗水平,降低误诊率,避免盲目使用抗生素的倡议”一文,科学网许培扬老师和廖俊林都给予了转载, 廖老师分享的理由是:本文提出了一个临床工作中的重要问题,危及国人生命安全,值得重视,因此予以分享。敬请审阅,并提出宝贵意见。QQ:978234138
IP: 222.220.137.*   [25]xyyxyh110   2011-4-7 09:45
IP: 123.150.183.*   [24]hpl0537   2011-4-6 14:43
IP: 61.156.49.*   [23]彭月丽   2011-2-18 20:48
我的回复(2011-2-19 17:38):中国人民大学农村与发展学院正在翻译King的《四千年的农夫》,里面可能有些记载,另外,中国许多农书都有很好的记载,如齐民要术,农政全书等
IP: 119.57.4.*   [22]刘华杰   2011-2-2 10:15
IP: 218.241.235.*   [21]TTenjoy   2010-3-25 11:13
IP: 210.72.136.*   [20]airenao   2010-3-24 11:41

IP: 61.156.49.*   [19]吴光磊   2010-3-22 20:34

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