
郭战胜 2023-2-25 07:19
931 次阅读|没有评论
郭战胜 2023-2-5 11:23
有人送礼你不收会被目为异类;有人请客你不去,会被视作不近人情。久而久之,求他办事不行贿,他就认为你不懂规矩;想与他拉近关系不请客,就会认为你心不诚;过年过节不给上官打点,他自己心里先就不踏实。”他突然提高声调,“可怕的是,大家也觉得这不好,可又都这么做,边做边喟叹一声:“风气如此,奈之若何?’风俗移 ...
839 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]Passion at Work Is a Good Thing
郭战胜 2023-1-27 08:01
Passion at Work Is a Good Thing—But Only If Bosses Know How to Manage It Who wouldn't want to work for a company that values passion? And what employer wouldn't seek an employee who’s deeply passionate about their work? But, here's the rub, according to recent r ...
909 次阅读|没有评论
郭战胜 2022-12-30 16:10
由于教材插画的不合时宜,引起广大网民的愤慨,各类出版社积极整改,算是反应比较迅速的。现观少数开源出版社打着开源出版的幌子,宣称从收稿到发表就几天时间。更有个别出版社下的个别期刊先收费出版,而后再以审查、评审程序等原因大量撤稿。不知这些收费的论文被撤稿后退不退版面费。 早晚需要像整顿毒教材一样整顿毒 ...
924 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]Turns out smarter kids are made, not born
热度 1 郭战胜 2022-12-22 07:12
Many parents in past decades believed that intelligence and many other abilities were fixed traits. A child was born smart or not, and little could be done to change that. More recent research has upended that notion, and shown that encouraging parents to adopt a so-called growth mindset leads to b ...
848 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
[转载]Home is Where the Pipeline Ends
郭战胜 2022-12-22 07:09
Home is Where the Pipeline Ends 06/28/2022 | Environmental Science Technology Every day, millions of Americans rely on natural gas to power appliances such as kitchen stoves, furnaces, and water heaters, but until now very little data existed on the chemical makeup of the gas once it r ...
775 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 郭战胜 2022-11-8 09:40
家里厨房的吊顶时不时有水滴滴下,原来也不以为意,以为是蒸汽水形成的,后来觉得可能不是这个原因。于是将吊顶拆除,发现冷水管有好几个点从外表面看已经腐蚀得比较厉害并有个别点已经渗水。可以确定腐蚀是从管道内部开始的。 请专业师傅过来修理,将管道切割下来,尽管不知道墙内部分管道情况,但可以从墙外的管道推测 ...
1289 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
郭战胜 2022-11-1 10:10
木芙蓉花下招客饮 唐-白居易 晚凉思饮两三杯,召得江头酒客来。 莫怕秋无伴醉物,水莲花尽木莲开。 木芙蓉 唐-韩愈 新开寒露丛,远比水间红。 艳色宁相妒,嘉名偶自同。 采江官渡晚,搴木古祠空。 愿得勤来看,无令便逐风。 木芙蓉 宋-朱熹 红芳晓露浓,绿树秋风冷。 ...
1654 次阅读|没有评论
郭战胜 2022-10-31 14:35
https://www.northwestu.edu/ https://www.northwestern.edu/index.html https://www.nwu.edu.cn/index.htm
1332 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 郭战胜 2022-9-20 17:07
1458 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 2

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