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11001WB104835050.83/S755/10719Metamaterials,   metadevices, and metasystems 2018 : 19-23 August 2018, San Diego, California,   United2018
11001WB104835150.83/S755/10722Plasmonics   : design, materials, fabrication, characterization, and applications XVI :   19-23 August 22018
11001WB104833250.83/S755/10724Physical   chemistry of semiconductor materials and interfaces XVII : 20-23 August 2018,   San Diego, Ca2018
11001WB104833150.83/S755/10725Low-dimensional   materials and devices 2018 : 22-23 August 2018, San Diego, California, United   States2018
11001WB104833050.83/S755/10738Organic   and hybrid sensors and bioelectronics XI : 19-22 August 2018, San Diego,   California, United2018
11001WB104832950.83/S755/10740Molecular   machines : 20 and 23 August 2018, San Diego, California, United States /2018
11001WB104836750.83/S755/10742Optical   manufacturing and testing XII : 20-22 August 2018, San Diego, California,   United States /2018
11001WB104835850.83/S755/10743Optical   modeling and performance predictions X : 22-23 August 2018, San Diego,   California, United St2018
11001WB104835250.83/S755/10744Laser   beam shaping XVIII : 20-21 August 2018, San Diego, California, United States   /2018
11001WB104836050.83/S755/10745Current   developments in lens design and optical engineering XIX : 21-22 August 2018,   San Diego, Cali2018
11001WB104833950.83/S755/10746Novel   optical systems design and optimization XXI : 20 August 2018, San Diego,   California, United St2018
11001WB104834150.83/S755/10747Optical   system alignment, tolerancing, and verification XII : 19-20 August 2018, San   Diego, Californ2018
11001WB104835950.83/S755/10748Systems   contamination : prediction, control, and performance 2018 : 20-21 August   2018, San Diego, Ca2018
11001WB104836850.83/S755/10749Interferometry   XIX : 21-23 August 2018, San Diego, California, United States /2018
11001WB104832850.83/S755/10754Wide   bandgap power and energy devices and applications III : 20-21 August 2018,   San Diego, Californi2018
11001WB104834850.83/S755/10755Photonic   fiber and crystal devices : advances in materials and innovations in device   applications XI2018
11001WB104833350.83/S755/10756Terahertz   emitters, receivers, and applications IX : 19-20 August 2018, San Diego,   California, Unite2018
11001WB104833550.83/S755/10757Optical   data storage 2018 : industrial optical devices and systems : 19 August 2018,   San Diego, Cali2018
11001WB104834250.83/S755/10758Nonimaging   optics : efficient design for illumination and solar concentration XV : 19-20   August 20182018
11001WB104834050.83/S755/10759New   concepts in solar and thermal radiation conversion and reliability : 19-21   August 2018, San Dieg2018
11001WB104832750.83/S755/10760Advances   in X-Ray/EUV optics and components XIII : 20 August 2018, San Diego,   California, United Sta2018
11001WB104833750.83/S755/10761Adaptive   X-ray optics V : 21 August 2018, San Diego, California, United States /2018
11001WB104834750.83/S755/10762Hard   x-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron detector physics XX : 20-21 August 2018, San   Diego, California, U2018
11001WB104835650.83/S755/10763Radiation   detectors in medicine, industry, and national security XIX : 22-23 August   2018, San Diego,2018
11001WB104837450.83/S755/10764Earth   observing systems XXIII : 21-23 August 2018, San Diego, California, United   States /2018
11001WB104834550.83/S755/10765Infrared   remote sensing and instrumentation XXVI : 20-22 August 2018, San Diego,   California, United2018
11001WB104835350.83/S755/10766Infrared   sensors, devices, and applications VIII : 22-23 August 2018, San Diego,   California, United2018
11001WB104836550.83/S755/10767Remote   sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability XV : 22 August 2018,   San Diego, Califor2018
11001WB104834650.83/S755/10768Imaging   spectrometry XXII : applications, sensors, and processing : 20 August 2018,   San Diego, Calif2018
11001WB104836250.83/S755/10770Laser   communication and propagation through the atmosphere and oceans VII : 20-22   August 2018, San D2018
11001WB104835550.83/S755/10771Quantum   communications and quantum imaging XVI : 19-20 August 2018, San Diego,   California, United St2018
11001WB104835750.83/S755/10772Unconventional   and indirect imaging, image reconstruction, and wavefront sensing 2018 :   22-23 August2018
11001WB104835450.83/S755/10780Multispectral,   hyperspectral, and ultraspectral remote sensing technology, techniques and   applicatio2018
11001WB104837350.83/S755/10783Remote   sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology XX : 10-13 September 2018,   Berlin, Germany2018
11001WB104836150.83/S755/10784Remote   sensing of the ocean, sea ice, coastal waters, and large water regions 2018 :   10-12 September2018
11001WB104836950.83/S755/10785Sensors,   systems, and next-generation satellites XXII : 10-12 September 2018, Berlin,   Germany /2018
11001WB104837050.83/S755/10790Earth   resources and environmental remote sensing/GIS applications IX : 11-13   September 2018, Berlin,2018
11001WB104833450.83/S755/10791Lidar   technologies, techniques, and measurements for atmospheric remote sensing XIV   : 11-12 Septembe2018
11001WB104833650.83/S755/10792High-performance   computing in geoscience and remote sensing VIII : 12-13 September 2018,   Berlin, Ger2018
11001WB104834950.83/S755/10793Remote   sensing technologies and applications in urban environments III : 10-12   September 2018, Berli2018
11001WB104836350.83/S755/10814Optoelectronic   devices and integration VII : 11-13 October 2018, Beijing, China /2018
11001WB104836450.83/S755/10815Optical   design and testing VIII : 11-13 October 2018, Beijing, China /2018
11001WB104834350.83/S755/10816Advanced   optical imaging technologies : 12-13 October 2018, Beijing, China /2018
11001WB104837250.83/S755/10820Optics   in health care and biomedical optics VIII : 11-13 October 2018, Beijing,   China /2018
11001WB104836650.83/S755/10821Advanced   sensor systems and applications VIII : 11-13 October 2018, Beijing, China /2018
11001WB104833850.83/S755/10822Real-time   photonic measurements, data management, and processing III : 12-13 October   2018, Beijing,2018
11001WB104834450.83/S755/10823Nanophotonics   and micro/nano optics IV : 12-13 October 2018, Beijing, China /2018
11001WB104837150.83/S755/108362018   International Conference on Image and Video Processing, and Artificial   Intelligence : 15-17 Aug2018
11001WB104839650.9501653/C743The   life cycles of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Environmental   Protection Agency : 192016
11001WB104840551.03/W132Making   and breaking mathematical sense : histories and philosophies of mathematical   practice /2017
11001WB104843451.41/S528tThe   Fibonacci numbers and integer structure : foundations for a modern quadrivium   /2018
11001WB104840051.415/K88The   partition method for a power series expansion : theory and applications /2017
11001WB104842351.45/O   32Office   hours with a geometric group theorist /2017
11001WB104837651.581/M174The   seduction of curves : the lines of beauty that connect mathematics, art, and   the nude /2017
11001WB104840851.5912/M421(2)Fractal   functions, fractal surfaces, and wavelets /2016
11001WB104842551.61/I14Single   variable integral and differential calculus in a nutshell with elements of   critical thinking2018
11001WB104838751.614/N174Cartesian   tensors and the equations of solid mechanics /2017
11001WB104842651.6224/G239/1Modern   analysis of automorphic forms by example.2018
11001WB104839851.6314/Y15Analytical   solution methods for boundary value problems /2016
11001WB104842251.6622/T244pPseudodifferential   operators /2017
11001WB104843051.7181/S864scStochastic   differential equations : basics and applications /2018
11001WB104837951.72/R659dData   analysis for scientists and engineers /2016
11001WB104838151.9083/I61na/2018Proceeding   of the International Conference on Mathematics, Engineering and Industrial   Applications 22018
11001WB104843351.912/S614sSimulated   annealing : introduction, applications and theory /2018
11001WB104843551.914/A532The   analytic hierarchy process : advances in research and applications /2018
11001WB104837551.914/H585Noncooperative   game theory : an introduction for engineers and computer scientists /2017
11001WB104843151.96/F996fnFuzzy   modeling and control : methods, applications and research /2018
11001WB104838253.083/I61pe/2018Physics,   technologies and innovation (PTI-2018) : proceedings of the V International   Young Researche2018
11001WB104838053.333/G983The   formative years of general relativity : the history and meaning of Einstein's   Princeton lectures2017
11001WB104842753.6122/V929Quantization   of fields /2017
11001WB104842453.65/A244a/208Advances   in imaging and electron physics.2018
11001WB104837853.7/N428From   photon to neuron : light, imaging, vision /2017
11001WB104839353.815083/E64/2018(1)45th   EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2018) : Prague, Czech Republic, 2-6   July 2018.2018
11001WB104839453.815083/E64/2018(2)45th   EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2018) : Prague, Czech Republic, 2-6   July 2018.2018
11001WB104839553.815083/E64/2018(3)45th   EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2018) : Prague, Czech Republic, 2-6   July 2018.2018
11001WB104842853.8332/A136Theoretical   basis and mathematical modeling of the thermal neutron converters based on   gadolinium fo2018
11001WB104843653/M278Analytical   physics /2010
11001WB104842954.26/C472Charge   and energy storage in electrical double layers /2018
11001WB104843954.531/A244/75(1)Advances   in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry.2018
11001WB104841854.57/N626(5)The   chemistry of polymers /2017
11001WB104840154.9/D964Crystallization   and crystallizers /2016
11001WB104840356.4585/C581Cities   on a finite planet : towards transformative responses to climate change /2016
11001WB104842058.1486/E19Ecological   genetics /2017
11001WB104841358.17421/H835New   approaches of protein function prediction from protein interaction networks /2017
11001WB104843758.17435/M592/613Enzymes   of energy technology /2018
11001WB104842158.69/M626mMicrobial   resources : from functional existence in nature to applications /2017
11001WB104838959.153073/O   98The   Oxford handbook of animal studies /2017
11001WB104841059.51711/C187Using   DNA information to make proteins /2016
11001WB104843859.83/P974/69The   psychology of learning and motivation.2018
11001WB104837759.833/K91Reasoning   : the neuroscience of how we think /2018
11001WB104839263.352083/I61/2018The   9th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC) and AJI   from Ritsumeikan Un2018
11001WB104840265.264/S764(3)The   chemistry of soils /2016
11001WB104838371.22083/I61pw/2018Proceedings   of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Science and Technology   (ICAST'18) : 10-122018
11001WB104841472.3/B832Nuclear   power /2017
11001WB104839772.3454/S131Nuclear   reactor thermal-hydraulics : past, present and future /2017
11001WB104838672.4/V134Steam   generation from biomass : construction and design of large boilers /2017
11001WB104841172.9/B832Solar   power generation /2016
11001WB104843272/F652Focus   on renewable energy sources /2018
11001WB104838473.4552/A135Analysis   and design of transmitarray antennas /2017
11001WB104841673.463/U92Ground   penetrating radar : theory and practice /2017
11001WB104841573.725/I58sSilicon   photonics : fueling the next information revolution /2017
11001WB104840473.8621/S617An   introduction to sensors and instrumentations /2017
11001WB104838873.967/B592bnBig   data : principles and paradigms /2016
11001WB104839177.9781083/I61n/2018XIII   International Conference Electromachining 2018 : 9-11 May 2018, Bydgoszcz,   Poland /2018
11001WB104839078.083/I61pa/2018Proceedings   of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical and Materials Science   Engineering : in2018
11001WB104841982.91/G367The   pharmaceutical industry and dependency in the Third World /2017
11001WB104841783.416/F299Salami   : practical science and processing technology /2016
11001WB104839986.113/K96Granular   geomechanics /2017
11001WB104840687.9656/N343Spaceflight   in the shuttle era and beyond : redefining humanity's purpose in space /2017


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