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Biology of spiders :Metabolism 01

已有 2226 次阅读 2020-7-28 15:13 |个人分类:文献摘要|系统分类:科研笔记| 翻译



本文翻译自 Foelix, R. (2011). The Biology of Spiders. New York: Oxford University Press.第三章



Spiders have developed an unusual mode of food intake: digestion is initiated out- side the body. After the prey has been subdued by a venomous bite or wrapped with silk, the spider regurgitates some digestive fluid from the intestinal tract onto the victim. After a few seconds, a drop of the predigested liquid prey is sucked in, and this process is then repeated many times.


Feeding behavior differs markedly among the various spider families and depends on whether cheliceral teeth are present or not. Theridiids and thomisids, which have few or no cheliceral teeth, inflict only a small wound on their prey. The digestive fluid is pumped in and out through this hole, and the dissolving tissue is gradually sucked out. After the meal the prey remains as an empty shell that appears externally unharmed (fig. 3.1). Spiders with cheliceral teeth mash up their prey so that it can hardly be identified afterward. For instance, when an orb weaver has finished with a fly, it leaves only a small ball of conglomerated cuticular parts (fig. 3.2). Similarly, after a large tarantula has captured a frog, the combined action of the digestive fluid and the continuous mashing of the chelicerae soon produces   an unrecognizable mass of tissue with only a few protruding bones (Gerhardt and Kaestner, 1938).


Although spider venom may contain some proteolytic enzymes (Kaiser and Raab, 1967), it plays an insignificant role in actual digestion. Little is known about the glands situated inside the maxillae and the rostrum. Probably their secretions probably serve mainly as saliva to soften the food. 




Figure 3.1

(a) Cheliceral fangs of the crab spider Xysticus (rear view). Note the large openings of the poison canal and the lack of cheliceral teeth. 160x. (b) Backside of a fly′s head showing the two bites holes inflicted by the cheliceral fangs shown in (a). 110x. (From Foelix, 1996).



Figure 3.2

Remnants of a blowfly after a garden spider (Araneus diadematus) had been feeding on it. Only few cuticular pieces such as some bristles or the corneal lenses of the compound eye can still be identified. Note that all hair shafts are no longer connected to their sockets, which indicates that the endocuticular joint membranes were dissolved by the digestive enzymes. 150 x. (Photo: Peters and Hüttemann).

一只绿头苍蝇被花园蜘蛛(Araneus Diadematus)取食之后的残留物。仅有少量的角质片,如复眼的一些刷毛或角膜晶状体仍能被识别(fi)。注意,所有的毛干都不再与它们的眼窝相连,这表明表皮内的关节膜已经被消化酶溶解了。150倍。(图片来源:彼得斯和胡特曼)


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