
Trends in Plant Science:光敏色素与开花~大豆的独特机制
郝兆东 2023-3-17 23:58
Phytochromes and flowering: legumesdo it another way ...
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Plant Cell:梨中乙烯响应因子ERF9通过组蛋白去乙酰化抑制RAP2.4和MYB114,从而抑制花色苷合成
郝兆东 2023-3-16 22:33
The ethylene-responsive transcription factor PpERF9 represses PpRAP2.4 and PpMYB114 via histone deacetylation to inhibit anthocyanin biosynthesis in pear ...
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Plant Physiology:番茄EIL2调控果实中的β-胡萝卜素和抗坏血酸的积累
郝兆东 2023-3-15 22:12
​ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE 3-LIKE 2 regulates β-carotene and ascorbic acid accumulation in tomatoes during ripening ...
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Plant Physiology:水稻热激蛋白OsHSP60-3B作用于高温胁迫下雄性育性的维持
郝兆东 2023-3-14 23:29
Rice HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN60-3B maintains male fertility under high temperature by starch granule biogenesis ...
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Nature Communications:香榧基因组揭示裸子植物特异性金松酸生物合成的起源和演化
郝兆东 2023-3-13 23:47
The Torreya grandis genome illuminates the origin and evolution of gymnosperm-specific sciadonic acid biosynthesis ...
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Nature Plants:猕猴桃新性染色体的反复演化
郝兆东 2023-3-10 23:00
Recurrent neo-sex chromosome evolution in kiwifruit ...
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Science Advances:大麦籽粒数量决定的分子框架
郝兆东 2023-3-9 23:10
A molecular framework for grain number determination in barley ...
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Nature Communications:拟南芥胚乳是一个温感组织,通过phyB来控制种子热抑制
郝兆东 2023-3-8 22:49
The Arabidopsis endosperm is a temperature-sensing tissue that implements seed thermoinhibition through phyB ...
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Plant Physiology:苹果DREB2A-ZAT10分子模块作用于干旱和低温胁迫响应交联
郝兆东 2023-3-7 23:45
Transcription factors MhDREB2A/MhZAT10 Play a Role in Drought and Cold Stress Response Crosstalk in Apple ...
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New Phytologist:红皮柳双基因控制的性别决定系统
郝兆东 2023-3-6 23:58
Structural variation of a sex-linked region confers monoecy and implicates GATA15 as a master regulator of sex in Salix purpurea L. ...
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