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Plant Biotechnol J:矮牵牛ACO1基因作用于花的长寿
2019-6-25 14:32
CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated editing of 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylate oxidase1 ( ACO1 ) enhances Petunia flower longevity First author: Junping Xu ; Affiliations: Kyungpook National University(庆北国立大学):Daegu,South Korea C or ...
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Plant Physiology:番茄八氢番茄红素合酶PSY基因的功能分化
2019-6-24 14:19
A neighboring aromatic-aromatic amino acid combination governs activity divergence between tomato phytoene synthases First author: Hongbo Cao; Affiliations: Cornell University(康奈尔大学):Ithaca, USA Corresponding author: Li Li Carotenoids e ...
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Communications Biology:植物LEAFY基因家族的系统演化分析
2019-6-22 15:50
Ancient duplications and grass-specific transposition influenced the evolution of LEAFY transcription factor genes First author: Bei Gao ; Affiliations: The Chinese University of Hong Kong(香港中文大学):Hong Kong, China C orresponding author: Ji ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|5313 次阅读|没有评论
Nature Methods:数据统计P值的代替方法--估算作图
2019-6-21 15:01
Moving beyond P values: data analysis with estimation graphics First author: Joses Ho ; Affiliations: Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology(分子与细胞生物学研究所):Singapore, Singapore C orresponding author: Adam Claridge-Chang ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|3607 次阅读|没有评论
Nature Reviews Genetics:植物光合作用的趋同演化(综述)
2019-6-20 15:11
The genetics of convergent evolution: insights from plant photosynthesis First author: Karolina Heyduk ; Affiliations: Yale University(耶鲁大学):New Haven,USA C orresponding author: Karolina Heyduk The tree of life is resplendent ...
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Nature Plants:古葡萄基因组测序揭示法国葡萄多样性起源
2019-6-19 14:47
Palaeogenomic insights into the origins of French grapevine diversity First author: Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal; Affiliations: University of Copenhagen(哥本哈根大学):Copenhagen, Denmark Corresponding author: Nathan Wales The Eurasian grapevine ( ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|3274 次阅读|没有评论
Developmental Cell:拟南芥光周期开花响应自然变异的遗传基础
2019-6-18 15:07
Molecular Basis of Natural Variation in Photoperiodic Flowering Responses First author: Shengjie Bao ; Affiliations: National University of Singapore(新加坡国立大学):Singapore,Singapore C orresponding author: Hao Yu Plants exhibit ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|2911 次阅读|没有评论
Plant Biotechnol J:山金柑基因组测序与CRISPR系统建立
2019-6-17 16:22
Genome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing of an early flowering Mini‐Citrus ( Fortunella hindsii ) First author: Chenqiao Zhu ; Affiliations: Huazhong Agricultural University(华中农业大学):Wuhan, China C orresponding author: Xiuxin Deng ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|3789 次阅读|没有评论

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