
New Phytologist:水稻根系中独脚金内酯与磷信号转导的串扰机制(南京农业大学)
郝兆东 2023-5-17 23:56
The D14-SDEL1-SPX4 cascade integrates the strigolactone and phosphate signalling networks in rice ...
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Molecular Plant:CK信号转导通过减少氯离子在地上部的积累,增强玉米耐盐性(中国农业大学)
郝兆东 2023-5-15 23:59
Cytokinin signaling promotes salt tolerance by modulating shoot chloride exclusion in maize ...
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Plant Cell:AG介导的表观“计时器”,调控花分生组织终止和雄蕊发育(奈良先端科学技术大学院大学)
郝兆东 2023-5-12 22:54
AGAMOUS regulates various target genes via cell cycle–coupled H3K27me3 dilution in floral meristems and stamens ...
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Nature Plants:玉米WOX3参与了叶和叶舌的平面生长(康奈尔大学)
郝兆东 2023-5-8 22:07
A Wox3 -patterning module organizes planar growth in grass leaves and ligules ...
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The Plant Cell: 光信号介导的植物耐盐性分子调控机制(中国农业大学)
郝兆东 2023-5-5 23:11
Phytochromes enhance SOS2-mediated PIF1 and PIF3 phosphorylation and degradation to promote Arabidopsis salt tolerance ...
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Plant Physiology:水稻EDS1通过激活过氧化氢酶介导的ROS清除,增强水稻热耐受性(湖北大学)
郝兆东 2023-4-29 00:03
ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1 promotes hydrogen peroxide scavenging to enhance rice thermotolerance ...
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Current Biology:短柄草叶表皮毛细胞和气孔大小的分子控制机制(德国海德堡大学)
郝兆东 2023-4-25 23:51
Regulation of hair cell and stomatal size by a hair cell-specific peroxidase in the grass Brachypodium distachyon ...
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Current Biology:主根原形成层通过木质部连接作用于侧根的形成(瑞士联邦理工学院)
郝兆东 2023-4-23 23:14
The primary root procambium contributes to lateral root formation through its impact on xylem connection ...
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Nature Plants:一个用于作物改良的高效启动子编辑系统(电子科技大学)
郝兆东 2023-4-19 23:43
An efficient CRISPR–Cas12a promoter editing system for crop improvement ...
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Plant Biotechnol J:梨ARF13-NSC-MYB132级联作用于生长素介导的果实石细胞形成调控
郝兆东 2023-4-18 23:30
Auxin inhibits lignin and cellulose biosynthesis in stone cells of pear fruit via the PbrARF13-PbrNSC-PbrMYB132 transcriptional regulatory cascade ...
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