
其他篇 Others
张祖锦 2010-12-25 21:35
其他篇 Others @ First impressions are most lasting. ---Dickens @ Give me where to stand, and I will move the world.---Archimedes
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祖国篇 Motherland
张祖锦 2010-12-25 21:35
祖国篇 Motherland @ People not only are born for themselves but also live for their nation.---Plato @ Ask not what your country will do for you---ask what you can do for your country. ---Kenned ...
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自由篇 Freedom
张祖锦 2010-12-25 21:34
自由篇 Freedom @ No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. ---Spenser @ The sun of beh ...
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智愚篇 Wisdom & Foolishness
张祖锦 2010-12-25 21:33
智愚篇 Wisdom Foolishness @ He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom. ---Hernic @ Too much cleverness is folly.---Solon
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知识篇 Knowledge
张祖锦 2010-12-25 21:33
知识篇 Knowledge @ A good part of my information I have was acquired by looking up something and find something else on the way .--- Franklin @ A wise man never loses anything if he has ...
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真理篇 Truth
张祖锦 2010-12-25 21:31
真理篇 Truth @ If you shut your door to all errors, truth will be shut out. ---Tagore @ Respecting people should not be more than respecting truth.---Plato @ &n ...
个人分类: 名人名言|2932 次阅读|1 个评论
友情篇 Friendship
张祖锦 2010-12-22 12:53
友情篇 Friendship @ Absence sharpens love, presence strengths it.---Bayly @ A hedge between keeps friendship green. ---Charles @ Common idea ...
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言行篇 Words & action
张祖锦 2010-12-22 12:51
言行篇 Words action @ Character is what you are in dark. ---Moody @ Follow your own course, and let people talk. ---Dante 但丁
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幸福篇 Happiness
张祖锦 2010-12-22 12:49
幸福篇 Happiness @ Happy is the man who is living by his hobby .---Bernard Shaw @ Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.--- Lincoln @ ...
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文艺篇 Arts
张祖锦 2010-12-21 12:35
文艺篇 Arts @ Musical training is a more potential instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into inward places of the soul.---Plato @ That is the best part o ...
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