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[转载]一篇关于 Generalization(泛化)与 Online Learning 的性能极限 Limits 的论文
2021-3-27 03:18
Fundamental Limits of Online Learning: An Entropic-Innovations Viewpoint 链接: https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.03813
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|1607 次阅读|没有评论
2021-3-23 05:26
《情中流意》 上册、下册 陈关荣 著 陈关荣教授学术访问及旅游到过近50个国家,收集并整理了大量的科技、自然、文化、历史和人物资料。在香港20多年间,他以丰富阅历、开阔视野写下了多篇科普文章,现集结其中的50多篇分成上册和下册两本书。 上册写的是名人轶事,以科普 ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|1822 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]一篇关于 Prediction 与 Recursive Algorithms 的性能极限 Limits 的文章
2021-3-19 05:52
Fundamental Limitations in Sequential Prediction and Recursive Algorithms: Lp Bounds via an Entropic Analysis 链接: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.02628
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|1182 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]文章:Fundamental limitations and intrinsic limits of feedback
2021-3-16 04:15
Review 文章: Fundamental limitations and intrinsic limits of feedback: An overview in an information age 链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1367578819300392
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|996 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]讲座:Cyber Security And Privacy In Networked Control Systems
2021-3-12 04:03
推荐 IEEE CCTA 2019 上 Karl H. Johansson 教授的一个 Plenary Lecture: Cyber Security And Privacy In Networked Control Systems http://ieeecss.org/presentation/conference-plenary-lecture/cyber-security-and-privacy-networked-control-systems
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|909 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]郭雷院士《时变随机系统: 稳定性与自适应理论》最新出的第二版
2021-3-9 07:05
可参考: https://www.sohu.com/a/406962067_410558 http://news.sciencenet.cn/sbhtmlnews/2020/9/357937.shtm?id=357937
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|1192 次阅读|没有评论
One quote adapted (in the words of Kalman) from Shannon
2021-3-4 05:26
“信息论之父”香农有一段名言: This duality can be pursued further and is related to a duality between past and future and the notions of control and knowledge. Thus we may have knowledge of the past but cannot control it; we may control the future but have no knowledge of it. ...
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|1387 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]一篇关于 MIMO Feedback Capacity 与 Kalman Filter 联系的论文
2021-2-5 10:01
Feedback Capacity of Parallel ACGN Channels and Kalman Filter: Power Allocation with Feedback 链接: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.02730
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|1193 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]当控制论遇到相对论 When Control Theory Meets Special Relativity 系列
2021-1-7 07:11
当控制论遇到相对论 When Control Theory Meets Special Relativity: 1. 关于 Relativistic Control Theory(相对论性控制理论)的论文 链接: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-286797-1228761.html 2. 关于 Relativistic Rocket (Space-Travel Flight) Control 的 note 链接: http://blog.sciencenet.c ...
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|1179 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]推荐 Relativistic Flight Mechanics and Space Travel 一书
2021-1-6 11:43
Relativistic Flight Mechanics and Space Travel: A Primer for Students, Engineers and Scientists 链接: https://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/abs/10.2200/S00042ED1V01Y200611ENG001 https://www.amazon.com/Relativistic-Flight-Mechanics-Space-Travel/dp/1598291300
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|1343 次阅读|没有评论

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