

Nomenclature for the description of sequence variations
2018-10-3 03:47
General recommendations The term sequence variation is used to prevent confusion with the terms mutation and polymorphism , mutation meaning change in some disciplines and disease-causing change in others and polymorphism m ...
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2018-10-2 21:07
据媒体9月10日公开的一份2014年录音显示,韩春雨通过代写学位论文牟利,意图组织学生进行学位论文买卖活动,还劝说学生花点钱买个论文很赚。   消息一出,大家再度愕然——一个大学老师如此坦然地跟学生做着论文买卖,还能更low吗?只能说,当科学精神缺位,什么事情都可能发生。有位老院士曾经说,韩春雨事件是 ...
个人分类: 笑话|1911 次阅读|没有评论
2018-10-2 21:05
河北科技大学对韩春雨的调查是不是“主观造假”?   ·方舟子·   声称发明了新的基因编辑技术的河北科技大学韩春雨被质疑造假到现在,整 整两年过去了,其间河北科技大学校方多 ...
个人分类: 笑话|4641 次阅读|没有评论
PCA in R
2018-9-23 06:04
Principal component analysis (PCA) is routinelyemployed on a wide range of problems. From the detection of outliers topredictive modeling, PCAhas the ability of projecting the observations described by variables into few orthogonal components defined at where t ...
个人分类: 技术类|2886 次阅读|没有评论
Practical Guide to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
2018-9-23 05:01
Introduction Too much of anything is good for nothing! What happens when a data set has too many variables ? Here are few possible situations which you might come across: You find thatmost of thevariables are correlated. You lose patience and decide to run a model on w ...
个人分类: 技术类|2854 次阅读|没有评论
热度 4 2018-8-15 03:24
在中国和“外国”这两国的较量中,究竟哪一国更占上风?有说中国吊打外国,有说外国轻松把中国摁在地上摩擦,双方都列举了林林总总的例子,整得我们吃瓜群众一脸懵逼。当然,中间派肯定说两国各有利弊,但这结论虽然正确却没啥营养。想要在中外两国这个话题上显得有见识,得先搞明白啥是技术?   ...
个人分类: 技术类|4590 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 4
2018-5-6 04:44
作者: 二混子stone来源:混子曰(ID:hey-stone) )
个人分类: 历史|5053 次阅读|没有评论

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