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Empirical Research And International Economic Law: A Comment on Susan Franck’s E
2009-9-12 03:35
Empirical Research And International Economic Law: A Comment on Susan Francks Essay 【按】学术论文的争鸣和挑战,应该学习 by David Zaring http://opiniojuris.org/2008/07/03/empirical-research-and-international-economic-law-a-comment-on-susan-franck%E2%80%99s-essay/ ...
个人分类: Stata|4565 次阅读|没有评论
A Response to David Zaring_Susan Franck
2009-9-12 03:31
A Response to David Zaring 很好的论文回应交锋 by Susan Franck http://opiniojuris.org/2008/07/03/a-response-to-david-zaring/ First, I would like to thank David Zaring again for his comments on my essay: Empiricism and International Law: Insights for Investment Treaty D ...
个人分类: Stata|2908 次阅读|没有评论
2009-9-8 01:46
什么是SCI,SSCI, CSSCI          目前,在国际科学界,如何正确评价基础科学研究成果已引起越来越广泛的关注。而被SCI、SSCI收录的科技论文的多寡则被看作衡量一个国家的基础科学研究水平、科技实力和科技论文水平高低的重要评价指标。那么,究竟什么是SCI和SSCI呢?   一、SCI    SCI即《 科 ...
个人分类: Journal|4281 次阅读|没有评论
2009-9-5 02:17
stata有两种日志文件及其运用 1、记录运行命令及其输出的: log using filename name(logname)] 例如: log using minixi_01.log,replace 将 本次运行的所有命令及其输出都记录在用户设定的当前路径下名为minixi_01的文本文件中。文件名的后缀.log保证记录结果是一个等 ...
个人分类: Stata|15866 次阅读|没有评论
SEQCOMP, a sequence analysis Stata plug-in
2009-8-31 18:23
SEQCOMP, a sequence analysis Stata plug-in http://laurent.lesnard.free.fr/article.php3?id_article=8 Version 1.0 Available for Stata (v9 and higher) Mac (intel and PPC) and Windows Wednesday 28 May 2008 This Stata plug-in implements a sequence analysis method which has been present ...
个人分类: Stata|4518 次阅读|没有评论
Archive for the ‘Stata’ Category
2009-8-31 18:21
Archive for the Stata Category Many Stata do-files , also with R. http://changjx.wordpress.com/category/stacomputing/stata/
个人分类: Stata|2674 次阅读|没有评论

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