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科学史科学哲学国际研究分析报告 1968-2017年

已有 2292 次阅读 2017-7-3 19:49 |个人分类:信息分析|系统分类:科研笔记

科学史科学哲学(History and Philosophy of Science国际研究文献2781篇分布如下:

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Philosophy of Science"Philos Sci"[Journal] OR ("philosophy"[All Fields] AND "of"[All Fields] AND "science"[All Fields]) OR "philosophy of science"[All Fields]
History of Science"Hist Sci"[Journal] OR "history of science"[All Fields]
User query:
Philosophy of Science OR History of Science
01.2017     450 16.181%
02.2016     1068 38.403%
03.2015     1253 45.056%
04.2014     1013 36.426%
05.2013     686 24.667%
06.2012     625 22.474%
07.2011     705 25.351%
08.2010     596 21.431%
09.2009     574 20.640%
10.2008     531 19.094%
11.2007     416 14.959%
12.2006     403 14.491%
13.2005     421 15.138%
14.2004     391 14.060%
15.2003     408 14.671%
16.2001     421 15.138%
17.2000     386 13.880%
18.1999     341 12.262%
19.1998     292 10.500%
20.1997     281 10.104%
21.1996     300 10.787%
22.1995     301 10.823%
23.1994     280 10.068%
24.1993     283 10.176%
25.1992     274 9.853%
26.1991     239 8.594%
27.1990     227 8.163%
28.1989     239 8.594%
29.1988     218 7.839%
30.1987     234 8.414%
31.1986     236 8.486%
32.1985     238 8.558%
33.1984     228 8.198%
34.1983     250 8.990%
35.1982     246 8.846%
36.1981     267 9.601%
37.1980     248 8.918%
38.1979     231 8.306%
39.1978     222 7.983%
40.1977     185 6.652%
41.1976     211 7.587%
42.1975     208 7.479%
43.1974     195 7.012%
44.1973     224 8.055%
45.1972     198 7.120%
46.1971     209 7.515%
47.1970     220 7.911%
48.1969     157 5.645%
49.1968     158 5.681%
01.perspect biol med     2463 88.565%
02.med hist     2093 75.261%
03.bull hist med     2034 73.139%
04.j hist med allied sci     1630 58.612%
05.sci eng ethics     1394 50.126%
06.j hist neurosci     847 30.457%
07.isis     830 29.845%
08.endeavour     797 28.659%
09.hist philos life sci     642 23.085%
10.j hist biol     626 22.510%
11.dynamis     517 18.590%
12.soc hist med     375 13.484%
13.soc stud sci     366 13.161%
14.ambix     344 12.370%
15.stud hist philos sci     316 11.363%
16.ann sci     284 10.212%
17.ber wiss     241 8.666%
18.br j hist sci     238 8.558%
19.notes rec r soc lond     220 7.911%
20.sci context     217 7.803%
21.technol cult     192 6.904%
22.hist sci     191 6.868%
23.osiris     166 5.969%
24.early sci med     144 5.178%
25.indian j hist sci     139 4.998%
26.nuncius     130 4.675%
27.centaurus     127 4.567%
29.arch nat hist     106 3.812%
30.hist human sci     98 3.524%
31.science     94 3.380%
32.agric hist     90 3.236%
33.kagakushi kenkyu     89 3.200%
35.hist sci (tokyo)     42 1.510%
36.nanoethics     38 1.366%
37.biol philos     30 1.079%
38.j hist behav sci     27 0.971%
39.nature     26 0.935%
40.plos one     23 0.827%
41.hist stud phys biol sci     21 0.755%
42.sci rep     21 0.755%
43.hist rec aust sci     20 0.719%
44.am j public health     19 0.683%
45.hist cienc saude manguinhos     19 0.683%
46.j med philos     18 0.647%
47.lancet     18 0.647%
48.j eval clin pract     17 0.611%
49.acta biotheor     16 0.575%
50.found sci     16 0.575%
01.美国     2781 100.000%
02.英国     1475 53.038%
03.德国     424 15.246%
04.加拿大     423 15.210%
05.西班牙     289 10.392%
06.荷兰     257 9.241%
07.法国     224 8.055%
08.澳大利亚     223 8.019%
09.意大利     177 6.365%
10.以色列     153 5.502%
11.瑞士     82 2.949%
12.比利时     74 2.661%
13.瑞典     74 2.661%
14.丹麦     71 2.553%
15.中国大陆     63 2.265%
16.挪威     57 2.050%
17.巴西     50 1.798%
18.俄罗斯     46 1.654%
19.波兰     45 1.618%
20.墨西哥     40 1.438%
21.日本     37 1.330%
22.捷克共和国     36 1.294%
23.爱尔兰     36 1.294%
24.希腊     31 1.115%
25.新西兰     30 1.079%
26.奥地利     29 1.043%
27.南非     24 0.863%
28.印度     24 0.863%
29.土耳其     22 0.791%
30.芬兰     22 0.791%
31.葡萄牙     21 0.755%
32.阿根廷     19 0.683%
33.韩国     19 0.683%
34.伊朗     16 0.575%
35.新加坡     15 0.539%
36.中国台湾     13 0.467%
37.中国香港     11 0.396%
38.马来西亚     10 0.360%
39.匈牙利     9 0.324%
40.立陶宛     6 0.216%
41.埃及     5 0.180%
42.摩洛哥     5 0.180%
43.斯里兰卡     5 0.180%
44.罗马尼亚     5 0.180%
45.哥伦比亚共和国     4 0.144%
46.智利     4 0.144%
47.泰国     4 0.144%
48.爱沙尼亚     4 0.144%
49.乌克兰     3 0.108%
50.巴基斯坦     3 0.108%
01.英国伦敦     276 9.924%
02.英国剑桥市     184 6.616%
03.美国芝加哥     160 5.753%
04.美国纽约     141 5.070%
05.德国柏林     132 4.746%
06.马萨诸塞州剑桥市     128 4.603%
07.加拿大多伦多     123 4.423%
08.美国麻省剑桥市     113 4.063%
09.英国牛津     112 4.027%
10.法国巴黎     107 3.848%
11.英国曼彻斯特     95 3.416%
12.澳大利亚悉尼     94 3.380%
13.美国波士顿     92 3.308%
14.美国洛杉矶     91 3.272%
15.美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区     78 2.805%
16.美国匹兹堡     76 2.733%
17.以色列特拉维夫     75 2.697%
18.美国费城     75 2.697%
19.加拿大蒙特利尔     71 2.553%
20.西班牙马德里     70 2.517%
21.美国纽黑文     65 2.337%
22.美国圣迭戈     64 2.301%
23.美国圣路易     57 2.050%
24.美国巴的摩尔     56 2.014%
25.墨西哥城     54 1.942%
26.wayne     52 1.870%
27.威斯康星州麦迪逊市     50 1.798%
28.exeter     49 1.762%
29.美国明尼阿波利斯     48 1.726%
30.英国利兹     48 1.726%
31.alicante     44 1.582%
32.丹麦哥本哈根     43 1.546%
33.美国旧金山     43 1.546%
34.clare     41 1.474%
35.美国伯克利     41 1.474%
36.la jolla     40 1.438%
37.美国巴尔的摩霍普金斯     40 1.438%
38.西班牙阿利坎特省     40 1.438%
39.美国贝塞斯达     39 1.402%
40.美国坦佩     38 1.366%
41.英国爱丁堡     38 1.366%
42.delft     37 1.330%
43.瑞典斯德哥尔摩     37 1.330%
44.荷兰奈梅亨     37 1.330%
45.美国普林斯顿     36 1.294%
46.blackpool     35 1.259%
47.lansing     35 1.259%
48.美国安娜堡     35 1.259%
49.birmingham.uk     34 1.223%
50.美国兰辛     34 1.223%
01.Fara P     46 1.654%
02.Olry R     39 1.402%
03.Haines DE     38 1.366%
04.Finger S     36 1.294%
05.Eling P     33 1.187%
06.Jablonka E     33 1.187%
07.ROSEN G     33 1.187%
08.Smith CU     32 1.151%
09.Bird SJ     30 1.079%
10.Tauber AI     29 1.043%
11.Nutton V     28 1.007%
12.Schlich T     26 0.935%
13.TEMKIN O     26 0.935%
14.Koehler PJ     24 0.863%
15.Schiller F     24 0.863%
16.Rheinberger HJ     23 0.827%
17.Risse GB     22 0.791%
18.Spier RE     22 0.791%
19.Stahnisch FW     22 0.791%
20.Flegr J     20 0.719%
21.Forbes TR     20 0.719%
22.HOFF HE     20 0.719%
23.Löwy I     20 0.719%
24.Ghiselin MT     19 0.683%
25.Jarcho S     19 0.683%
26.Keating P     19 0.683%
27.Morange M     19 0.683%
28.Anderson W     18 0.647%
29.Fine EJ     18 0.647%
30.Hardy A     18 0.647%
31.Pickstone JV     18 0.647%
32.Rosenberg CE     18 0.647%
33.THORNDIKE L     18 0.647%
34.Wade NJ     18 0.647%
35.Cambrosio A     17 0.611%
36.Maienschein J     17 0.611%
37.Stevenson LG     17 0.611%
38.Vives-Cases C     17 0.611%
39.Allen GE     16 0.575%
40.Bell WJ     16 0.575%
41.Bowler PJ     16 0.575%
42.Brock WH     16 0.575%
43.Burnham JC     16 0.575%
44.Bynum WF     16 0.575%
45.Davis M     16 0.575%
46.García Ballester L     16 0.575%
47.Gelfand T     16 0.575%
48.Kohler RE     16 0.575%
49.STEVENSON LG     16 0.575%
50.Sarkar S     16 0.575%
01.加州大学     212 7.623%
02.剑桥大学     143 5.142%
03.哈佛大学     118 4.243%
04.华盛顿大学     100 3.596%
05.曼彻斯特大学     99 3.560%
06.芝加哥大学     99 3.560%
07.美国芝加哥大学     95 3.416%
08.印第安纳州大学     88 3.164%
09.多伦多大学     83 2.985%
10.耶鲁大学     72 2.589%
11.悉尼大学     71 2.553%
12.特拉维夫大学     71 2.553%
13.约克大学     69 2.481%
14.明尼苏达大学     62 2.229%
15.匹兹堡大学     61 2.193%
16.约翰霍普金斯大学     59 2.122%
17.牛津大学     56 2.014%
18.伦敦大学     53 1.906%
19.布鲁斯堡大学     53 1.906%
20.利兹大学     52 1.870%
21.威斯康星大学     52 1.870%
22.宾夕法尼亚大学     51 1.834%
23.麦吉尔大学     51 1.834%
24.埃克赛特大学     50 1.798%
25.美国加州大学洛杉矶分校     48 1.726%
26.伊利诺伊大学     47 1.690%
27.universit du qu bec montr al     45 1.618%
28.美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校     45 1.618%
29.伦敦大学学院     43 1.546%
30.哈佛医学院     43 1.546%
31.西班牙国家研究委员会     42 1.510%
32.universite du quebec     41 1.474%
33.亚利桑那州立大学     39 1.402%
34.密歇根大学     39 1.402%
35.德克萨斯大学     38 1.366%
36.美国密西根大学     37 1.330%
37.普林斯顿大学     36 1.294%
38.加州大学伯克利分校     35 1.259%
39.威斯康星 - 麦迪逊大学     35 1.259%
40.哥伦比亚大学     34 1.223%
41.女王大学     34 1.223%
42.斯坦福大学     34 1.223%
43.delft university of technology     33 1.187%
44.university of wisconsin - madison     33 1.187%
45.密歇根大学安娜堡分校     33 1.187%
46.爱丁堡大学     33 1.187%
47.universite du quebec a trois-rivieres     32 1.151%
48.密歇根州立大学     32 1.151%
49.波士顿大学     32 1.151%
50.希伯来大学     31 1.115%
01.history, 20th century     2781 100.000%
02.history, 19th century     2781 100.000%
03.history, 18th century     1775 63.826%
04.history, modern 1601-     1604 57.677%
05.science     1521 54.693%
06.history, 17th century     1157 41.604%
07.history, ancient     896 32.219%
08.history of medicine     847 30.457%
09.history, medieval     841 30.241%
10.history     750 26.969%
11.philosophy     745 26.789%
12.research     725 26.070%
13.historiography     724 26.034%
14.history, 16th century     724 26.034%
15.biological evolution     633 22.762%
16.biography as topic     501 18.015%
17.politics     483 17.368%
18.public health     472 16.972%
19.philosophy, medical     469 16.864%
20.history, 21st century     467 16.793%
21.history, early modern 1451-1600     465 16.721%
22.chemistry     430 15.462%
23.biology     400 14.383%
24.education, medical     392 14.096%
25.physiology     364 13.089%
26.biomedical research     336 12.082%
27.genetics     317 11.399%
28.history, 15th century     304 10.931%
29.medicine     297 10.680%
30.neurology     292 10.500%
31.biochemistry     287 10.320%
32.academies and institutes     277 9.960%
33.anatomy     276 9.924%
34.ethics, research     276 9.924%
35.psychiatry     276 9.924%
36.universities     257 9.241%
37.brain     252 9.061%
38.religion and medicine     249 8.954%
39.knowledge     247 8.882%
40.molecular biology     236 8.486%
41.engineering     235 8.450%
42.ethics, medical     231 8.306%
43.terminology as topic     230 8.270%
44.general surgery     222 7.983%
45.mental disorders     220 7.911%
46.social responsibility     218 7.839%
47.psychology     217 7.803%
48.disease outbreaks     206 7.407%
49.technology     206 7.407%
50.periodicals as topic     204 7.335%
01.dna     91 3.272%
02.pharmaceutical preparations     61 2.193%
03.proteins     42 1.510%
04.smallpox vaccine     42 1.510%
05.anti-bacterial agents     40 1.438%
06.placebos     37 1.330%
07.insulin     36 1.294%
08.penicillins     34 1.223%
09.rna     31 1.115%
10.hormones     26 0.935%
01.细菌感染与真菌病     690 24.811%
02.神经系统疾病     657 23.625%
03.细菌感染     524 18.842%
04.病毒性疾病     404 14.527%
05.肿瘤     367 13.197%
06.感染     354 12.729%
07.中枢神经系统疾病     311 11.183%
08.革兰氏阴性菌感染     298 10.716%
09.神经学显示     283 10.176%
10.先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形     277 9.960%
11.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症     263 9.457%
12.脑疾病     253 9.097%
13.营养与代谢疾病     235 8.450%
14.心血管疾病     218 7.839%
15.创伤和损伤     213 7.659%
16.rna病毒感染     210 7.551%
17.女性泌尿生殖器疾病     209 7.515%
18.革兰氏阳性菌感染     206 7.407%
19.先天性遗传性疾病     198 7.120%
20.男性泌尿生殖器疾病     190 6.832%
21.呼吸道疾病     180 6.472%
22.放线菌目感染     170 6.113%
23.寄生虫病     161 5.789%
24.血管疾病     160 5.753%
25.代谢疾病     154 5.538%
26.分枝杆菌感染     152 5.466%
27.性传播疾病     152 5.466%
28.肌骨骼疾病     146 5.250%
29.神经行为显示     139 4.998%
30.免疫系统疾病     138 4.962%
31.女性生殖器疾病     136 4.890%
32.结核     136 4.890%
33.传染病     135 4.854%
34.dna病毒感染     133 4.782%
35.天花     128 4.603%
36.鼠疫     125 4.495%
37.男(雄)性生殖器疾病     118 4.243%
38.疼痛     114 4.099%
39.皮肤与结缔组织疾病     113 4.063%
40.肠杆菌科感染     113 4.063%
41.痘病毒科感染     111 3.991%
42.内分泌系统疾病     109 3.919%
43.先天性畸形     104 3.740%
44.心脏病     103 3.704%
45.肺疾病     102 3.668%
46.原虫感染     101 3.632%
47.营养障碍     98 3.524%
48.血液和淋巴系统疾病     98 3.524%
49.动物疾病     93 3.344%
50.皮肤疾病     93 3.344%
01.精神病与精神卫生学     2025 72.816%
02.医学技术     1738 62.496%
03.生物学     1114 40.058%
04.妇产科学     880 31.643%
05.流行病与卫生统计学     758 27.256%
06.物理学     573 20.604%
07.中西医结合     539 19.382%
08.儿科学     529 19.022%
09.神经科学     501 18.015%
10.临床检验诊断学     458 16.469%
11.急诊医学     456 16.397%
12.神经病学     434 15.606%
13.传染病学     421 15.138%
14.劳动卫生与环境卫生学     416 14.959%
15.肿瘤学     409 14.707%
16.普通外科学     398 14.311%
17.心血管病学     354 12.729%
18.病原生物学     339 12.190%
19.骨外科学     311 11.183%
20.护理学     298 10.716%
21.呼吸病学     273 9.817%
22.真菌学     270 9.709%
23.免疫学     215 7.731%
24.病毒学     199 7.156%
25.少儿卫生与妇幼保健学     192 6.904%
26.内分泌学     188 6.760%
27.皮肤性病学     184 6.616%
28.营养与食品卫生学     155 5.574%
29.预防医学     155 5.574%
30.口腔医学     152 5.466%
31.眼科学     141 5.070%
32.老年医学     131 4.711%
33.医学生物化学与分子生物学     125 4.495%
34.过敏性反应     113 4.063%
35.法医学     105 3.776%
36.神经外科学     98 3.524%
37.移植     95 3.416%
38.消化病学     94 3.380%
39.康复医学     89 3.200%
40.航空、航天与航海医学     87 3.128%
41.中医学     81 2.913%
42.毒理学     73 2.625%
43.麻醉学     71 2.553%
44.生理学     70 2.517%
45.医学遗传学     69 2.481%
46.放射医学     65 2.337%
47.烧伤整形外科学     62 2.229%
48.寄生虫学     60 2.157%
49.医学组织工程学     56 2.014%
50.人体解剖与组织胚胎学     48


热词分析结果  数据来源 http://www.pubmedplus.cn/

热词 趋势图
01.state medicine     100 3.80886
02.societies, medical     146 2.31505
03.natural science disciplines     70 1.87488
04.politics     483 1.54871
05.midwifery     69 1.54091
06.research     725 1.5392
07.physician's role     61 1.27518
08.commerce     94 1.16813
09.science     1521 1.1595
10.international cooperation     153 0.926165
11.academies and institutes     277 0.896254
12.military medicine     147 0.86832
13.congresses as topic     57 0.801388
14.research support as topic     99 0.77577
15.world war i     53 0.722978
16.public opinion     110 0.702471
17.forecasting     86 0.697467
18.war     192 0.662668
19.philosophy     745 0.628655
20.internationality     111 0.601042
21.united states food and drug administration     50 0.585278
22.molecular biology     236 0.573802
23.morals     165 0.499178
24.classification     59 0.452992
25.pathology     81 0.373795
26.societies, scientific     144 0.362153
27.scientific misconduct     138 0.351603
28.professional practice     55 0.344815
29.consciousness     47 0.342166
30.physics     118 0.323033
31.national institutes of health (u.s.)     60 0.316281
32.human rights     52 0.306771
33.books     85 0.299917
34.paintings     60 0.298741
35.foundations     113 0.293717
36.animal experimentation     49 0.291859
37.authorship     86 0.286626
38.dissent and disputes     60 0.286084
39.christianity     68 0.260909
40.government agencies     57 0.256763
41.astronomy     81 0.233613
42.codes of ethics     71 0.228679
43.catholicism     66 0.218606
44.government     79 0.213267
45.textbooks as topic     75 0.210981
46.epidemiology     75 0.201258
47.bioethical issues     56 0.199574
48.chemistry     430 0.199161
49.genetics     317 0.198517
50.archives     67 0.191201
51.history of medicine     847 0.177004
52.causality     72 0.153964
53.medical illustration     111 0.152647
54.sociology     96 0.129523
55.sanitation     66 0.125476
56.world war ii     78 0.123491
57.legislation, medical     55 0.115733
58.historiography     724 0.110418
59.correspondence as topic     60 0.105399
60.anthropology, cultural     72 0.095263
61.botany     135 0.0906561
62.smallpox     111 0.0853234
63.manuscripts as topic     129 0.0836504
64.alchemy     95 0.0803044
65.manuscripts, medical     135 0.0771007
66.libraries     60 0.0739165
67.social conditions     47 0.0737578
68.eugenics     137 0.056213
69.zoology     60 0.0418252
70.natural history     182 0.0401522
71.religion and science     97 0.0307415
72.bacteriology     80 0.0301141
73.magic     62 0.0278835
74.greek world     56 0.0228137
75.history, 20th century     5074 0.0133841
76.engraving and engravings     63 0.0101394
77.history, 17th century     1157 0.0101394
78.history, 16th century     724 0.0101394
79.history, 18th century     1775 0.00993766
80.history, 21st century     467 0.00993766
81.history, modern 1601-     1604 0.00993766
82.history, early modern 1451-1600     465 0.00993766
83.history, 15th century     304 0.00993766
84.neoplasms     156 11.6751
85.brain     252 7.32334
86.mutation     67 5.47393
87.neurons     52 4.66015
88.phylogeny     66 4.44478
89.aging     52 4.38881
90.biomedical research     336 3.72683
91.models, biological     144 3.35436
92.delivery of health care     104 3.31946
93.clinical competence     47 2.8859
94.bacteria     48 2.87141
95.diet     54 2.59657
96.mental disorders     220 2.58608
97.attitude of health personnel     91 2.43701
98.cognition     76 2.41463
99.decision making     120 2.39878
100.models, theoretical     127 2.35091
101.dna     91 2.34491
102.health knowledge, attitudes, practice     61 2.31379
103.ecosystem     56 2.29075
104.risk assessment     99 2.14809
105.periodicals as topic     204 2.10716
106.internet     61 2.07534
107.public health     472 1.9796
108.disease outbreaks     206 1.79676
109.research design     173 1.78627
110.health policy     132 1.71339
111.physician-patient relations     172 1.50636
112.cooperative behavior     66 1.48582
113.biological evolution     633 1.46904
114.epilepsy     54 1.43594
115.conservation of natural resources     66 1.41785
116.vaccination     76 1.3747
117.education, medical     392 1.33868
118.plants     83 1.30382
119.agriculture     134 1.255
120.general surgery     222 1.23535
121.clinical trials as topic     99 1.21933
122.communication     84 1.17261
123.nervous system diseases     53 1.13705
124.interpersonal relations     52 1.12391
125.hospitals     179 1.12036
126.adaptation, physiological     48 1.11326
127.tuberculosis     67 1.10963
128.emotions     73 1.10946
129.drug industry     127 1.10443
130.sexual behavior     56 1.08893
131.attitude to health     99 1.03613
132.pharmaceutical preparations     61 1.02356
133.behavior, animal     54 1.00839
134.publishing     158 0.965728
135.veterinary medicine     51 0.957178
136.memory     47 0.932016
137.information dissemination     70 0.909752
138.malaria     68 0.84162
139.interprofessional relations     91 0.825449
140.environment     82 0.823038
141.terminology as topic     230 0.820926
142.developing countries     50 0.816222
143.evidence-based medicine     84 0.803359
144.cardiology     75 0.801761
145.teaching     122 0.781225
146.informed consent     93 0.751959
147.social behavior     60 0.739335
148.poverty     51 0.707607
149.women's health     62 0.701912
150.reproduction     101 0.694608
151.genetics, population     56 0.66372
152.neurology     292 0.653141
153.data collection     57 0.631693
154.interdisciplinary communication     60 0.622106
155.mortality     81 0.621567
156.models, genetic     53 0.617486
157.curriculum     154 0.60368
158.genetic engineering     60 0.59538
159.diffusion of innovation     48 0.587714
160.biotechnology     76 0.564616
161.guidelines as topic     80 0.553442
162.communicable disease control     62 0.540331
163.ophthalmology     50 0.530347
164.schools, medical     187 0.530271
165.government regulation     129 0.511968
166.professional competence     47 0.509557
167.universities     257 0.506535
168.communicable diseases     66 0.501566
169.laboratories     122 0.488256
170.industry     87 0.452009
171.attitude     92 0.448576
172.editorial policies     52 0.440631
173.pregnancy     195 0.438465
174.social class     74 0.422833
175.plants, medicinal     63 0.413698
176.language     84 0.411311
177.selection, genetic     132 0.40775
178.microscopy     61 0.407193
179.statistics as topic     136 0.401421
180.disclosure     57 0.399859
181.perception     47 0.391128
182.dogs     50 0.344177
183.obstetrics     74 0.344036
184.travel     65 0.337109
185.professional role     47 0.333511
186.social values     168 0.329962
187.neurosciences     178 0.324045
188.psychiatry     276 0.319008
189.cattle     60 0.316494
190.behavior     74 0.308965
191.culture     186 0.30639
192.personal autonomy     75 0.287675
193.sex factors     51 0.285172
194.public policy     138 0.282266
195.food supply     63 0.281451
196.genetic diseases, inborn     55 0.277873
197.child welfare     48 0.273733
198.medicine     297 0.269983
199.writing     81 0.269593
200.photography     47 0.268541
201.cultural characteristics     49 0.263239
202.prejudice     122 0.237958
203.anatomy     276 0.235916
204.emigration and immigration     61 0.23429
205.technology     206 0.229884
206.syphilis     60 0.229441
207.ethics, medical     231 0.22175
208.mathematics     100 0.220266
209.neurosurgery     48 0.216063
210.allergy and immunology     79 0.213161
211.religion and medicine     249 0.21201
212.health     54 0.206651
213.social justice     66 0.205757
214.moral obligations     71 0.201406
215.disease     127 0.197071
216.gender identity     50 0.1934
217.publications     48 0.192811
218.nervous system     65 0.189909
219.conflict of interest     92 0.185958
220.patents as topic     69 0.17886
221.federal government     52 0.17057
222.ecology     121 0.163126
223.physiology     364 0.162051
224.medicine in art     142 0.159188
225.equipment and supplies     77 0.157287
226.biology     400 0.15431
227.knowledge     247 0.145287
228.social responsibility     218 0.143762
229.social change     110 0.142147
230.religion     81 0.141896
231.medicine in literature     162 0.131994
232.biochemistry     287 0.129558
233.education     63 0.126432
234.socioeconomic factors     94 0.120345
235.hygiene     58 0.114981
236.cell biology     48 0.114211
237.social welfare     53 0.11078
238.literature, modern     106 0.103726
239.art     114 0.102543
240.cholera     61 0.100871
241.public health administration     50 0.100871
242.medicine, traditional     80 0.10038
243.engineering     235 0.0975921
244.risk     63 0.0954311
245.hospitals, psychiatric     105 0.095263
246.demography     95 0.0942461
247.pharmacology     74 0.093431
248.microbiology     81 0.0916989
249.societies     138 0.08613
250.genetics, medical     71 0.0853678
251.human experimentation     117 0.0809367
252.social control, formal     59 0.0796461
253.diagnosis     59 0.0784222
254.national socialism     72 0.0780901
255.philosophy, medical     469 0.0737517
256.ethics, research     276 0.0725013
257.literature     101 0.0707027
258.anthropology     62 0.0691984
259.bioethics     113 0.0640726
260.genes     51 0.0625333
261.geography     54 0.0609105
262.jurisprudence     77 0.0604374
263.psychology     217 0.0598143
264.poetry as topic     63 0.0568822
265.tropical medicine     51 0.0547357
266.rural health     47 0.0490991
267.plague     84 0.0470615
268.neurophysiology     128 0.0467225
269.social sciences     64 0.0443058
270.psychoanalysis     85 0.039045
271.economics     80 0.0376753
272.biological science disciplines     81 0.0376753
273.blood circulation     57 0.0362624
274.ethics     187 0.0352556
275.pharmacy     97 0.0314154
276.expeditions     75 0.0301141
277.anatomy, artistic     49 0.0272732
278.neuroanatomy     82 0.0233578
279.nobel prize     63 0.0204389
280.therapeutics     78 0.0188951
281.colonialism     139 0.0180685
282.psychophysiology     65 0.0169608
283.bibliography as topic     92 0.0167301
284.logic     50 0.0164136
285.museums     97 0.0159428
286.empirical research     63 0.0153708
287.political systems     69 0.0146008
288.ethics, professional     181 0.0125476
289.time factors     53 0.0122966
290.libraries, medical     53 0.00958858
291.risk factors     53 0.00694942
292.biography as topic     501 0.00669203
293.embryology     127 0.00486693
294.sociology, medical     57 0.00458882
295.history, 19th century     4176 0.00334601
296.history, ancient     896 0.00327943
297.ethical theory     71 0.00258121
298.history, medieval     841 0.00250951
299.history     750 0.00200761
300.metaphysics     55 0.00089439


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