
欧阳黎 2016-4-14 05:34
半个月前,我所住地方的一个负责人告诫我说,报纸媒体需要Advertisement生存,所以当地报纸不大可能报道我的情况。而且,一旦报纸报道了我的情况,那么会让一些人embarrassed。要是出现这样的情况,所住地也会非常为难,不得已要take side。。 刚刚无意看到文学城广告,不知道文学城三令五申严禁讨论我的案情是否和此 ...
3102 次阅读|没有评论
美国总统候选人Ted Cruz 和 John Kasich的回信
欧阳黎 2016-4-14 04:45
Li Ouyang sent a letter on April 1, 2016 (Note: The date is a coincidence) to the current five presidential candidates to request their suggestion on or help with her situation. Given that it is a blind test (during which process none of the candidates have ever known that Li sent the same letter t ...
2469 次阅读|没有评论
Facebook Post: Li Ouyang 和 Peter Liang 案件比较
欧阳黎 2016-4-14 04:38
What can you conclude from the difference in public media's attitude towards Peter Liang's case and Li Ouyang's case? The comparison between the two cases might be more convincing: 1. Facts: Li Ouyang vs. Peter Liang Li Ouyang A). Domestic violence and abuse made her hospit ...
2595 次阅读|没有评论
欧阳黎 2016-4-14 04:32
My being dismissed from my doctoral program study at University of Missouri and being arrested at Ohio University due to hard work on academic paper in the area I got permission to use is a case of blatant discrimination in terms of sex, race, and disability. Sex Discrimination Regarding se ...
1708 次阅读|没有评论
Facebook Page今天恢复正常,希望不要再出现问题
热度 1 欧阳黎 2016-4-14 04:23
这些天来,当地报纸以及文学城由于种种压力都有意避开我的案子。从4月10日早上起,Facebook Page也一直出现问题。不过在几个小时前已经接到通知,开始恢复正常了。 有人在这里留言说国内登陆不了facebook,所以特意将几天前的页面截图贴在这里:
2256 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
应大家要求,解释一下:Trespassing 刑事诉讼情况,谢谢关心
热度 2 欧阳黎 2016-3-7 02:17
With regard to the charge of my using the ARC without permission, I represented myself on the jury trial of September 29, 2015, with a public defender as my advisor. I do not think that I am guilty for the following reasons: 1.ARC provides publicly open space for study purpose. As I have been ...
2632 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
热度 7 欧阳黎 2016-2-28 01:47
前言 如果不是出于无奈,也不会在此发帖求助。一直感觉家丑不可外扬,所以在过去的 两三年里再苦再难也只是和远在大洋彼岸的母亲讲讲自己的情况。当身为医生和教授的未婚夫和他的情人们(其中包括四名护士白女)对我的家暴和伤害愈发严重, 不仅影响到physical health和mental health,甚至在搬离其住所后还不胜其扰,甚 ...
16993 次阅读|13 个评论 热度 7

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