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在小号上如何实现双吐(How to Double Tongue on Trumpet)

已有 5763 次阅读 2016-4-25 00:46 |个人分类:音乐科普|系统分类:科普集锦


问题与解答(Questions and Answers) 海瑞两千 译


原文:Double tonguing is a fairly advanced technique utilized by brass players as a replacement for 'single tonguing', which becomes fairly difficult as the tempo of an articulated phrase increases.

 步骤StepsImage titled Double Tongue on Trumpet Step 11你需要知道“ticket”这个单词如何发音。说出这个单词,要特别留意:当你发音时,你的舌头是如何动作的。

  ●几个“ticket”的替换词:"Tukka", "Tugga", "Dugga".

1、You will need to know how to pronounce the word 'ticket'. Say the word and concentrate on what your tongue is doing while you speak.
  • A few alternatives to "ticket": "Tukka", "Tugga", "Dugga".

Image titled Double Tongue on Trumpet Step 22来一次深呼吸,并且尽可能快地呼气,这么做的同时说出ticket这个单词。注意:当你发出每一个音节时,你的气息中的紧张度是怎样的状态。现在你所须做的一切就是:不要过分夸张地进入各个音节,而是要在你整个呼气的过程,保持气流的平滑流畅。对此做反复的练习,直到它是平滑且舒适的。
2、Take a full breath, and exhale as fast as you can, saying the word as you do so. Notice how there is tension in your air stream when you reach each syllable. Now all you have to do is put less exaggeration into the syllables so the air stream stays smooth throughout your exhalation. Practice this until it's smooth and comfortable.


Image titled Double Tongue on Trumpet Step 33、用号嘴练习。练习单吐,然后只用“回弹”起音(ka's, ga's,等等)
3、Practice with your mouthpiece. Practice single tonguing, then using the 'rebound' attack only (ka's, ga's, etc.)


Image titled Double Tongue on Trumpet Step 44在你的号上试一试!慢慢地起,要获得进一步的帮助,参阅下面的小窍门。4、Try it on your horn! Take it slowly, and read the tips below for further help. 小窍门(TIPS)●在进行双吐时,记得说 da-ga, ta-ka, tu-ku 等等;

●如果你“回弹”舌头起音(如果你用ta-ka,从ka起;如果你用da-ga,从ga起,诸如此类)发虚的话,就直接用ka练习;直接用ka或 ga来演奏一个音阶,不要带ta 或da。这会有助于你建立起结实的回弹起音。


●让你的舌头控制你的气息流动。只要你的舌头一直都在做这份工作,你就会明白了。你的舌头是会疲劳的,因为它在不断地以急剧、细小的爆发力释放空气。你的声音会弱下来,而且不悦耳。只要你让你的舌头“控制”气息流动,双吐是比较容易的,而且经过练习会变得更自然。用du-gu 或 tu-ku将有助于你增强气息流动。


  • Remember to say da-ga, ta-ka, tu-ku, etc. when you are double tonguing.

  • If your 'rebound' tongue attack (the ka if you use ta-ka; ga if you use da-ga, etc.) is weak, practice using just ka's. Play a scale using just ka's or ga's, with no ta's or da's. This will help you build up your rebound attack strength.

  • Practice slowly at first!

  • Let your tongue ride your air stream. If your tongue is doing all the work, you'll know. Your tongue will be tired, because it will be releasing air out in sharp, small bursts. Your sound will be weak and not pleasant. If you just let your tongue 'ride' the air stream, double tonguing will be easier and will come more naturally after practice. Using du-gu or tu-ku will help with keeping yourself from having a weak air stream.

  • Try to make your rebound tongue attack sound the same as your initial attack.

 警告(Warnings)开始时一定要慢慢来。如果你一上来就是每分钟200下,那你学到的技术就一定是稀松二五眼的;而戒除坏习惯再学习正确的技巧将会是很困难的。Take it slowly at first. If you jump right to 200 beats per minute, you'll teach yourself improper and sloppy technique and it will be difficult to break your bad habit and learn the technique properly.


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