
诸平 2024-4-14 20:59
困扰了科学家将近一个世纪的数学难题,两位数学家终于解决了 诸平 Fig. 1 Jacques Verstraete and Sam Mattheus, researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have made a significant breakthrough in Ramsey theory by solving the r(4,t) problem, a challenge that has eluded mathemati ...
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诸平 2024-4-10 20:29
揭示早发性癌症背后的快速衰老之谜 诸平 Accelerated aging in younger populations has been associated with a higher incidence of early-onset cancers, particularly lung, gastrointestinal, and uterine cancers, pointing towards the importance of modifiable factors in cancer risk. Credit: Sci ...
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诸平 2024-4-9 21:25
用于新反应发现和优化的尖端钌催化剂 诸平 a , Selection of ruthenium(II) precatalysts typically used for application, discovery and synthetic method development within C–H functionalization chemistry. Broadly available air-stable precatalysts such as 1 and 2 &nb ...
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诸平 2024-4-7 18:46
化学反应可以扰乱量子信息,也可以扰乱黑洞 诸平 Fig. 1 Rice University theorist Peter Wolynes and collaborators at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have shown that molecules can be as formidable at scrambling quantum information as black holes. (Image courtesy of Martin Grueb ...
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热度 1 诸平 2024-4-5 20:37
科学家发现罕见的基因变异会使肥胖的风险增加 6 倍 诸平 Woman with obesity washing food Credit: World Obesity Federation 据英国剑桥大学( University of Cambridge )网站 2024 年 4 月 4 日报道,英国、墨西哥、巴基斯坦( Pakistan )及美国的研究人员合作,发现会使 ...
个人分类: 新观察|3851 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 诸平 2024-4-1 21:01
科学的最新奇迹:电子材料在撞击中变得更坚固 诸平 Fig. 1 Researchers have developed a soft, flexible material with adaptive durability that strengthens upon impact, suitable for wearable technology and medical sensors. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Fig. 2 This flexible and conduc ...
个人分类: 新观察|3855 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-3-31 20:16
研究人员首次在量子材料中发现了类引力子粒子的实验证据 诸平 Light probing a chiral graviton mode in a fractional quantum Hall effect liquid. Credit: Lingjie Du, Nanjing University Have we spotted hints of gravitons? zf L/Getty Images 据美国哥伦比亚大学( Columbia Univ ...
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诸平 2024-3-30 19:16
克里米亚 - 刚果热 : 发现感染的分子机制 诸平 Most common carrier of Crimean-Congo fever: Hyalomma tick 据奥地利维也纳医科大学( Medical University of Vienna 简称 MedUni Vienna )网站 2024 年 3 月 29 日报道,该校研究人员参与的一个国际性研究团队发现了克里米亚 - 刚果热( Crimean ...
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热度 1 诸平 2024-3-28 20:33
新型拓扑超材料可成倍放大声波 诸平 Artist impression of the bosonic Kitaev chain: multiple mechanical string resonators are linked to form a chain using light. Mechanical vibrations (sound waves) are transported and amplified along the chain. Credit: Ella Maru Studio 据荷兰首都阿姆 ...
个人分类: 新观察|5351 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-3-27 20:49
拓扑绝缘体中的奇偶校验异常 诸平 The figure shows a schematic of the device used in the experiment. The re-entrant quantum Hall effect, where the electrical resistance goes back and forth when the magnetic field is increased, is a signature of the parity anomaly.(Image: Li-Xian Wang ...
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