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已有 2451 次阅读 2021-6-26 21:33 |个人分类:数学研究|系统分类:论文交流




Chou, P. Y. A new derivation of the Lorentz   transformation. Ann. of Math. (2) 29 (1927/28),   no. 1-4, 433--439. MR1502852

Chou, P. Y. A Theorem on Algebraic Quadratic Forms and Its   Application in the General Theory of Relativity. Amer. Math. Monthly 35 (1928),   no. 1, 21--24. MR1521342 

Chou, P. Y. The Gravitational Field of a Body with Rotational   Symmetry in Einstein's Theory of Gravitation. Amer. J. Math. 53 (1931),   no. 2, 289--308. MR1506818 

Chou, P. Y. Isotropic Statis Solutions of the Field Equations   in Einstein's Theory of Gravitation. Amer. J. Math. 59 (1937),   no. 4, 754--763. MR1507277 

Chou,   P. Y. On   an extension of Reynolds' method of finding apparent stress and the nature of   turbulence. Chinese J. Phys. 4 (1940), 1--33. MR0006297 

Chou,   P. Y. On   the method of finding isotropic static solutions of Einstein's field   equations of gravitation. Amer. J. Math. 62 (1940),   43--48. MR0000752 

Chou,   P. Y. Pressure   flow of a turbulent fluid between two infinite parallel planes. Quart.   Appl. Math. 3 (1945), 198--209. MR0014896 

Chou,   P. Y. On   velocity correlations and the solutions of the equations of turbulent   fluctuation. Quart. Appl. Math. 3 (1945), 38--54. MR0011999 

Chou,   P. Y. The   laminar mixing motion of two incompressible gases. Chinese J. Phys. 7   (1947), 96--101. MR0024281 

Chou,   P. Y. The   turbulent flow along a semi-infinite plate. Quart. Appl. Math. 5   (1947), 346--353. MR0021817 

Chou, P. Y. On velocity correlations and the equations of   turbulent vorticity fluctuation. Sci. Rep. Nat. Tsing Hua Univ. Ser.   A 5 (1948), 52--70. MR0027671

Wang, Chi-TehChou, Pei-Chi. Application of   Biezeno-Koch method to compressible fluid flow problems. J.   Aeronaut. Sci. 17 (1950), 599--600. MR0037686 

Chou, Pei Chi. Variational and Galerkin's methods in compressible   fluid flow problems. J. Appl. Phys. 25 (1954), 1551. MR0065344 

Chou,   Ye Tsang.   THE EFFECT OF TURBULENCE ON SLIDER-BEARING LUBRICATION. Thesis   (Ph.D.)–Carnegie Mellon University. ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, 1958.   (no paging). MR2938943

Chou,   Hsin-ti.   Concerning the properties of bounded regular function in the neighborhood of   the boundary. (Chinese) Acta Math. Sinica 8 (1958),   396--407. MR0108591 

Chou,   Pei-yuan.   Similarity structure of vorticity fluctuation and the theory of   turbulence. Sci. Sinica 8 (1959), 1095--1119. MR0115485 

Chou,   Hsin-ti.   On the uniqueness theorem of analytic functions and its applications.   (Chinese) Acta Math. Sinica 9 (1959), 114--120. MR0106988 

Chou   Kuang-chaoZastavenko,   L. G. The Shapiro integral transformation. Soviet   Physics. JETP 35 (8) 1959 990--995   (1417--1425 Ž. Eksper. Teoret. Fiz.). MR0106703 

Zastavenko, L. G.Čžou, Guan-Čžao.   Integral transformations for the I. S. Šapiro type for particles. Ž.   èksper. Teoret. Fiz. 38 134--139 (Russian.   English summary); translated as Soviet Physics. JETP 11 1960   97--100. MR0121094 

Chou,   Yu-lin.   Boundary problems for nonlinear parabolic equations on regions with   curvilinear boundary. Acta Math. Sinica 11 204--221   (Chinese); translated as Chinese Math. – Acta 1961   229--247. MR0171082 

Chou,   Yu-lin.   Nonlinear partial differential equations. Chinese Math. 2   (1961), 204--216. MR0155113 

Lapidus,   L. I.Čžou,   Guan-Čžao. Low-energy limit of the $\gamma   N$-scattering amplitude and crossing symmetry. Ž. éksper.   Teoret. Fiz. 41 491--494 (Russian. English   summary); translated as Soviet Physics JETP 14 1962   352--354. MR0139396 

Chou,   Y. T.Eshelby,   J. D. The energy and line tension of a dislocation in a   hexagonal crystal. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 10 (1962),   27--34. MR0136154 

Chou,   Tsung Lien.   Analogy of magnetohydrodynamic and plastic flows. 1963 Fundamental   Topics in Relativistic Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics (Proc.   Sympos., Michigan State Univ., 1962) pp. 225--238 Academic   Press, New York MR0170592 

Chou,   Y. T. Planar   stress field of a dislocation in an anisotropic plate. J. Appl.   Phys. 34 (1963), 3608--3614. MR0160371

Chou   Lien-ti.   Function theory for a system of first-order elliptic partial differential   equations. (Chinese) Shuxue Jinzhan 7 (1964),   305--312. MR0241667 

Chow,   Sho-Kwan.   Cohomology operations and homotopy type. I, II. Sci. Sinica 13   (1964), 1019--1031; ibid. {\bf 13} (1964), 1033--1043. MR0173260 

Chow,   Sho-Kwan.   A note on my paper "Steenrod operation and homotopy groups''. Sci.   Sinica 13 (1964), 837--839. MR0173259


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