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已有 4869 次阅读 2020-3-6 17:56 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯| 太阳能电池, 转化效率, 串联电池





Fig. 1 Left to right: Postdoctoral fellows Erkan Aydin (KAUST), Yi Hou (University of Toronto) and Michele De Bastiani (KAUST) are part of an international team that has designed a new type of tandem solar cell. The device combines industry standard silicon manuf 

据加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto)202035日提供的消息,多伦多工程大学(University of Toronto Engineering)和阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(King Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyKAUST)的研究人员克服了将钙钛矿(perovskites)新兴的太阳能收集技术与商业金标准硅太阳能电池相结合的主要障碍。结果得到高效、稳定的串联太阳能电池,这是迄今为止报道的性能最好的串联太阳能电池之一。图1KAUST提供的照片,从左到右:博士后研究员埃尔坎·艾丁(Erkan AydinKAUST),多伦多大学侯毅(Yi Hou音译,University of Toronto)和米歇尔·德巴斯蒂尼(Michele De Bastiani, KAUST)是设计新型串联太阳能电池的国际团队的部分成员。该设备将行业标准的硅制造太阳能电池与新的钙钛矿技术(perovskite technology)结合在一起。相关研究结果于202036日已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——Jixian Xu, Caleb C. Boyd, Zhengshan J. Yu, Axel F. Palmstrom, Daniel J. Witter, Bryon W. Larson, Ryan M. France, Jérémie Werner, Steven P. Harvey, Eli J. Wolf, William Weigand, Salman Manzoor, Maikel F. A. M. van Hest, Joseph J. Berry, Joseph M. Luther, Zachary C. Holman, Michael D. McGehee. Triple-halide wide–band gap perovskites with suppressed phase segregation for efficient tandems. Science,  06 Mar 2020: Vol. 367, Issue 6482, pp. 1097-1104. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz5074

参与此研究的除了中国科学技术大学材料科学与工程系,中科院能量转化材料重点实验室(CAS Key Laboratory of Materials for Energy Conversion, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China)的研究人员之外,还有来自美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)、美国国家可再生能源实验室(National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden)、美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)以及美国亚丽桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的研究人员。作者署名中未见加拿大的研究人员。

在《科学》杂志上发表的一篇新论文的资深作者泰德·萨金特(Ted Sargent)教授说今天,太阳能电池比以往任何时候都更高效,更便宜。但是,单靠硅的效率是有限的。我们致力于使用串联(两层)方法来克服这些限制。


新论文的主要作者,博士后研究员侯毅说:在有纹理的硅上添加一层钙钛矿晶体来制造串联太阳能电池是提高其性能的好方法。” “但是当前的行业标准是基于晶圆(结晶硅薄板)而设计的,这种晶圆并未考虑到这种方法。

尽管它们看上去很光滑,但用于太阳能电池的标准硅晶片具有约2 μm高的微小锥体结构。不平整的表面使从硅表面反射的光量最小化,并提高了整体效率,但也使得难以在其上涂覆均匀的钙钛矿层。

侯毅说:以前的大多数串联电池都是通过先抛光硅表面使其光滑然后再添加钙钛矿层而制成的。” “这行得通,但要额外付费。

侯毅和团队的其他成员,包括泰德·萨金特和KAUST教授斯特凡··沃尔夫Stefaan De Wolf),采取了不同的方法。他们增加了钙钛矿层的厚度,使其高到足以覆盖由金字塔结构产生的峰和谷。


该团队通过将钙钛矿晶体涂覆在由1-丁烷硫醇(1-butanethiol,一种常见的工业化学品)制成的钝化层(passivation layer中,进一步增强了电荷分离。

经过德国弗劳恩霍夫太阳能研究所(Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy in Freiburg, Germany)的独立外部实验室检验,串联太阳能电池的效率达到了25.7%。这是有史以来针对此类设计的最高效率之一。它们也很稳定,可以承受高达85的温度超过400小时,而不会显著降低性能。

侯毅说:事实上,我们可以在不修改硅片的情况下完成所有这些工作,这是一个即插即用的解决方案。” “行业可以应用此方法,而不必对其现有流程进行昂贵的更改。


侯毅说:我们为这项合作取得的创纪录业绩感到非常自豪,但这仅仅是个开始。” “通过克服串联太阳能电池的关键限制,我们为更大的收益奠定了基础。

斯特凡··沃尔夫说:我们的方法为硅光伏产业打开了一扇大门,可以充分利用钙钛矿技术迄今取得的巨大进步。” “这可以以较低的成本将性能更高的光伏面板推向市场。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。石墨烯,钙钛矿和硅-高效太阳能电池的理想串联Graphene, perovskites, and silicon—an ideal tandem for efficient solar cells)等。

Tuning band gaps with three halides

Tandem solar cells can boost solar cell efficiency by using two active layers to absorb the solar spectrum more completely, provided that the two cells are current-matched. Inorganic-organic perovskites tuned to the appropriate wide band gap (~1.7 electron volts) as top cells that contained iodine and bromine or bromine and chlorine have short carrier diffusion lengths and undergo photo-induced phase segregation. Xu et al. now report a method for incorporating chloride that allows for fabrication of stable triple-halide perovskites with a band gap of 1.67 electron volts. Two-terminal tandem silicon solar cells made with this material had a power conversion efficiency of 27%.

Science, this issue p. 1097


Wide–band gap metal halide perovskites are promising semiconductors to pair with silicon in tandem solar cells to pursue the goal of achieving power conversion efficiency (PCE) greater than 30% at low cost. However, wide–band gap perovskite solar cells have been fundamentally limited by photoinduced phase segregation and low open-circuit voltage. We report efficient 1.67–electron volt wide–band gap perovskite top cells using triple-halide alloys (chlorine, bromine, iodine) to tailor the band gap and stabilize the semiconductor under illumination. We show a factor of 2 increase in photocarrier lifetime and charge-carrier mobility that resulted from enhancing the solubility of chlorine by replacing some of the iodine with bromine to shrink the lattice parameter. We observed a suppression of light-induced phase segregation in films even at 100-sun illumination intensity and less than 4% degradation in semitransparent top cells after 1000 hours of maximum power point (MPP) operation at 60 ℃. By integrating these top cells with silicon bottom cells, we achieved a PCE of 27% in two-terminal monolithic tandems with an area of 1 square centimeter.


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