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关于基础研究的英语名言(2) 精选

已有 8395 次阅读 2021-6-2 07:21 |个人分类:译海扁舟|系统分类:观点评述


武夷山 辑译




    Basic research at universities comes in two varieties: research that requires big bucks and research that requires small bucks. Big bucks research is much like government research and in fact usually is government research but done for the government under contract. Like other government research, big bucks academic research is done to understand the nature and structure of the universe or to understand life, which really means that it is either for blowing up the world or extending life, whichever comes first. Again, that's the government's motivation. The universities' motivation for conducting big bucks research is to bring money in to support professors and graduate students and to wax the floors of ivy-covered buildings. While we think they are busy teaching and learning, these folks are mainly doing big bucks basic research for a living, all the while priding themselves on their terrific summer vacations and lack of a dress code.
    Smalls bucks research is the sort of thing that requires paper and pencil, and maybe a blackboard, and is aimed primarily at increasing knowledge in areas of study that don't usually attract big bucks - that is, areas that don't extend life or end it, or both. History, political science, and romance languages are typically small bucks areas of basic research. The real purpose of small bucks research to the universities is to provide a means of deciding, by the quality of their small bucks research, which professors in these areas should get tenure.


— Robert X. Cringely,引自Accidental Empires(1992)。Robert X. Cringely系1987-95期间InfoWorld(信息世界)杂志Notes From the Field(现场报道)栏目的作者的笔名,涉及的真实作者不止一人





Basic research is not the same as development. A crash program for the latter may be successful; but for the former it is like trying to make nine women pregnant at once in the hope of getting a baby in a month’s time.

— Sir Richard Doll(1912-2005,英国著名医生,在吸烟有害健康的科研上做出过重大贡献),引自New Scientist, November 18, 1976




Basic research may seem very expensive. I am a well-paid scientist. My hourly wage is equal to that of a plumber, but sometimes my research remains barren of results for weeks, months or years and my conscience begins to bother me for wasting the taxpayer’s money. But in reviewing my life’s work, I have to think that the expense was not wasted.
Basic research, to which we owe everything, is relatively very cheap when compared with other outlays of modern society. The other day I made a rough calculation which led me to the conclusion that if one were to add up all the money ever spent by man on basic research, one would find it to be just about equal to the money spent by the Pentagon this past year.


— Albert Szent-Gyorgyi,引自The Crazy Ape (1971)。阿尔伯特·舍恩特-热尔盖,匈牙利生物化学家,1937年生理学或医学诺贝尔奖得主







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