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泡利的科学传记No Time to be Brief

已有 108193 次阅读 2020-4-17 11:43 |个人分类:回忆点滴|系统分类:生活其它


前几天,曹则贤老师提到了物理学家泡利的传记 No Time to be Brief: A scientific biography of Wolfgang Pauli(牛津大学出版社,2002年出版)。我没有看过这本书,从网上找到的几个书评里了解到,作者 Charles P. Enz是泡利的最后一个学术助手,而这本书的体例很像派斯(A. Pais)写的爱因斯坦的科学传记 Subtle is the Lord

泡利的趣闻很多,他喜欢写信,喜欢批评。但是从书评里看不出来书名No Time to be Brief的具体含义。我们经常说,时间不够了,所以要长话短说,但这里的意思好像是相反的:时间不够了,所以不能简单地说了,只能长篇大论。也许因为保持简洁要比繁冗困难得多。也许就像爱因斯坦说的那句话:一切都应该简约而不简单。Everything should be as simple as possible, but not too simple!

勉强翻译一下No Time to be Brief。我不是蜻蜓,或者,不做走马观花人。都不是很好,因为意境不太对。等以后有机会看了这本书,再说吧。


No Time to be Brief


作者Enz, Charles P.
出版社: Oxford Univ Pr
出版年: 2002-11
页数: 584
定价: $ 111.87
装帧: HRD
ISBN: 9780198564799


内容简介  · · · · · ·

This book retraces the life of the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, analyses his scientific work, and describes the evolution of his thinking. Pauli spent 30 years as a professor at the Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich, which occupies a central place in this biography. It would be incomplete, however, without a rendering of Pauli's sarcastic wit and, most importantly, of the world of his dreams. It is through the latter that quite a different aspect of Pauli's life comes in, namely his association with the psychology of C.G. Jung and his school.


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