
Frontiers of Physics 2013年第6期
董洪光 2013-11-22 08:45
Cover High-energy astrophysics is one of the most active branches in the contemporary astrophysics. It studies astrophysical objects that emit X-ray and γ-ray photons, such as accreting super-massive and stellar-size black holes, and various species of neutron stars. With the operations ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|3103 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 2013年第5期
董洪光 2013-9-27 11:09
Cover: The current issue is dedicated to celebrating Centennial Physics at Peking University. The cover picture in the background shows t he Western Gate of PekingUniversity, and four small images are taken from four papers in the current issuerespectively. For more detailed informa ...
3455 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 2013年第4期
热度 1 董洪光 2013-8-5 12:16
Cover: China Jinping underground Laboratory (CJPL) is thedeepest underground laboratory in the world. It is located in the centralportion of one of the transport tunnels of a giant hydrodynamic engineeringproject at the huge Jinping Mountain area of Sichuan Province, southwest ofChina. ...
4334 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 董洪光 2013-6-20 11:13
我刊最新引证指标出炉如下,影响因子较往年(0.9)稍有提升。由于期刊曾由Frontiers of Physics in China(Web of Science中简称Front. Phys. China)更名为Frontiers of Physics(简称Front. Phys.-Beijing),故今年有俩数据。 Abbreviated Journal Title (linked to journal information) I ...
5653 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
Frontiers of Physics 2013年第3期
董洪光 2013-6-7 12:15
Cover: Dark solitons are localized defects in defocusing systems, and manifest themselves in repulsive Bose–Einstein condensate as a notch in the condensate density and a phase jump across the center. Ring dark solitons are candidates for observing long-time behaviors of 2D dark solitons, an ...
3239 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics launches on​line peer-review system
董洪光 2013-4-1 12:33
“Frontiers of Physics” launches online peer review system Online peer review system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fop Our journal “Frontiers of Physics”, recently adopted ScholarOne Manuscripts to manage its submissions and peer reviewprocess. The com ...
3340 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 2013年第2期
董洪光 2013-3-29 10:44
Cover: Simulation of turbulent thermonuclear combustion in a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf (density shown in blue): The subsonic deflagration flame (temperature shown in red/yellow/white) was initiated at the center of the star in a large number of ignition sparks. Due to buoyancy i ...
3231 次阅读|没有评论
热度 3 董洪光 2013-3-22 21:34
3107 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 3
Frontiers of Physics 2013年第1期
董洪光 2013-3-8 10:50
Frontiers of Physics 2013年第1期
Cover: The electric transport properties of low-dimensional systems have attracted tremendous interests due to their applications in microelectronics and novel nanodevices. Ultra-thin metal films on semiconductor substrates have been a playground for the study of electronic transp ...
3391 次阅读|没有评论
Happy New Year
董洪光 2012-12-29 10:28
Happy New Year
2634 次阅读|没有评论

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