
刘杨 2021-2-2 10:24
始于中川,终于中川。 “我接受命运,但我怀疑生活,我不想活成别人,我只想在离世时,成为了全世界唯一的自己。”在“活着”的世界里,充满了生活的苦难和幸福、无聊和平庸,更多的是忍受,“活着”就要忍受生活的酸甜苦辣、悲欢离合。这便是现实,让人无法直视和忍受 ...
个人分类: 所思|2060 次阅读|没有评论
Excellent Sheep
刘杨 2019-6-4 22:16
What Is College For? Of course money matters: jobs matter, financial security matters, national prosperity matters. The question is, are they the only things that matter? Life is more than a job; jobs are more than a paycheck; and a country is more than its wealth. Education is more than the ac ...
个人分类: 大学生活|2918 次阅读|没有评论
刘杨 2019-6-2 09:06
几 乎每年都会爬泰山,前几次都是和一些朋友或者旅游去。和朋友去的是时候,都是为了看日出或者陪朋友第一次爬泰山,很多人下山之后的第一句话是“这应该是第一次也是最后一次爬泰山了”。 最近爬泰山几乎都是陪学校客人去的,有一位是退伍军人,我们前一天约好早上八点半出发,我 ...
个人分类: 大学生活|3184 次阅读|没有评论
Excellent Sheep
刘杨 2019-5-29 22:12
The students A recent article in Harvard Magazine described students passing their suitemates like ships in the night as they raced from one activity to another. Kids know how to network and are often good at “people skills,” but those are very different things from actual friendship. ...
个人分类: 大学生活|2799 次阅读|没有评论

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