
诸平 2024-7-10 19:30
科学家发现新酶,为绿色癌症治疗铺平道路 诸平 MIB-0920 据英国曼彻斯特大学 ( University of Manchester , Manchester, UK ) 2024 年 7 月 8 日提供的消息,科学家发现新酶,为绿色癌症治疗铺平道路( Scientists pave way for greener cancer treatments with new enzyme discovery )。 ...
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坚硬但可拉伸: 科学家创造出“牢不可破”的新材料
诸平 2024-6-23 20:05
坚硬但可拉伸: 科学家创造出“牢不可破”的新材料 诸平 Researchers have created a new class of materials called “glassy gels” that are as hard as glassy polymers, but – if you apply enough force – can stretch up to five times their original length, rather than breaking. A key thing th ...
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诸平 2024-5-21 20:35
Nature : 突破性的新型减肥药比目前的治疗方法更有效 诸平 Associate Professor Christoffer Clemmensen from the University of Copenhagen has developed a new type of weight-loss drug that uses the hormone GLP-1 to deliver neuroplasticity-modulating molecules to specific brain areas, signi ...
个人分类: 药物动态|3900 次阅读|没有评论
诸平 2024-5-17 20:43
Nature :硼酸驱动的酶产生突破性的催化作用 诸平 Fig. 1 Scientists have created an enzyme that incorporates boronic acid, which enhances its catalytic power and selectivity through directed evolution, offering a more sustainable alternative to traditional chemical reactions. This inno ...
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诸平 2024-5-11 18:33
破解百年化学难题 : 研究人员揭示了改变游戏规则的化合物 诸平 Fig.1 University of Minnesota chemists have synthesized a complex chemical compound that could revolutionize medicine, agriculture, and electronics, overcoming a challenge that persisted for over a century. Fig ...
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诸平 2024-2-9 14:26
交错磁体 : 磁学和热学的新篇章 诸平 Crystal thermal transport in altermagnets. The left part, which includes the balls, arrows, and spin density isosurfaces, represents a typical altermagnet. When a temperature gradient field is applied, charge and thermal currents are induced in a pe ...
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诸平 2024-2-5 17:12
SERS和黄金:揭开芳香密码 诸平 Fig. 1 A breakthrough in detecting aromatic molecules on gold surfaces has been achieved through Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, offering new insights into molecular interactions and detection methods. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Fig. 2 The pape ...
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诸平 2024-2-2 19:06
第一个在纳开尔文温度下实现的四原子超分子 诸平 Two diatomic molecules sit in an intermolecular potential, here represented by iron powder indicating the field lines through which two molecules are bound. Credit: © Christoph Hohmann, MCQST 据德国马普学会( Max Planck Society ...
个人分类: 新科技|1140 次阅读|没有评论
诸平 2023-12-23 18:50
高效生产 H 2 O 2 和生物质提升的电催化剂突破 诸平 Fig. 1 New Approach Developed for Electrocatalytic H 2 O 2 Production and Biomass Upgrading. Credit: Hui Xu Fig. 2 Characterizations, electrochemical H 2 O 2 synthesis performance and coupled electro-Fenton process of ...
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诸平 2023-12-19 20:58
乌得勒支化学家发现了设计更可持续的分子催化剂的机制 诸平 Three phases of the catalyst: (1) an intact hydrogen molecule (white) bound to metal (green). (3) hydrogen molecule is split: one atom is still bound to metal, the other to carbon (grey). (2) a transitional state. 据荷兰乌得 ...
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