
The Distance to Exoplanet Systems with Imaging and Spectral
钱磊 2023-7-27 10:06
The distance $D$ to an exoplanet system with imaging and spectral measurement can be obtained by using the orbit as a ruler. The measurement of the Distance to a typical exoplanet system with imaging and spectral measurement can be accurate to $\delta D/D\sim 0.2$, if the orbital velocity of the ...
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Fill in the Blanks in the Parameter Space
钱磊 2023-7-25 13:10
In observational astronomy, we essentially measure the location, flux density (at certain frequency and certain time), distance and angular size of the sources. A parameter space of observational astronomy can be constructed with the parameters such as the sample size of sources, frequency ...
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Constraints on the Average Density
钱磊 2023-7-25 13:08
We propose to use the rotation period to constrain the average density of an object with gravitationally confined surface. The average density is inverse proportional to the square of the rotation period, while independent of the size of the object. The lower limit of the average density can ...
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热度 2 钱磊 2023-4-27 08:47
个人分类: 知识|1375 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 2
钱磊 2022-2-25 21:34
arXiv:2202.08849 星系核球和盘的对齐。 arXiv:2201.04136 恒星系统动力学的研究。 arXiv:2202.10768 行星际闪烁检验太阳风模型。 arXiv:2202.11618 PeV 宇宙线的能谱和为解决问题。 arXiv:2202.11730 用原行星盘中的缝隙估计行星质量。 arXiv:2202.11974 内部力对巨行星大气循环的影响。 arXiv ...
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钱磊 2022-2-19 16:12
arXiv:2202.05277 星团回溅半径( splashback radius )。 arXiv:2202.05399 XRISM 。 arXiv:2202.05475 曲率辐射解释 FRB 圆偏振。 arXiv:2112.09141 搜寻 z=12-16 的赖曼极限星系。 arXiv:2202.07818 射电天文偏振介绍。
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钱磊 2021-8-6 15:47
arXiv:2107.14242 快速射电暴探测宇宙电离历史。 arXiv:2103.04165 奇异星壳层坍缩产生重复快速射电暴。 arXiv:2108.00014 3D 打印将分子云可视化。 arXiv:2108.01787 金牛座 - 御夫座年轻恒星的参数。 arXiv:2108.01936 磁流体动力学湍流中的宇宙线输运。
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钱磊 2021-7-29 21:48
import ephem import numpy as np import sys convert_radian2degree=180.0/np.pi if (len(sys.argv)3): print 'too few input parameters, format:' print 'python terr_radec2grid_location.py terr_ra terra_dec' pr ...
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钱磊 2020-12-26 22:47
星际介质测距 钱磊 距离的测量从原理上来说有三角视差、标准烛光、标准尺、运动学模型这几种方法。实际的测距方法大致都可以归为这么几类。 在银河系内,能用作标准烛光、标准尺的源不多,对于星际介质测距的作用有限。对星际介质距离测得有重要作用的是银河系旋转模型。虽然可能有距离混淆的问题,但根据这个模型,使 ...
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The ITRF coordinates of the spherical center of FAST
钱磊 2020-12-15 12:02
Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (Nan et al. 2011) is the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world, starting to achieve in the studies of pulsars and fast radio bursts (Qian et al. 2020). The ITRF coordinates of a fixed point of an observatory is required for pulsar se ...
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