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已有 1526 次阅读 2020-10-14 21:25 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为德国慕尼黑技术大学(作者:Florian Ulrich Peter)的博士论文,共254页。










Missiles for air defense purposes (e.g.surface-to-air missile or air-to-air missile) are characterized

by their high agility and fast velocities.In anair defense scenario the missile constitutes the pursuer guiding itself towardsthem aneuvering threat(evader) with the purpose to intersect the target’s trajectory(direct-hit) or to minimize the deviation at the point of intercept. Theintercept of a target can be subdivided in three scenario phases: boost,midcourse, and endgame. Within the last phase, the missile system needs to fulfilldemanding trajectories to minimize the distance between target and missile atthe point of intercept. Based on those trajectories, issued from the missile’sguidance unit, the autopilot generate commands for the missile’s actuatorsection. Therefore, the missile autopilot constitutes the key elementdetermining the system’s closed-loop performance and tracking characteristics.In traditional design approaches, integrated control architectures are appliedwith the purpose of setting up the closed-loop characteristics coinciding witha linear reference dynamics. Enforcing the nonlinear missile system to exhibita linear, uniform behavior at a large set of operating points leads toclosed-loop performance characteristics lagging far behind the missile’s maximumphysical capabilities.

Within this thesis, a novel autopilotarchitecture is developed based on modern, nonlinear control methodologies withthe purpose of fully exploiting the missile airframe’s performance capabilitiesacross the entire fight envelope. The autopilot architecture is subdivided in threeelements: a nonlinear reference, a baseline control law, and an adaptiveaugmentation. In contrast to classic, holistic autopilot approaches, the hereindeveloped modular architecture allows an unique assignment of each element withrespect to certain system’s performance and robustness requirements.

For the layout of the nonlinear referencemodel and the baseline control law Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion and Backsteppingtechniques are tailored to match the missile’s dynamical peculiarities and fulfillthe demanding requirements under nominal conditions. To maintain thisclosed-loop behavior even in cases of large model deviations, stemming fromparametric and sensor uncertainties, a cascaded adaptive structure based on L1-Piecewise-Constant is incorporated within the autopilot. A nonlinear, sixdegree of freedom surface-to-air missile simulation model including a realisticaerodynamic data set and dynamic representations of actuator and sensor unitsis used throughout the entire design and verification process. Linear analysisand nonlinear simulations are utilized for proving the superiority of theherein developed autopilot architecture compared to linear methods.

Furthermore, the general validity of thelayout process across the entire fight envelope is demonstrated. The proposednovel autopilot architecture and the corresponding design process are notlimited to missile applications only. Certain elements, procedures, andconsiderations can add significant value in future control design of any aerialplatform exhibiting dominant nonlinear characteristics.



1. 引言

2. 导弹模型

3. FSD通用地空导弹(FGS-X-03)飞行动力学分析

4. 非线性自动驾驶仪设计与分析的数学背景

5. FGS-X-03模型的飞行控制系统

6. FCS分析与评估

7. 总结、结论与展望





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