Safemetrics分享 以勤奋、谦虚、严谨、规范、持久的习惯和态度做安全科学研究。 'Wonder en is gheen Wonder'



已有 10009 次阅读 2021-8-19 10:31 |个人分类:知识图谱|系统分类:科研笔记

Version Date What's New


Dual-Map Overlays

1.8 1/19/2018 Dual Map: v. 1.8: Optimization. Added a Refresh button

1.7 7/31/2017 Organize buttons with a new menubar

1.6 8/8/2016 Geocoing: Accuracy improved

1.6 8/7/2016 Cocitation Links, Trajectories: Restored

1.5 9/13-14/2015 Basemaps: Faster response time

1.4 12/21/2014 Overlays: Partially improved the overlay rendering performance

1.4 12/16/2014 Overlays: Added a 'z Scores' function to show labels on arcs based on z scores

1.3 12/12/2014 Overlays: Added interactive controls of circles and labels

1.2 11/30/2014 Overlays: Improved circles and labels

1.1 11/23/2014 Overlays: Circles of citing journals and cited journals

1.1 11/23/2014 Buttons: Save As PNG, Legend


5.8 R2 7/16/2021 Data: Import/Export: Import citing articles of the visualized network to MySQL@localhost (select: project/clusters)

5.8 R1 7/7/2021 Data: Import/Export: Scopus: Updated to handle records with missing abstracts

5.8 R1 6/28/2021 Clusters: Save Clusters Info: Updated to work with monthly time slices

5.8 R1 6/23/2021 Data: Import/Export: PubMed: NBIB format converter

5.8 R1 6/20/2021 Export interactive visualizations for the web: File: Export as a website

5.8 R1 6/3/2021 Database: Keywords and Phrases: Visualize a hierarchy of phrases from Citation Contexts

5.8 R1 5/24/2021 Centrality: Added a choice between continue or defer the centrality calculation

5.8 R1 5/23/2021 Data: Import/Export: Dimensions: Authentication: API key (Username/Password is still supported)

5.8 R1 5/21/2021 Uncertainty: MAG citation contexts: Speed up

5.8 R1 5/11/2021 Clusters: Extract Cluster Labels: By Titles, Keywords, and Abstracts altogether

5.8 R1 5/7/2021 Data: Import/Export: MAG: Export contexts in TSV

5.8 R1 5/1/2021 Uncertainty: MAG citation contexts

5.8 R1 5/1/2021 Data: Import/Export: Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) (MySQL required)

5.8 R1 4/29/2021 Cluster Labeling: All in One: updated

5.8 R1 4/18/2021 Cluster Labeling: Shortened the processing time; Maintain unique labels

5.8 R1 4/22/2021 Network: Raise the network size limit to 500,000 nodes

5.8 R1 4/11/2021 MySQL: Upgraded to support MySQL 5.6, 5.7, 5.8. Java 8+ required

5.7 R5 2/27/2021 Modularity: Restored

5.7 R5 2/21/2021 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization: Updated

5.7 R5 2/10/2021 Data: Import/Export: WoS: WoS -> TSV; CSV: CSV -> WoS

5.7 R5 2/6/2021 All in One: Clustering, optimizing layout and styles in one step

5.7 R5 2/6/2021 Data: Import/Export: Scopus: RIS conversion updated

5.7 R5 2/5/2021 Data: Import/Export: Dimensions: Conversion updated for 'Export for bilbiographic mapping'

5.7 R5 2/1/2021 Layout: Optimization

5.7 R3 1/17/2021 Misc fixes

5.7 R3 1/14/2021 Burstness: View: Fixed an issue when time slice length > 1

5.7 R3 1/10/2021 Save PNG: New option: Make the background transparent (Y/N)

5.7 R3 12/27/2020 Data: Import/Export: Dimensions: Updated for API 1.28.0

5.7 R3 12/25/2020 Version Check: Revised

5.7 R3 12/5/2020 SVA: Revised: Faster and new metrics

5.7 R2 11/22/2020 JCA: Updates; Other minor refinements

5.7 R2 10/19/2020 Burstness: View: Repaired and updated

5.7 R2 9/27/2020 Data: Import/Export: Dimensions: Abstracts now available

5.7 R2 9/20/2020 Display: Predefined Styles: Classic

5.7 R2 9/20/2020 Display: Rotate 15 degrees clockwise instead of 90 degrees

5.7 R2 9/13/2020 Mean Silhouette: Changed to cluster-size weighted mean

5.7 R2 9/8/2020 Data: Import/Export: MA: Concept Trees: Cluster, Reference, and Noun Phrase

5.7 R2 8/4/2020 Data: Import/Export: Archived: ADS, Derwent, NSF, arXiv

5.7 R2 8/3/2020 Data: Import/Export: Microsoft Academic (MA)

5.7 R2 7/18/2020 SVA: Monthly-based SVA enabled

5.7 R2 7/16/2020 CSV: Lens: Converter: Updated the Date Published field

5.7 R2 7/12/2020 Control Panel: Adjusted some default settings

5.7 R2 7/6/2020 Cascading Citation Expansion: Handled the unknown host issue more gracefully.

5.7 R1 6/18/2020 Time Slicing: Yearly or Monthly (Slice Length=0); Multi-year slices repaired

5.7 R1 6/7/2020 Links: Preset Link Color Styles

5.7 R1 6/7/2020 Labels: Preset Label Color Styles

5.7 R1 6/4/2020 Cascading Citation Expansion: Revised

5.7 R1 5/14/2020 Cluster Labels: Enable User Defined Cluster Labels

5.7 R1 5/8/2020 WOS: Enabled the EA Field: EA Month Year => PA Year and PD Month

5.7 R1 5/5/2020 Gnerate a Hierarchy of Phrases: Enabled the anchor words

5.6 R4 4/6/2020 Visualization: Revised: Rotate, Expand, Shrink; Added: Refresh Cluster Label Positions

5.6 R4 3/31/2020 Contour Map: Beta

5.6 R4 3/19/2020 Data: Import/Export: CSV: Lens Patents

5.6 R4 3/18/2020 Coronavirus Research Landscape

5.6 R4 3/9/2020 Visualization: Rotate (clockwise 90 degrees), Expand, Shrink

5.6 R4 3/5/2020 Data: Import/Export: Dimensions: DWS; Database: Semmantic Medline

5.6 R3 3/4/2020 Time Slicing: Automatically align begin/end slices to non-empty slices

5.6 R3 3/1/2020 Clusters: Summary Table: Show/Hide as HTML: Repaired

5.6 R3 1/4/2020 Citation History: Sorted by citation counts in desc

5.6 R2 12/25/2019 Cluster Explorer: Sentence Summarization: Restored

5.6 R2 12/25/2019 Clusters: Show Convexhulls: Restored

5.6 R2 12/23/2019 Data: CSV: Lens: Convertion completion with Lens API

5.6 R2 12/22/2019 Cluster Labeling: By WoS Categories (WC), Field of Research (Lens)

5.6 R2 12/21/2019 Cluster Labeling: By references' titles (Scopus, Lens); Projects: Misc.

5.6 R2 12/17/2019 Selection Criteria: g-index as default; Project: Default settings revised

5.6 R2 12/16/2019 Display: Uncertainty: Revised the Menu Hierarchy

5.6 R1 12/2/2019 Data: Import/Export: Dimensions: DSL: Updated: Cascading Citation Expansion, Keywords

5.6 R1 10/24/2019 Data: Import/Export: WoS: Duplicate Removal: Updated

5.6 R1 10/11/2019 Clusters: Extract Cluster Labels: Reload Term Suffix Whitelist

5.6 R1 10/9/2019 Cited References: Author names no longer turned to all caps

5.6 R1 9/9/2019 Clusters: Save Cluster Info: Clear Existing Files

5.6 R1 9/8/2019 Labels: Overlay Labels: Enabled to Filter by Citation Freq or Degree

5.6 R1 9/7/2019 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization: Enabled Color by Cluster Membership

5.6 R1 9/4/2019 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization: Enabled Cluster Explorer

5.6 R1 8/31/2019 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization: Revised

5.5 R2 8/26/2019 Data: Import/Export: WoS: Duplicate Removal: Revised. See my blog on sourceforge

5.5 R2 8/26/2019 Control Panel: Cluster Labels: Redesigned with separated sliders

5.5 R2 8/25/2019 Links: Link Background Colors. Note: To remove it, set alpha to 0

5.5 R2 8/23/2019 Links: Link Colors: Foreground Links: Multi or Monochrome

5.5 R2 8/23/2019 Export: Network Summary Table: DOI

5.5 R2 8/23/2019 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization: Revised

5.5 R2 8/22/2019 Network Overlays: Main Path Color Patterns; Set the Maximum Number of Layers

5.5 R2 8/11/2019 Data Source: Lens: Revised

5.5 R2 8/10/2019 Data Source: Lens (CSV): Scholarly Works + Patents

5.5 R1 8/10/2019 Nodes: Node Shape (Keywords, Terms): Circle

5.5 R1 8/7/2019 Links: Link Colors: Background Links: Multi or Monochrome

5.5 R1 8/7/2019 SVA: Fixed networks with singularity

5.5 R1 7/28/2019 Tutorials: Links to YouTube videos

5.5 R1 7/27/2019 Display: Misc updates on text colors, fonts, etc.

5.4 R4 7/21/2019 Cluster Labels: By Reference Title Terms (CR)

5.4 R4 7/20/2019 Node colors: By cluster membership: Revised

5.4 R4 7/18/2019 Projects: Relocate citespace.projects.txt file to C:\Users\dell

5.4 R4 7/18/2019 Data: Import/Export: Scopus: Revised

5.4 R4 7/17/2019 Display: Timeline View: Cluster Labels: Fixed a problem in last version

5.4 R4 7/14/2019 Data: Import/Export: CSV: User-configurable format

5.4 R4 7/3/2019 Data: Import/Export: Scopus: Revised and updated

5.4 R3 5/17/2019 Edit Properties: Make it compatiable with previous versions

5.4 R3 5/7/2019 Edit Properties: Max Links Per Node

5.4 R3 4/17/2019 Citation History: Charts of Uncertainties (additional resources required): Refined

5.4 R2 4/14/2019 Display: Adjusted the center of the visualization

5.4 R2 4/11/2019 Display: Timezone view phrased out

5.4 R1 3/26/2019 Data: Import/Export: WoS: Compare Datasets

5.4 R1 3/21/2019 Cluster Labeling: Optimization

5.3 R12 3/15/2019 Single Pass Process: 1) Duplicate removal, 2) GO

5.3 R12 3/9/2019 Dimensions: Cascading citation expansion: Optimized

5.3 R12 3/2/2019 Database: Export: Export the Current Project

5.3 R12 3/2/2019 Dimensions: Add abstracts from PubMed (Data>Import/Export>Dimensions)

5.3 R12 2/28/2019 Duplicate Removal: Encoding UTF-8

5.3 R12 2/26/2019 Database: References: Visualize a Hierarchy of References (Directed)

5.3 R12 2/24/2019 Find Clusters + Label Clusters with Title Terms; Select Clusters by IDs

5.3 R11 2/22/2019 Database: References: Visualize a Hierarchy of References (Co-Cited)

5.3 R11 2/22/2019 Data: CSSCI: Improved the robustness to handle its data format

5.3 R11 2/21/2019 Data: Dimensions: Normalize titles containing unicodes

5.3 R11 2/17/2019 Database: Collation: uft8

                Noun Phrase Extraction: Revised

5.3 R10 2/2/2019 Term Labels: Noun Phrases: Threshold selection revised

5.3 R10 2/2/2019 Projects: Directly editable in citespace.projects.txt

5.3 R10 1/25/2019 Data: NSF Awards: Updated

5.3 R9 1/16/2019 Data: Dimensions: Exported in CSV: Revised

5.3 R9 1/16/2019 Data: CNKI: Revised

5.3 R9 1/12/2019 Clusters: Show Clusters by IDs; Show the Largest K Clusters

5.3 R9 1/4/2019 Citation History: Reformat the selected record

5.3 R8 12/30/2018 Citation History: Citing Articles: References: Discrepancies fixed

5.3 R8 12/19/2018 Data:Import/Export:Fulltext: Concept trees of noun phrases

5.3 R7 12/16/2018 Data:Import/Export:Dimensions: Convert exported data in CSV

5.3 R7 12/16/2018 Data:Import/Export:Dimensions: Retire the staging-ddpp endpoint

5.3 R7 12/7/2018 Visualization: Timeseries of uncertainties of predications (SemmedDB required)

5.3 R7 12/2/2018 Filters: Bookmark nodes with global burstness in MEDLINE (SemmedDB required)

5.3 R7 11/21/2018 Concept Tree: Hierarchical Filter: Enabled

5.3 R7 11/20/2018 Black/White Background Color: Default: Convext Hull + By Cluster

5.3 R7 11/12/2018 Highlight Nodes by Attributes: 

      Author|Reference|Claim: Funders (FU), Organizations (ORG), Keywords (DE, ID)

5.3 R7 11/8/2018 Burstness: View: HTML: Fixed

5.3 R7 11/5/2018 Save As: Prefixed the filename with the mode of analysis

5.3 R7 11/5/2018 Remove Highlighted Nodes: Fixed

5.3 R6 11/2/2018 CSSCI: Converter: Updated to be compatiable with WoS duplicate removal

5.3 R5 10/23/2018 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization (.viz): Revised

5.3 R5 10/19/2018 Projects: Automatically save the current list of projects

5.3 R5 10/19/2018 Clusters: Visual Encoding: Convex Hull (repaired)

5.3 R5 9/28/2018 Menu Hierarchy: Re-organized

5.3 R5 9/27/2018 Node Labeling: Auto adjust threshold for selected type

5.3 R5 9/27/2018 Display: E, H, T

5.3 R5 9/9/2018 Data: Import/Export: CSSCI: minor revision.

                CSSCI filenames do not have to have the download prefix.


5.3 R5 9/5/2018 Data: Import/Export: ProQuest: minor revision


5.3 R4 8/31/2018 Node Labels: Color: Revised

5.3 R4 8/31/2018 Network: Visualize Pajek Network (.net): Revised

5.3 R4 8/5/2018 Burst View:Fixed the abnormal view due to years with no valid data

5.3 R3 7/26/2018 Export: TSV: Node coordinates and cluster labels

5.3 R3 7/25/2018 Burst View: Revised, sortable by duration, export to file in TSV format

5.3 R2 7/20/2018 Project Properties: Use Authors' Fullname: on/off

5.3 R2 7/20/2018 Project Properties and Import/Export: Dimensions: reconfigurable DSL endpoint

5.3 R1 7/1/2018 Projects:Import and export projects

5.3 R1 6/29/2018 Data: Dimensions: Frontiers has a researchers field instead of the authors field as other journals.

5.3 R1 6/29/2018 Display: Misc improvements, e.g. curved lines as default

5.3 R1 5/25/2018 Terms: The user may provide a list of suffixes (one suffix per line) as a file .citespace\suffixes_to_retain.txt

5.3 R1 5/25/2018 Display: Minimizing Overlaps: Add a warning for using a 0-threshold

5.3 R1 5/25/2018 Dimensions: Altmetric=>U1, RCR=>U2

5.3 R1 5/24/2018 Database: Revised

5.3 R1 5/24/2018 Network Overlays: Overlay with a previously saved set of node keys

5.3 R1 5/22/2018 Dimensions: Revised Citation Expansion

5.3 R1 5/20/2018 Dimensions: Citation Expansion

5.3 R1 5/19/2018 Display: Label Nodes By Cluster; Revised Zoom; Shortcut for Colormap Change

5.3 R1 5/18/2018 Data: Import\Export: Dimensions

5.3 R1 5/17/2018 Display: Link Walkthrough => Step Forward and Step Backward

5.3 R1 5/14/2018 Dimensions: Clinical Trials

5.3 R1 5/14/2018 Dimensions: Grants

5.3 R1 5/12/2018 Dimensions: Publications (DSL 1.3.0)

5.3 R1 4/12/2018 Search Pattern: Revised: 

      LB:q1 | TI:q2 | DE:q3 | FU:q4

5.2 R2 3/26/2018 CrossRef: Improved the flexibility of query formation

5.2 R2 3/26/2018 Author Names: Unified in Uppercase

5.2 R2 3/26/2018 Link Walkthrough: Revised; Network Overlays: Revised

5.2 R2 3/22/2018 Network Overlays: Revised; Data: Preprocessing: Filter by Percentile Intervals

5.2 R1 3/6/2018 Revised: Label Placements; Label of Selected Node

5.2 R1 3/6/2018 Display>Node Size>Log Transform

5.2 R1 3/6/2018 Revised: Zoom; Pan

5.2 R1 3/2/2018 Revised: Colormaps; Toggle Line Shapes; Network Overlays; 

                       Export>Network>Pajek .paj5.2 R1 SE 1/17/2018 KML Generator 2.1: Revised: Scale; Transparency

5.2 R1 SE 1/2/2018 Display: Black/White background with matched label colors

5.2 R1 SE 12/28/2017 Scopus: Improved the conversion rate (Demo: 99.0%)

5.2 R1 SE 12/24/2017 Display: Show Link Color By Cluster; Revised Cluster Colors

5.2 R1 SE 12/22/2017 Display: Term Node Shape: Cross, Triangle, and Square

5.2 R1 SE 12/22/2017 Display: Node Labels: By Degree Centrality

5.2 R1 SE 12/22/2017 Hybrid networks: Refs and Terms (Keywords, Categories)

5.2 R1 SE 12/22/2017 Project: New: Revised

5.2 R1 SE 11/27/2017 Cluster Explorer: Citing Articles: Redesigned

5.2 R1 SE 11/27/2017 Export: Network Summary Table: Save as RIS: Revised

5.2 R1 SE 11/23/2017 Data: Import/Export: CrossRef: alpha

5.2 R1 SE 11/18/2017 CrossRef: beta

5.1 R8 SE 10/25/2017 Diaplay: Timeline: Outline colors of labels

5.1 R8 SE 10/15/2017 Display: Pennant Diagram: Revised

5.1 R8 SE 10/5/2017 Cluster: Year-by-Year Labels are colored by Year of Publication

5.1 R8 SE 10/5/2017 Cluster: Save Cluster Info: Export now includes DE

5.1 R8 SE 9/29/2017 Data: Import/Export: Database: References: Resolving Discrepancies

5.1 R8 SE 9/28/2017 Node Types: Keyword: Author Keywords and/or Keywords Plus

5.1 R7 SE 9/4/2017 Database: Subject Categories: Rank Lists

5.1 R7 SE 9/3/2017 Database: Index Tables

5.1 R7 SE 9/2/2017 Data: Import/Export: WOS: Field Tags Explained: Updated

5.1 R7 SE 9/2/2017 Database: Project: Removal the current project

5.1 R7 SE 8/30/2017 Display: Windows: Closed when you exit the Display

5.1 R7 SE 8/30/2017 Display: Export: Network Summary Table: fixed a bug from 5.1.R6

5.1 R6 SE 8/1/2017 Display: Windows: Floating Control Panel

5.1 R6 SE 8/1/2017 Database: Articles: Added a few new functions

5.1 R6 SE 7/27/2017 Display: Node Size: Eigenvector Centrality: slightly rescaled

5.1 R6 SE 7/27/2017 About: FYI

5.1 R6 SE 7/24/2017 Database: Keywords/Phrases: Delete current phrases.

5.1 R5 SE 7/5/2017 CSSCI: Enabled cluster labeling in English title words.

                  CSSCI's recently changed format does not contain keywords anymore.

                  Use Title words to label clusters instead.

5.1 R5 SE 7/5/2017 CSSCI: Upgraded to handle CSSCI's minor changes in its format.

5.1 R4 SE 6/26/2017 Clusters: Save Cluster Info

5.1 R4 SE 6/25/2017 Clusters: 2: Label Clusters: Cast by Top N% Citers

5.1 R4 SE 6/24/2017 Database: Import: Allow repeatedly importing data to

                  an existing project. Import from one directory at a time.

5.1 R3 SE 6/10/2017 GO! Revised thread handling, fixed the Stop button

5.1 R3 SE 6/10/2017 Data:Import/Export: WoS: Tab Delimited conversion

                  Handles files saved with various encodings

5.1 R3 SE 6/9/2017 Clusters: Expanded the export format of clusters to support

                  citation analyses at the cluster level

5.1 R2 SE 6/8/2017 Display: Streamlined a few moves and refined the timeline view

5.1 R2 SE 6/7/2017 Display: Label Position: Minimize Overlaps

                  Added for users with low-resolution displays

5.1 R2 SE 6/7/2017 Projects: Minor fix: Project Listing: Include previously created projects

5.1 R1 SE 6/2/2017 Avoid Overlapping Labels: Minor improvements

5.1 R1 SE 5/23/2017 Display: Initially only show the largest 3 connected components

5.1 R1 SE 5/23/2017 Cited References: references parser refined for WoS, CSCD, CSSCI, Scopus

5.1 R1 SE 5/23/2017 Preferences: Defer the calculation of betweeness and eigenvector centrality;

                    Otherwise, set it as -1

5.1 R1 SE 5/23/2017 Preferences: Enable or disable beep on completion of a lengthy process

5.1 R1 SE 5/20/2017 Help: Check whether there is a newer version of CiteSpace

5.1 R1 SE 5/20/2017 Data Processing Utilities: WoS: Batch Download from WoS

5.1 R1 SE 5/20/2017 Data Processing Utilities: WoS: Merge WoS files from multiple folders

5.1 R1 SE 5/19/2017 Burstness: History Views: Save and Show as HTML in a new window

5.1 R1 SE 5/19/2017 Burstness: History Views: Save As HTML

5.1 R1 SE 5/17/2017 Resources: Links to other tools for science mapping

5.1 R1 SE 5/14/2017 Project: Data Source: Specify individual data sources

5.0 R7 SE 5/4/2017 Bibliographic Coupling: Added labeling with Keywords

5.0 R7 SE 5/2/2017 Bibliographic Coupling: Time Slicing synchronized

5.0 R7 SE 4/26/2017 Data: Import/Export: WoS: export a tab delimited list of references in the .net file

5.0 R7 SE 4/25/2017 Data: Import/Export: WoS: export a direct citation network for Pajek

5.0 R7 SE 4/24/2017 CSSCI: Updated to match CSSCI's new format

5.0 R6 SE 4/13/2017 Real-time Progress Report: Restored

5.0 R6 SE 4/10/2017 CitedRef: Parser refinement and Distribution tracking

5.0 R5 SE 4/5/2017 Setup: Initialize two Demo projects only to shorten the process

5.0 R5 SE 4/4/2017 Data: Import/Export: PubMed: Added a converter from PubMed Search Results (XML) to the WoS format

5.0 R4 SE 3/7/2017 New Icons for direct access: Cluster view, Timeline View, and Timezone View

5.0 R4 SE 3/7/2017 Timezone View: Fixed issues with node labels.

5.0 R4 SE Configuration: Perl Home Path is user configurable.

5.0 R3 SE 1/1/2017 Labeling: if the largest K connected components are selected,

                      then the labeling process is restricted to nodes in the K components only

5.0 R3 SE 12/27/2016 Clusters: Labeling by T: Optimized; MI: expanded to list more terms

5.0 R3 SE 12/26/2016 Clusters: Summarization of clusters:

                      Save a whitelist of domain-specific terms

5.0 R3 SE 12/26/2016 Display: Save As PNG: Revised

5.0 R3 SE 12/17/2016 Display: Node Size and Node Label synchronized

5.0 R3 SE 12/10/2016 Timeline View: New design: Node labels

5.0 R3 SE 12/8/2016 Display: Sub-cluster Labels: LSI dimensions and rows of terms

5.0 R3 SE 12/8/2016 Display: Node rendering in uniformed size: revised to color by cluster

5.0 R3 SE 12/8/2016 Display: Term Labels: By Burstness

5.0 R3 SE 12/7/2016 Display: Article Labels: By Burstness

5.0 R3 SE 12/7/2016 Main GUI: Defer the Status Report

5.0 R3 SE 11/26/2016 Main GUI: the mininum resolution required: 1024x768

5.0 R3 SE 11/19/2016 Views Tab: Timeline View Controls: Row span

5.0 R3 SE 11/16/2016 Timeline View: Cluster labels over years

5.0 R3 SE 11/16/2016 Timeline View: Fisheye View: Adjustable focal point

5.0 R2 SE 11/4/2016 Data: Extract WoS Records Based on UIDs files

5.0 R2 SE 11/4/2016 Clusters: export UIDs of each cluster's citing articles

5.0 R2 SE 11/3/2016 GUI: CiteSpace Built-in Database

5.0 R2 SE 11/3/2016 GUI: Cluster Explorer; Control Panel: Clusters, Search

5.0 R2 SE 10/31/2016 Display: Label Color: Use Variable Colors

5.0 R2 SE 10/31/2016 Cluster Labels: refined the way to handle it if no terms found

5.0 R2 SE 10/27/2016 Cluster Labels: Alignment: Center

5.0 R2 SE 10/24/2016 Display: Label Alignment: (Avoid Node Label Overlapping: Center or Right)

5.0 R2 SE 10/24/2016 Project Properties: e for TopN={v|f(v)>=min(f(top(N), e)}

5.0 R2 SE 10/19/2016 Avoid Overlapping Labels: Integrated cluster labels and node labels

5.0 R2 SE 10/19/2016 Views: Lower Bound Label Alpha: Fadeout as frequency decreases

5.0 R2 SE 10/18/2016 Control Panel: Views: Guiding Line Transparency

5.0 R2 SE 10/16/2016 Project Properties: Nodes to Label initially (default: 5%)

5.0 R2 SE 10/16/2016 Adjust Node Label Positions: Optimized in favor of important nodes

5.0 R2 SE 10/14/2016 Database Control Panel: Keywords/Phrases Menu; Refined GUI

5.0 R1 SE 9/3/2016 Terms: Entropy: Revised and optimized

5.0 R1 SE 9/2/2016 Filter: Show Largest k Connected Components

5.0 R1 SE 8/28/2016 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization: Updated

5.0 R1 SE 8/25/2016 Cluster Labeling: CSSCI: Labels in English by design. Not a bug.

5.0 R1 SE 8/25/2016 Cluster Labeling: CNKI: K; Year by Year: K

5.0 R1 SE 8/24/2016 Citation History and Frequency Table: Consistent

5.0 R1 SE 8/24/2016 Largest CC: Aligned labels

5.0 R1 SE 8/24/2016 GO! Added a brief summary of the dataset

4.5 R1 8/7/2016 Dual-Map Overlays v. 1.6

4.4 R1 7/31/2016 Geospatial Map: Restored after a third-party data format change

4.3 R1 7/29/2016 Display: Link Raw Counts: Show/Hide

4.3 R1 7/29/2016 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization revised

4.3 R1 7/28/2016 Analytics: Structural Variation Analysis (SVA): 2012 JASISt and R script

4.3 R1 7/28/2016 Clusters: Label Clusters Year by Year

4.2 R4 7/26/2016 Data Source: Korean Citation Index (KCI) revised

4.2 R4 7/21/2016 Data Import/Export: New CSSCI Converter 2.0

4.2 R3 7/18/2016 Java Source/binary: JDK 1.8.0_91

4.2 R3 7/15/2016 Filters: Show the entire network (default) or the largest connected component (LCC) only

4.2 R3 7/12/2016 Node Type: WC and SC categories are okay to include a comma

4.2 R3 7/7/2016 Visualization: t-SNE View

4.2 R2 6/27/2016 Adjust Label Positions: Further refined; more compact

4.2 R2 6/26/2016 Visualization: Added a t-SNE-based visualization (beta)

4.2 R2 6/26/2016 Adjust Node Label Positions: Revised

4.2 R1 6/21/2016 Cluster Labeling: Using LSI instead of tf*idf

4.2 R1 6/21/2016 Projects: Fixed the problem with creating a new project

4.1 R1 6/17/2016 Cluster Labeling: tf*idf revised

4.1 R1 6/16/2016 Demo 6: CSCD

4.1 R1 6/13/2016 Import/Export: Export: Merge variants of references: revised

4.1 R1 6/13/2016 Time Slicing: Automatically reset if it is outside data range

4.1 R1 6/12/2016 New Data Formats (beta): Russian SCI (RSCI)

and Korean Journal Database(KJD)

4.1 R1 6/11/2016 New Data Format: CSDS

4.1 R1 6/11/2016 Note Type: Institution revised

4.1 R1 5/27/2016 Import/Export: Scopus: RISReader a rare exception fix

4.1 R1 5/16/2016 Import/Export: Export: Merge variants of references

4.1 R1 4/14/2016 Nourn Phrases: Using exising POS tags. The function is now fully restored.

4.1 R1 2/21/2016 Cluster Labels: The evolution of a cluster is shown by labels computed for each year

4.1 R1 2/14/2016 Cluster Labels: Display all three labels as TFIDF/LLR/MI

4.1 R1 2/14/2016 MySQL: Store cluster membership to wos.clusters

4.0 R5 12/29/2015 MySQL: Fixed a connection problem

4.0 R5 12/27/2015 MySQL: Made the initial setup user friendlier

4.0 R5 12/17/2015 Demo Projects: Added Demo 3: Scopus

4.0 R5 12/16/2015 Display: Clusters: Filter out small clusters (renamed and revised)

4.0 R5 12/15/2015 Display: Revised Usage180 and Usage2013

4.0 R5 12/15/2015 Demo Projects: Replace Terrorism(1996-2015) with Scientometrics(1980-2015)

4.0 R5 12/14/2015 Display: Clusters: Color each cluster by the average year of cited references

4.0 R5 12/14/2015 Demo Projects: CNKI, CSSCI, WoS

4.0 R5 12/14/2015 CNKI/CSSCI: fixed the problem with Keyword

4.0 R5 12/12/2015 Display: drag with the left mouse button to pane the graphics

4.0 R5 12/12/2015 Display: Clusters: Show/Hide Small Clusters

4.0 R5 12/12/2015 Project Properties: Link Retaining Factor: -1 for unlimited

4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Display: Layout: Views: Timeline View

4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Display: revised Adjust Node Label Positions

4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Clusters: revised #5 List Top Terms Ranked by LSA

4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Read the simplified ISI Export format exported from Publish or Perish

4.0 R4 11/27/2015 Project Properties: Cutoff threshold replaced by link retaining

4.0 R4 11/25/2015 The new eBook published: How to Use CiteSpace

4.0 R4 11/15/2015 Database: Import/Export: Keywords: convert plural to its single form

4.0 R3 11/14/2015 Node Selection: Selection by g-index, modifiable with a scale factor k

4.0 R3 11/13/2015 Node Type: Keywords: Convert plural to its single form

4.0 R2 10/14/2015 Display: Render node size and label by usage (180 days or since 2013); This feature is currently provided for DCA only.

4.0 R2 10/11/2015 Node Selection Criteria: Usage (180 days or since 2013)

4.0 R1 9/23/2015 Control Panel: Replaced sliders with scroll bars

4.0 R1 9/21/2015 Network: Further optimized speed

4.0 R1 9/17/2015 Analytics: Structural Variation Analysis (SVA)

                Chen, C. (2012) Predictive effects of structural variation on citation counts. 

                Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(3), 431-449.

3.9 R13 9/14/2015 Project: Edit Properties: load properties from .citespace/citespace.config

3.9 R12 9/6/2015 Burstness: Revised the controls and dialogs

3.9 R12 9/6/2015 Citation History: Updated the Tab Titles as Context Sensitive

3.9 R12 9/6/2015 Timeline View: Pulled back cluster labels drifted to the right

3.9 R12 9/6/2015 Cluster: Circle Packing revised, again, using cluster fill colors

3.9 R12 9/3/2015 Cluster: Circle Packing revised

3.9 R12 8/29/2015 Labels: Enable/disable no-overlapping labels

3.9 R12 8/28/2015 Zoom in: Fixed the upper end of zooming in

3.9 R12 8/26/2015 Righ-Click on Node: Pennant Diagram (beta)

3.9 R11 8/23/2015 Control Panel: Re-organized

3.9 R10 8/22/2015 Display: Restored the zooming style

3.9 R10 8/22/2015 Control Panel: Added a Link Filter slider to hide links with strengths below the threshold

3.9 R10 8/16/2015 Citation/Frequency Burst History: Notify users if the list of burst items is empty

3.9 R10 8/13/2015 Database: Revised Index on articles

3.9 R9 6/6/2015 Timeline Visualization: Revised

3.9 R8 5/27/2015 Internal clean up variable names

3.9 R8 5/18/2015 Geospatial: Generate Google Earth Maps (KML 2.0): Handling invalid DOIs

3.9 R8 5/16/2015 Exclusion List: Revised

3.9 R7 5/13/2015 Locale: Revised. JVM should use -Duser.language=en

3.9 R7 4/26/2015 Visualization Window: Export: Save Cited References to an RIS File

3.9 R7 4/24/2015 Data:Import&Export:Duplicates Removal: Display the number of records per year

3.9 R7 4/19/2015 Misc Updates

3.9 R6 1/9/2015 Main Interface: Fit to the minimum resolution required 1024x768

3.9 R5 1/4/2015 Misc

3.9 R5 1/2/2015 Display: Timeline: Allow the user to rotate text by 30 or 60 degrees as well as the default 45 degree

3.9 R5 1/1/2015 Burst Detection: Revised

3.9 R4 12/29/2014 Data Exchange: Added a Scopus (RIS) to WoS converter

3.9 R4 12/28/2014 Display: Revised and updated PubMed related functions

3.9 R4 12/28/2014 Data Format: Updated due to the newly added PM field in WoS

3.9 R3 12/26/2014 General clean up

3.9 R3 12/10/2014 Data Exchange: Updated Scopus (Tab Delimited) to WoS converter

3.9 R2 12/10/2014 Node Type: Source (Under construction)

3.9 R2 12/8/2014 Data Exchange: Updated the CSSCI Converter

3.9 R1 11/30/2014 Main GUI: Revised panel layout

3.8 R9 11/23/2014 Save As PNG: Revised

3.8 R8 11/17/2014 Artical Labeling By Centrality: Revised

3.8 R7 10/26/2014 Dual Map Overlays (beta)

3.8 R7 10/26/2014 KML Generator: Surpress excessive placemarker labels

3.8 R6 10/16/2014 Network Layers: Edges are drawn as arcs instead of straightlines for readability

3.8 R6 10/13/2014 Display: Timeline View revised

3.8 R5 6/22/2014 Data Import/Export: Updated the converter for NSF Awards in XML

3.8 R4 5/9/2014 Display: Default cluster member node size propportional to citations

3.8 R3 4/26/2014 Text: Minor revisions on parsing complex sentences

3.8 R2 3/23/2014 Misc: Built-in Database: Exception handling

3.8 R2 3/1/2014 Geospatial: Revised the KML generator

3.8 R1 2/14/2014 Network: Visualize graphml: minor fix of label fonts

3.8 R1 1/25/2014 Right-Click on Node: Bookmark and annotation restored

3.8 R1 1/24/2014 Node Type: Country: fixed abnormal country names

3.8 R1 1/24/2014 Node Type: Paper: Self-reflective labeling

3.8 R1 1/6/2014 Optimization: memory

3.8 R1 1/6/2014 Optimization: Clustering with SLM.

Waltman, L., & Van Eck, N.J. (2013). A smart local moving algorithm for large-scale modularity-based community detection. European Physical Journal B, 86(11), 471.

3.7 R7 10/16/2013 Text: Revised concept trees and predicate trees

3.7 R7 9/27/2013 Subject Category: Updated to merge overlapping terms between WC and SC

3.7 R7 9/27/2013 Display: Restored the proportional fontsize

3.7 R7 9/17/2013 Data>Import/Export: Derwent: updated to handle the new format

3.7 R6 9/1/2013 Data: The speed of importing data into database is 10 times faster

3.7 R5 8/25/2013 Network overlays: Reorganized the menu; Others: misc fix

3.7 R3 8/23/2013 Java Rich Internet Application (RIA): improved launch time

3.7 R2 8/16/2013 Internal optimization

3.7 R1 8/3/2013 Data>Import/Export: The built-in database is replaced with MySQL

      Your MySQL can be configured in: C:\Users\dell\.citespace\mysql.ini


      host localhost

      user your_mysql_userid

      pass your_mysql_password

3.7 R1 8/3/2013 Data Collection: Major GUI events are logged.

      Example: About, GO, Pruning, etc.

3.6 R3 7/23/2013 Projects: revised and reorganized to C:\Users\dell\.citespace

3.6 R2 7/20/2013 Display Menu: reorganized

3.6 R2 7/20/2013 Save As PNG: fixed a bug

3.6 R1 7/12/2013 Pruning: Pathfinder revised

3.6 R1 7/9/2013 Resources: C:\Users\dell\.citespace

3.6 R1 7/9/2013 Node Labels: Automatically display labels of highly cited nodes

3.6 R1 7/9/2013 Layout: Reconfigurable automatic stop as the layout converges

3.5 R10 6/28/2013 Network Type: Further revised the network of citing papers

Each node is colored by its year of publication

The size of a node represents the time it is cited in the Web of Science

3.5 R10 6/26/2013 Network Type: Revised the network of citing papers based on bibliographic coupling

Each paper can be accessed via DOI link if available

Parameters used: TopN, Pruning: Pathfinder/MST

3.5 R8 6/19/2013 PubMed: Minor fix

3.5 R7 5/27/2013 Text: Revised Building Concept and Predicate Trees

3.5 R7 5/25/2013 Geospatial: restored the author location map

3.5 R6 5/5/2013 View: Citation Burst History: Sortable by year or by burst

3.5 R5 3/25/2013 Clusters Menu: Reorganized the menu

3.5 R5 3/25/2013 Cluster Explorer: Redesigned GUI

3.5 R5 3/25/2013 Cluster Explorer: Enable DOI access to citing articles (e.g. fulltext access via VPN)

3.5 R4 2/13/2013 Timeline View: add a control of fisheye distortion to improve the clarify of display

3.5 R4 2/10/2013 Internal adjustments to handle miscelleneous changes in the WoS format

3.4 R3 12/9/2012 Clustering: Optimize the parallel version across multicore processors

3.4 R3 12/8/2012 Pathfinder: Optimize the parallel version across multicore processors

3.4 R2 12/8/2012 Error Report: Save invalid cited references to error.log.txt in the project folder

3.4 R2 12/1/2012 Centrality: Decoupled the calculation to Preferences and Metrics

3.4 R1 11/23/2012 PubMed: Restored and revised the functions after NCBI changes

3.3 R1 11/12/2012 Project Property: The maximum number of links per node to retain

3.3 R1 11/9/2012 Networks->Batch Export Networks in Pajek

3.3 R1 11/9/2012 User Interface->Term Panel

3.2 R1 10/1/2012 Link Retention: Options added to retain top K connections

3.2 R1 9/3/2012 Data Import: Web of Science: Convert to Jigsaw's XML format

3.2 R1 8/19/2012 Google Earth KML Generator: Upgraded to KML 2.2; enabled DOI linkage

3.1 R4 8/16/2012 Project Properties: Enabled filters for SO and SC fields

3.1 R4 6/21/2012 Centrality: Added Eigenvector Centrality

3.1 R3 5/23/2012 Text Menu: Added concept trees and other functions

3.1 R3 5/23/2012 Display: Restore the sortable table of node details

3.1 R2 3/4/2012 Networks: Visualizing Networks in GraphML; Adding Citer Overlays

3.1 R1 2/11/2012 Internal: Updated PubMed related functions; Revised the parser of references

3.1 R1 2/10/2012 Internal: Updated various deprecated classes etc. Compiled for 64-bit JVM

3.0 R5 1/1/2012 Internal: Memory use optimization

3.0 R4 12/31/2011 Graphml: Export and Import revised

3.0 R3 11/9/2011 Citation Burst History: added a new feature

3.0 R2 11/6/2011 Citation History: revised and updated

3.0 R2 9/28/2011 GO: it is faster

3.0 R2 9/28/2011 Generate a Narrative: revised the format

3.0 R1 9/21/2011 Cluster Labels: added controls of both min and max size

3.0 R1 9/2/2011 Patents: revised functions related to patents

3.0 R1 8/24/2011 Document Labels: Fixed a bug introduced in 2.2.R12

2.2 R12 7/27/2011 New Feature: Display>Synthesizing

2.2 R12 7/27/2011 GeoSpatial: updated the KML generator in response to changes in WoS format

2.2 R12 7/27/2011 Analysis: replaced SC with Web of Science Category

2.2 R12 7/27/2011 Display: extended the scope of uniformed label size

2.2 R12 7/27/2011 Display: rescaled the node size by WoS TC

2.2 R12 7/27/2011 Data: Updated data processing due to changes from the Web of Science

2.2 R12 5/9/2011 Display: Overlay a basemap with two-column tab delimited adjacency lists

2.2 R12 5/9/2011 Display: Export two-column tab delimited adjacency list

2.2 R11 2/8/2011 GraphML: fixed special characters to comply with XML

2.2 R11 2/8/2011 Clustering: allow the user to select a prefered number of clusters

2.2 R10 12/22/2010 Optimization: internal optimizations

2.2 R9 09/04/2010 Display: Uniformed Label Size as default; Show network density; Square as default Term Node Shape

2.2 R9 07/19/2010 Project: revised CitationHistory.txt

2.2 R9 06/21/2010 Clustering: find the optimal clusters by modularity*silhouette

2.2 R8 05/15/2010 Display: add functions for bookmarking and annotating a node

2.2 R8 05/04/2010 Data Processing: Chinese data format conversion (CSSCI and CNKI), contributed by Shengbo Liu

2.2 R8 04/19/2010 Data Processing: SQL-based utility functions revised, including exporting records in WoS

2.2 R8 04/07/2010 Legend Bar: misc refinement

2.2 R8 04/04/2010 Coauthorship Network: Use full names of authors

2.2 R8 04/04/2010 Display: optimized the visualization window show up time

2.2 R8 04/02/2010 Access: Link to corresponding DOI pages of citing and cited articles

2.2 R8 03/22/2010 Internal: minor fixes and patches; more informative prompts

2.2 R7 03/08/2010 Display: Node size rendered with Centrality, PageRank, Sigma

2.2 R7 02/11/2010 Display: seperations of clusters revised

2.2 R6 02/09/2010 Display: minor synchronization fix

2.2 R6 01/29/2010 Display: visible node summary table

2.2 R5 01/17/2010 Menu: reorganized; Text: integrated

2.2 R5 01/11/2010 Time Slicing: automatically reset if the default is out of range

2.2 R5 01/05/2010 Network: .net import revised; Save PNG revised

2.2 R5 12/31/2009 Layout: revised using prefuse

2.2 R4 12/1/2009 Data Preprocessing: revised

2.2 R4 11/27/2009 Cluster Info: citees' average year of publication

2.2 R4 11/24/2009 Link Strength: added options for Dice and Jaccard coefficients

2.2 R4 11/21/2009 Citation History: Google Scholar: updated

2.2 R4 11/21/2009 Node Type: added grants

2.2 R4 11/21/2009 Data Format: updated with GP and ED; Projects no longer compatible with earlier versions

2.2 R3b 11/19/2009 Data Processing: fixed a minor and rare exception

2.2 R3b 11/16/2009 PubMed: reinforced NCBI retrieval protocol compliance

2.2 R3b 11/15/2009 Citation History: adjustable legend font size

2.2 R3b 11/12/2009 Automatically summarize major clusters and key items

2.2 R3 11/11/2009 (Recover) 9/6/2009 Cluster removal and restore: right click on any member

2.2 R3 11/10/2009 (Recover) sigma=(centrality+1)^burst

2.2 R3 11/10/2009 (Recover) 9/2/2009 Control panel: additional feedback to sliders

2.2 R2 8/27/2009 Scopus: parser update - in progress

2.2 R2 8/27/2009 Labeling: indexing terms revised

2.2 R2 8/6/2009 Timeline View: minor refinement

2.2 R2 7/27/2009 Data: Preprocessing: DT

2.2 R2 7/5/2009 Data:Import: minor updates

2.2 R2 6/29/2009 Display: items except cited references aligned to the year of the earliest appearance

2.2 R2 6/28/2009 Misc optimization

2.2 R2 6/18/2009 Data:Import: tab-delimited format updated

2.2 R2 6/10/2009 Labeling: term selection by LLR upgraded

2.2 R2 6/4/2009 Labeling: allow single word labels

2.2 R2 5/13/2009 Display: more icons

2.2 R2 5/13/2009 Parser: Group Author

2.2 R2 5/10/2009 Metrics: silhouette index; silhouette controlled cluster outlines

2.2 R1 5/2/2009 Visualization: snapshot and animated cluster views

2.2 R1 5/1/2009 Visualization: timeline of labeled clusters

2.2 R1 4/27/2009 Database: faster performance, more predefined queries

2.2 R1 4/25/2009 Network display: singleton nodes allowed

2.2 R1 4/20/2009 Open Saved Visualization: bug fix

2.2 R1 3/20/2009 Link Walkthrough: active clusters: solid circle/red=current

dashed circles/yellow=next slice

2.2 R1 3/19/2009 Labels: add an option to toggle text outline

2.2 R1 3/19/2009 Clusters: add an option to mark with circles

2.2 R1 3/15/2009 Database: add more queries

2.2 R1 3/11/2009 Highlight the currently selected node's neighbors

2.2 R1 3/6/2009 Country: support the new C1 format of the ISI Export Format

2.2 R1 3/5/2009 Display: configurable article/term label color

2.2 R1 3/3/2009 Citation History: revised

2.2 R1 2/27/2009 Enable reset burst detection parameters

2.2 R1 2/27/2009 List sigma=2*sqrt(b*c)/(b+c)

2.2 R1 2/25/2009 Export cluster membership to files

2.2 R1 2/22/2009 Search pattern: q1 | q2

2.1 R18 2/6/2009 Clustering: guarranteed partition

2.1 R18 2/5/2009 Parser: Handle DOIs in cited references

2.1 R18 2/1/2009 TC-based citer selection

2.1 R17 1/17/2009 Clustering: 5b. LSA ranked cluster features

2.1 R17 1/17/2009 Term extraction: revised and improved

2.1 R16 1/5/2009 Clustering: LSA

2.1 R16 12/23/2008 Project functions: refined

2.1 R16 12/23/2008 Cluster labeling: additional source of labels: abstracts

2.1 R16 12/22/2008 Cluster labeling: tf*idf; minor optimizations

2.1 R16 12/22/2008 Cluster summary table: sorted by size; Table view refined

2.1 R16 12/20/2008 Data conversion: Derwent classification codes fixed

2.1 R16 12/20/2008 Signature updated; modularity Q

2.1 R15 12/4/2008 Zoom revised; misc

2.1 R15 12/1/2008 Clustering: link enhancement

2.1 R15 11/10/2008 Gallery; Link Walkthrough revised

2.1 R15 10/27/2008 CTSA: select label types by editing the Project

2.1 R15 10/24/2008 Clustering: updatable clusters

2.1 R15 10/17/2008 CSTA: place a tab delimited, 4-column file with header labels.txt in the project folder

2.1 R14 10/8/2008 Clustering: fine tune label selection

2.1 R14 9/27/2008 Clustering: fixes

2.1 R14 9/22/2008 Clustering: Label clusters with title words or keywords selected by LLR and MI

2.1 R13 9/9/2008 Clustering: Label clusters

2.1 R13 9/8/2008 Cluster labeling by citing terms

2.1 R13 9/6/2008 Node selection criteria: top N, top N%

2.1 R12 9/3/2008 Clustering: berry picking cluster members

2.1 R12 8/7/2008 Clustering: spectral clustering

2.1 R12 8/4/2008 Drawing: revised layout; Derwent: conversion

2.1 R11 7/1/2008 PubMed: revised

2.1 R10 6/29/2008 Project actions: clean; File: open logs

2.1 R10 6/22/2008 Node Types: Subject Categories; Unlimited Node Type Combination

2.1 R10 6/19/2008 File: open saved visualization

2.1 R10 6/17/2008 Data: preprocessing, filtering

2.1 R10 5/30/2008 ADS search revised

2.1 R10 5/9/2008 Tree ring patterns refined, showing burst rings

2.1 R10 5/8/2008 Citation burst spells are highlighted in curves

2.1 R10 5/7/2008 Export more details to GML files, including, author, year, freq

2.1 R10 5/3/2008 Highlight search results in visualization; multiple words OR

2.1 R10 4/28/2008 Database: a pull-down menu of predefined SQL queries

2.1 R10 4/25/2008 Project-specific dictionary in $PROJECT_HOME\citespace_dictionary.txt; tab seperated pairs

2.1 R10 4/25/2008 Project-specific stopwords in $ROJECT_HOME\citespace_stopwords_plus.txt; single-line words

2.1 R9 4/23/2008 CiteSpace default directory uses the User Home directory instead of user's current working directory

2.1 R9 3/12/2008 Scopus format to the ISI Export format convertor

2.1 R9 2/11/2008 Entropy line chart

2.1 R9 2/3/2008 Data Exchange | SDSS Tab - ADS Basic Search adaptor/converter

2.1 R8 2/1/2008 Export Pajek (.net) format with timeslices. See Wiki

2.1 R7 1/3/2008 Rewritten parser for NSF awards abstracts to handle new XML format

2.1 R7 12/20/2007 Noun Phrases: Extraction patterns enriched

2.1 R6 12/18/2007 Noun Phrases: Expanded stopwords for noun phrase extraction

2.1 R6 12/16/2007 Google Scholar: search refined

2.1 R6 11/05/2007 Googel Earth: create coauthoring networks in KML from ISI Export format for Google Earth

2.1 R5 10/19/2007 database access; entropy revisited

2.1 R5 10/8/2007 redesigned interface to built-in database - started and in progress

2.1 R4 9/14/2007 display label size as information bias

2.1 R4 9/13/2007 display label size by entropy, relative entropy of term distribution

2.1 R4 8/28/2007 fixed the boundaries of noun phrases

2.1 R3 7/25/2007 switched to darker treering rims instead of white

2.1 R3 7/08/2007 graph drawing configurations revised

2.1 R3 7/06/2007 collaborating countries, collaborating institutions

2.1 R2 5/24/2007 JRE 6.0 compliance; options to save and view graphml, data exchange, ADS, NSF etc.

2.1 R1 4/23/2007 transparent treerings, link walthrough revised

2.1 R1 4/20/2007 webstart: configuration free!

2.1 4/18/2007 revised: timezone, burst terms, default browser, citation history.

2.0.11 3/12/2007 citespace.config editable from project edit

2.0.11 3/9/2007 extend citespace.config entries

2.0.11 3/6/2007 burst terms selected based on pos tagging

2.0.11 3/6/2007 freely configurable network node types

2.0.11 3/5/2007 automatic data preprocessing for noun phrases

2.0.10b 10/19/2006 rendering term-to-article citation lines

2.0.10a 10/8/2006 set US as the default locale

2.0.10 9/14/2006 update in response to ISI's format change XD

2.0.9 8/26/2006 minor updates

2.0.9 8/18/2006 timezone views revised; curved lines

2.0.8 6/21/2006 citeseer revisited

2.0.7 6/20/2006 term selection using noun phrases

2.0.7 5/10/2006 toolbar

2.0.7 4/13/2006 author affiliations processed

2.0.6 2/24/2006 display Chinese fonts according to ProjectInfo

2.0.5 2/12/2006 citeseer forward expansion - to appear in ASIST2007 paper

2.0.3 1/31/2006 generic types; prospective citation expansion

2.0.3 1/17/2006 internal reorganization; gui refined

2.0.2 12/28/2005 citeseer parser

2.0.1 12/4/2005 parameters recorded for subsequent use

2.0 12/3/2005 outlined labels, burst terms re-organized

2.0 11/25/2005 project folders contain slice, layout, png, config, alias, etc.

1.0.50 11/20/2005 organize tasks in projects

1.0.49 10/27/2005 arrows pointing from citing terms to cited articles

1.0.48 10/12/2005 export to UCINET, Pajek network formats

1.0.47 9/26/2005 exclusion terms enabled

1.0.47 9/25/2005 signature on images

1.0.46 9/3/2005 exclusion list: citespace.exclusion

export space: citespace.config

alias list: citespace.alias

1.0.45 8/30/2005 citation history

node removal, removal restore

1.0.45 8/26/2005 popup menu

search googel scholar, acm dl, pubmed etc.

1.0.45 8/24/2005 step up: animate new links slice by slice

1.0.44c 8/23/2005 config with citespace.config in same dir as citespace.jar

1.0.44b 8/11/2005 exporting image to png in user selected location

1.0.44a 8/7/2005 viewing articles with burst citations

1.0.44a 8/7/2005 showing term label by freq as default

1.0.44 8/3/2005 term extraction revised

1.0.35 1/31/2005 EM Clustering, citation half life, node betweenness centrality

1.0.32 12/2/2004 co-author networks, aca, dca (default), jca


1.0.29 11/29/2004 multi-thread network scaling, browsing with JDIC-0.8.6

1.0.28 10/20/2004 jdesktop iexplorer

1.0.27 9/3/2004 WebStart, marquee selection with concurrent PubMed search

1.0.23 6/20/2004 InfoVis 2004 contest, TimeZone

1.0.21 5/1/2004 betweenness centrality

1.0.20 4/16/2004 exporting image to a 300dpi file in PNG

1.0.17 3/11/2004 view: mesh terms

1.0.16 2/23/2004 treerings; ngram lexical atoms

0.0.0 9/25/2003 GUI

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