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案例观察:国外期刊有没有歧视中国作者的投稿? 精选

已有 12024 次阅读 2009-10-9 08:19 |个人分类:编辑出版|系统分类:科研笔记


该文于3月份投往欧洲某海洋学期刊,626收到该刊编辑的退稿通知:I have now received the referee's report on your paper which you sent for publication in M and I attach the referee's comments below. 审稿意见的大意是该文揭示了一个有趣的现象,但其物理机制的论证不足,如此云云。


可是,Q在英国访问期间与英国皇家学会院士T教授进行过切磋,完成该文初稿后又与T教授进行了通讯交流,TQ揭示的现象很感兴趣,并撰文阐述自己的观点。二人商定分别将自己的文章投寄同一份期刊,T在其论文的引言中也多次提及Q(Submitted for publication),并在致谢中表示“I am grateful to Professor Q for showing me his draft paper on …, which stimulated this study.”



(My paper is a companion to that submitted to M by Q on ….  Having written to Prof Q to tell him about the state of my draft, I have learnt that his draft has been rejected. It appears that the reviewer of Q's draft had possibly not seen my work and consequently is not aware that Q's work provides the basis, motivation and background for the study which I undertook to explain ....

I wonder whether the reviewer's reservations about Q et al might be altered if he/she were to have sight of my draft ?

I apologize for troubling you, but as you will appreciate, it might be to the convenience of readers to see the two papers published alongside one-another.…)

一周后的727日,Q收到那份海洋学期刊的稿件录用通知 (I have now received the referee’s report on your paper….  I am pleased to say that it is acceptable for publication in M.)


上一篇:中国要办自己的优秀学术期刊 (韩启德)
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