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已有 7359 次阅读 2007-9-16 21:57 |个人分类:根瘤菌进化、发育与系统学


Horizontal Gene Transfer and Homologous Recombination Drive the Evolution of the Nitrogen-Fixing Symbionts of Medicago Species{triangledown}

Xavier Bailly,1,2* Isabelle Olivieri,2 Brigitte Brunel,1 Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel,1 and Gilles Béna1

Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et Méditerranéennes, UMR 113 IRD-Cirad-SupAgro-UM2/USC INRA, Campus de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France,1 Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier, UMR 5554 CNRS-UM2, Montpellier, France2

Journal of Bacteriology, July 2007, p. 5223-5236, Vol. 189, No. 14


摘要:Using nitrogen-fixing Sinorhizobium species that interact with Medicago plants as a model system, we aimed at clarifying how sex has shaped the diversity of bacteria associated with the genus Medicago on the interspecific and intraspecific scales. To gain insights into the diversification of these symbionts, we inferred a topology that includes the different specificity groups which interact with Medicago species, based on sequences of the nodulation gene cluster. Furthermore, 126 bacterial isolates were obtained from two soil samples, using Medicago truncatula and Medicago laciniata as host plants, to study the differentiation between populations of Sinorhizobium medicae, Sinorhizobium meliloti bv. meliloti, and S. meliloti bv. medicaginis. The former two can be associated with M. truncatula (among other species of Medicago), whereas the last organism is the specific symbiont of M. laciniata. These bacteria were characterized using a multilocus sequence analysis of four loci, located on the chromosome and on the two megaplasmids of S. meliloti. The phylogenetic results reveal that several interspecific horizontal gene transfers occurred during the diversification of Medicago symbionts. Within S. meliloti, the analyses show that nod genes specific to different host plants have spread to different genetic backgrounds through homologous recombination, preventing further divergence of the different ecotypes. Thus, specialization to different host plant species does not prevent the occurrence of gene flow among host-specific biovars of S. meliloti, whereas reproductive isolation between S. meliloti bv. meliloti and S. medicae is maintained even though these bacteria can cooccur in sympatry on the same individual host plants.


利用能固氮的中华根瘤菌属的种及苜蓿属作为模式系统,我们要阐明性与苜蓿属共生的细菌在种内及种间水平上它们的性是如何影响细菌的多样性的。为了探明这些共生细菌多样性的深刻内涵,我们推导出一个拓扑结构,这个拓扑结构包括基于结瘤基因簇的序列分析,寻找与苜蓿相互作用的不同的特殊细菌种群。进一步的研究包括从两个土壤样品中,用两种苜蓿属植物(Medicago truncatulaMedicago laciniata)捕捉根瘤菌得到126个分离物,研究Sinorhizobium medicae, Sinorhizobiummeliloti bv. meliloti和S. meliloti bv. medicaginis这些种之间的区别。Sinorhizobium medicaeSinorhizobiummeliloti bv. meliloti能与M. turncatula共生,而S. meliloti bv. medicaginis只专一性地与M. laciniata共生。这些细菌用四个位点进行多位点序列分析,这些位点位于S. meliloti染色体上和两个大质粒上。系统发育分析的结果揭示在Medicago共生体的多样性过程中发生了种间的横向基因转移。对S. meliloti的分析表明,结瘤基因(nod通常专一性地对应于相应的宿主植物,但通过同源基因重组方式可以进入到不同遗传背景的菌中,藉此阻止不同生态型的进一步分化。这样以来,虽然专一于不同种宿主植物但并不能阻止宿主专一性不同的S. meliloti生物型之间的基因交流;与之相反,S. meliloti bv. meliloti和S. medicae之间的生殖隔离仍能保持即使是这两种细菌“同在一个屋檐下”(共存于同一种宿主植物周围),却不能成为一个新的杂交种。
评论:这段摘要中提到的论点太精彩了,即是说结瘤基因可以在不同的S. meliloti生物型之间通过横向基因转移的方式进行交换,但存在于同一环境中的S. meliloti bv. meliloti和S. medicae两个不同种之间却始终是两个不同的种!!


下一篇:转发:紫花苜蓿接种根瘤菌技术(By Xueyu)
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