陈文峰的博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/陈文峰 专注于根瘤菌的研究



已有 4988 次阅读 2008-1-3 21:05 |个人分类:根瘤菌与豆科植物分子相互作用



Smit P, Raedts J, Portyanko V, Debelle F, Gough C, Bisseling T, Geurts R (2005) NSP1 of the GRAS protein family is essential for rhizobial Nod factor-induced transcription. Science 308: 1789–1791[Abstract/Free Full Text]

Radutoiu S, Madsen LH, Madsen EB, Felle HH, Umehara Y, Gronlund M, Sato S, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, Sandal N, et al (2003) Plant recognition of symbiotic bacteria requires two LysM receptor-like kinases. Nature 425: 585–592[CrossRef][Medline]

Mulder L, Lefebvre B, Cullimore J, Imberty A (2006) LysM domains of Medicago truncatula NFP protein involved in Nod factor perception. Glycosylation state, molecular modeling and docking of chitooligosaccharides and Nod factors. Glycobiology 16: 801–809[Abstract/Free Full Text]

Limpens E, Franken C, Smit P, Willemse J, Bisseling T, Geurts R (2003) LysM domain receptor kinases regulating rhizobial Nod factor-induced infection. Science 302: 630–633[Abstract/Free Full Text]

Madsen EB, Madsen LH, Radutoiu S, Olbryt M, Rakwalska M, Szczyglowski K, Sato S, Kaneko T, Tabata S, Sandal N, et al (2003) A receptor kinase gene of the LysM type is involved in legume perception of rhizobial signals. Nature 425: 637–640[CrossRef][Medline]

Patrick Smit, Erik Limpens, Rene Geurts, Elena Fedorova, Elena Dolgikh, Clare Gough and Ton Bisseling. Medicago LYK3, an Entry Receptor in Rhizobial Nodulation Factor Signaling.Plant Physiology.145:183-191 (2007)

        可以看出这些高水平的文章都发表在高水平的杂志上。影响也是非常之大。下面一篇是2007年11月发表在网上的Smit Patrick 的博士论文,其中对这方面进行了详细地叙述。有兴趣的可下载看看。如果下载不了的,可找我。不过较大,5.6Mb.

Nod factor signaling and infection in Rhizobium-legume symbiosis



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