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Kudos Project:没有什么是理所当然的: 重温现代物理学原理

已有 3282 次阅读 2021-7-26 12:41 |系统分类:论文交流

Take Nothing for Granted: Revisiting Principles of Modern Physics

没有什么是理所当然的: 重温现代物理学原理

Project DOI: 10.26303/86jd-mq19


Kudos project 的链接:https://www.growkudos.com/projects/take-nothing-for-granted-revisiting-principles-of-modern-physics 

What is it about?



First proposed in the early 20th century, dark matter is the glue that holds the universe as we know it together. Though undetectable, dark matter represents approximately 85% of all matter, makes up 27% of the universe’s total mass-energy density, and accounts for gravitational effects that we couldn’t observe without it.

But what if it doesn’t actually exist? 

That’s the type of question Jian'an Wang, former Professor of Physics at Shenzhen University, spends most of his time thinking about. In his latest work, Prof. Wang challenges the idea that dark matter is the missing puzzle piece that binds the universe—and the study of the universe—together. 


Modern physics, for example, suggests that dark matter is what keeps stars clustered in galaxies rather than hurdling through space as predicted by Isaac Newton’s law of gravity. Wang, however, proposes that dark matter is a sign that our physics equations need updating. By modifying Newton’s formula to fit the principle of spatial energy field superposition, Wang concludes that the original equation seriously underestimates galaxies’ energy field intensity or their space-time curvature. 

The result of adjusting for this error: no dark matter in the universe and no supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxies, and the cause of the perihelion precession of Mercury is due to the property of the corrected gravity of the sun. 

Dark matter is only one assumption of modern physics that Wang is intent on revisiting. He also offers new explanations for: the principle of relativity, the principle of constancy of light velocity, uncertainty principle, Newton's first law, Mickelson-Morrey Experiment, the dynamic force source for planetary tectonic movements, the physical mechanism of earthquakes, the mysterious Tunguska explosion of 1908, the physical mechanism of the rockburst, the cause of ocean currents and atmospheric circulation, the cause of the Ice Age, the cause of the plague outbreak, and the Mpemba effect. 
暗物质只是王博士想要重新审视的现代物理学假设之一。他还给出了如下物理问题新的解释: 相对性原理、光速不变原理、不确定性原理、牛顿第一定律、迈克尔逊-莫雷实验、行星构造运动的动力源、地震的物理机制、1908年神秘的通古斯大爆炸、岩爆的物理机制、洋流和大气环流的成因,冰河期的成因,瘟疫爆发的原因,以及姆潘巴效应。

Jian’an Wang received his bachelor’s degree in experimental nuclear physics in 1982 from the Department of Modern Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. Upon graduating, he was assigned to the China Institute of Atomic Energy, where he studied nuclear reactions of charged particles. In 1985, he was admitted to the Department of Physics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, from which he received a master’s degree. He obtained a Ph.D. in 1996 from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for his research on laser luminescent materials. Wang entered the Department of Physics at Shenzhen University as an assistant professor in 1999 and retired in 2012. 


Why is it important?



Science relies on the accumulation of evidence to explain natural phenomena. Scientific theories, both old and new, require testing to affirm their validity. That scrutiny, and a good measure of curiosity, is what drives science forward. As Prof. Wang puts it, “there is no end to science…the spirit of science is to keep exploring.”





"Relativity and quantum mechanics, born more than 100 years ago, have achieved great success, but after that, physics has been developing almost stagnant for nearly 100 years, with no subversive theory. Why is this? I think my researches have provided the answer. I expect physicists around the world to review these findings, especially through experiments."

Dr. Jianan Wang 
Shenzhen University


“诞生于100多年前的相对论和量子力学取得了巨大的成功,但此后的物理学发展几乎停滞不前,再也没有颠覆性的理论出现。这是为什么呢? 我想我的研究提供了答案。我希望世界各地的物理学家们能够审视这些发现,特别是通过实验。 



Audience Briefings



Keeping the Spirit of Physics Alive



June 3, 2021 – China – Few physical constants are as widely recognized today as the speed of light. Thanks to the efforts of Albert Einstein and other titans of modern physics, students are well familiar with the idea that no matter where you are in the universe—or how fast you might be moving—the speed of light is an unchanging 299,792,458 meters per second.



But if you ask Jian’an Wang, former professor at Shenzhen University, concepts of modern physics—the constancy of the speed of light included—aren’t the be-all and end-all of our understanding of the universe. 


“There is no end to science,” writes Wang. “[T]he spirit of science is to keep exploring. Although special relativity has achieved great success, it is by no means the end of physics.”

Wang’s scientific repertoire reads like a list of herculean labors, each a challenge to our current understanding of modern physics. In addition to the speed of light, Wang most recently tackled the existence of dark matter. 



Dark matter is supposed by many scientists to be the most dominant substance in the universe, accounting for nearly 85% of all matter. Although undetectable, dark matter likely accounts for many otherwise impossible interstellar phenomena, such as how stars clump into galaxies instead of meandering through space. 


Wang proposes an alternative theory: that Isaac Newton’s original gravity equation needs some tweaking. 
By applying what’s known as the principle of spatial energy field superposition, Wang reaches a different conclusion about the nature of the universe—one where there is no dark matter and and there is no supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxies.



Other concepts Wang has meticulously revisited include the dynamic force source for planetary tectonic movements, the physical mechanism of earthquakes, the physical mechanism of rockburst, the cause of ocean currents and atmospheric circulation, the cause of Ice Age, the cause of the plague outbreak, the Mpemba effect, and the mysterious Tunguska explosion of 1908, an impact event that flattened a half-million acres of forest in Russia but left no crater.



With admittedly “great curiosity,” takes few assumptions for granted when it comes to understanding the nature of our planet and the universe at large.



Who is involved?



Vivien Pinner and Dr. Jian’an wang


Vivien Pinner 和王建安博士


下面是Kudos project 的链接:https://www.growkudos.com/projects/take-nothing-for-granted-revisiting-principles-of-modern-physics


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