JMS 专辑征稿:"Disaster Risk Reduction in Mountain areas"
2021-3-30 15:37

  • Deadline: Submission of full papers by 15 September 2021

  • Publication date: May 2022

  • Guest Editors:  

    Irasema Alcántara-Ayala, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

  •  rasema@igg.unam.mx

    Alessandro Pasuto , CNR-IRPI, Italy

  •  pasuto@irpi.cnr.it

    Peng Cui, Instituteof Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS, China

  • pengcui@imde.ac.cn

  • The Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) publishes papers covering research on natural- and anthropically-induced environmental changes and sustainable development in mountain areas, mainly on mountain environment, mountain ecology, mountain hazards, mountain resources and mountain development.

  • The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, adopted in March 2015 by the United Nations, aims at the “substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries” (UNISDR, 2015). Disaster risk reduction involves prevention and mitigation of disaster risk as well as managing residual risk in order to strengthening resilience and achieve sustainable development under the evident climate change scenarios.

  • The JMS will publish a special issue devoted to the topic of “Disaster Risk Reduction in Mountain areas”. We welcome contributions that explore the experiences on the diverse dimensions of disaster risk reduction in mountain regions undertaken by diverse stakeholders. Themes relevant to this special issue are understanding physical processes of mountain hazards, vulnerability, exposure, integrated research on disaster risk, disaster risk mitigation and management, disaster risk governance, policy making and practices across different time scales and mountain regions of the world, instructive practices or obstacles for implementation , and coherence among post-2015 international frameworks (Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Change Agreement, and others).

  • Articles type: Invited review article; Original article; Technical reports; Perspective, opinion, and commentary

  • Submission Instructions Submissions should be made electronically through the  Submission System

  • https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jmsjournal

  • Please refer to the Author Guidelines at:

  • https://jms.imde.ac.cn

  • https://www.springer.com/journal/11629/submission-guidelines

  • For enquiries about the scope of the Special Issue and article suitability, please contact Ms. QIU Dunlian (qiudunlian@imde.ac.cn) directly. Special reminder: This sentence "This manuscript is submitted for the special issue on Disaster Risk Reduction in Mountain areas" is suggested to be included in the cover letter so that we can separate your submission to the ordinary submission

  • For more information, please visit:





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