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Fixed and random effects models

已有 4537 次阅读 2010-4-13 18:40 |个人分类:ecmt|系统分类:博客资讯

Fixed and random effects models

  • When you have repeated observations per individual this is a problem and an advantage:
    • the observations are not independent
    • we can use the repetition to get better parameter estimates
  • If we pooled the observations and used e.g., OLS we would have biased estimates
  • If we fit fixed-effect or random-effect models which take account of the repetition we can control for fixed or random individual differences.


  • In the econometrics literature these models are called `cross-sectional time-series' models, because we have time-series of observations at individual rather than aggregate level.
  • If we have a small number of individuals, we can simply fit a dummy for the individual:


    y_{it} = alpha + delta_i + beta mathbf{x_{it}} + epsilon_t



  • This can be considered a `fixed-effects' model because the regression line is raised or lowered by a fixed amount for each individual
  • If there are many individuals this cannot be done directly, but there are mathematically equivalent models which achieve the same effect
  • This model is appropriate where we consider each individual to have a fixed effect shifting the $y_{it}$ up or down
  • We may prefer to consider the individual differences as random disturbances drawn from some specified distribution:


    y_{it} = alpha + beta mathbf{x_{it}} + nu_i + epsilon_t



  • This has the advantage of using fewer degrees of freedom, and that individual differences are considered random rather than fixed and estimable.
  • It has the disadvantage of requiring no correlation between the regressors (the $x_{it}$s) and the $\nu_i$: there are tests for this assumption (Hausman test).


    The xt series of commands provide tools for analyzing cross-sectional time- series (panel) datasets:         help xtdes      Describe pattern of xt data         help xtsum      Summarize xt data         help xttab      Tabulate xt data         help xtreg      Fixed-, between- and random-effects, and population-                             averaged linear models         help xtdata     Faster specification searches with xt data         help xtlogit    Fixed-effects, random-effects, & population-averaged                             logit models         help xtprobit   Random-effects and population-averaged probit models         help xttobit    Random-effects tobit models         help xtpois     Fixed-effects, random-effects, & population-averaged                             Poisson models         help xtnbreg    Fixed-effects, random-effects, & population-averaged                             negative binomial models         help xtclog     Random-effects and population-averaged cloglog models         help xtintreg   Random-effects interval data regression models         help xtrchh     Hildreth-Houck random coefficients models         help xtgls      Panel-data models using GLS         help xtgee      Population-averaged panel-data models using GEE 


  • Fitting these models in Stata is easy:
    • With data in long format, one record per individual per wave
    • . xtreg yvar x1 x2, fe i(pid)
    • . xtreg yvar x1 x2, re i(pid)
    • . xtlogit yvar x1 x2, re i(pid)
  • Reference: William Greene, Econometric Analysis, Maxwell Macmillan 1991, Ch 16 section 4.


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