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已有 2524 次阅读 2016-7-2 15:39 |个人分类:信息分析|系统分类:科研笔记


  • zlyang:
    [转载] 长寿人群有个共同点
  • 2016-07-02

  • xupeiyang:
  • zlyang:
  • xupeiyang:
    长寿的共同特点,与基因关系密切 2016-07-02
    衰老基因(aging gene)http://www.08160.cn/hot/15090.html 长寿基因( longevity gene) http://www.08160.cn/hot/15090.html人类的寿 ...
    长寿的共同特点,与炎症关系密切 2016-07-02
          解密长寿老人的长寿密码,竟然是长寿老人体内的炎症水平较低。后来小编仔细查找了一下延缓衰老的方法,原来身体炎症和衰老的确是 ...

衰老基因(aging gene)


长寿基因(longevity gene)


(genetically programmeddevelopment)的积极延续。个体一旦成熟,“衰老基因”(aging gene)就开始将该个体导向死亡。但这种观点已经不再为人们所相信了,现在人们普遍认同:衰老其实只是由于身体的正常防卫及修复机制随时间流逝而衰退导致的。然而,研究者发现,有一个基因家族与生物体的应激耐受性有关,它们能够加强各个年龄段生物体的自身防卫及修复活性。这些基因通过优化身体的生存机能,最大程度地提高个体渡过困境的几率。如果这些基因处于激活状态的时间足够长,那么还能显著地增进生物体的健康,并延长寿命。其实,这个基因家族就是那些与衰老基因相对立的长寿基因(longevity gene)。





数据来源  http://www.pubmedplus.cn/

01.2016     1 0.781%
02.2015     8 6.250%
03.2011     7 5.469%
04.2009     7 5.469%
05.2008     6 4.688%
06.2007     8 6.250%
07.2005     8 6.250%
08.2004     6 4.688%
09.2003     16 12.500%
10.2002     10 7.813%
11.2014     5 3.906%
12.2013     2 1.563%
13.2012     5 3.906%
14.2010     2 1.563%
15.2006     2 1.563%
16.2001     4 3.125%
17.1999     4 3.125%
18.1998     6 4.688%
19.1997     5 3.906%
20.1996     5 3.906%
21.1994     1 0.781%
22.1977     1 0.781%
23.1973     1 0.781%
01.science     56 43.750%
02.nature     33 25.781%
03.cell     19 14.844%
04.nat genet     6 4.688%
05.nat rev mol cell biol     3 2.344%
06.nat cell biol     2 1.563%
07.nat rev genet     2 1.563%
08.annu rev biochem     1 0.781%
09.cancer cell     1 0.781%
10.jama     1 0.781%
11.lancet     1 0.781%
12.n engl j med     1 0.781%
13.pharmacol rev     1 0.781%
14.physiol rev     1 0.781%
01.美国     76 59.375%
02.英国     9 7.031%
03.加拿大     5 3.906%
04.希腊     2 1.563%
05.法国     2 1.563%
06.韩国     2 1.563%
07.奥地利     1 0.781%
08.德国     1 0.781%
09.意大利     1 0.781%
10.日本     1 0.781%
11.瑞典     1 0.781%
12.瑞士     1 0.781%
01.Kenyon C     12 9.375%
02.Dillin A     9 7.031%
03.Guarente L     6 4.688%
04.Partridge L     6 4.688%
05.Gems D     5 3.906%
06.Hekimi S     4 3.125%
07.Kaeberlein M     4 3.125%
08.Murphy CT     4 3.125%
09.Couzin J     3 2.344%
10.Lin SJ     3 2.344%
11.Lithgow GJ     3 2.344%
12.Manning G     3 2.344%
13.Pennisi E     3 2.344%
14.Ruvkun G     3 2.344%
15.Tatar M     3 2.344%
16.Wang MC     3 2.344%
17.Wolff S     3 2.344%
18.Apfeld J     2 1.563%
19.Bartke A     2 1.563%
20.Benayoun BA     2 1.563%
21.Berman JR     2 1.563%
22.Blackwell TK     2 1.563%
23.Bronson RT     2 1.563%
24.Brunet A     2 1.563%
25.Campisi J     2 1.563%
26.Chen Y     2 1.563%
27.Defossez PA     2 1.563%
28.Douglas PM     2 1.563%
29.Finch CE     2 1.563%
30.Gill MS     2 1.563%
31.Goss M     2 1.563%
32.Hafen E     2 1.563%
33.Hsin H     2 1.563%
34.Johnson TE     2 1.563%
35.Kahn CR     2 1.563%
36.Kapahi P     2 1.563%
37.Kim SK     2 1.563%
38.Kirkwood TB     2 1.563%
39.Lakowski B     2 1.563%
40.Latorre-Esteves M     2 1.563%
41.Leevers SJ     2 1.563%
42.Libina N     2 1.563%
43.Lin K     2 1.563%
44.Longo VD     2 1.563%
45.Mair W     2 1.563%
46.McElwee JJ     2 1.563%
47.Medvedik O     2 1.563%
48.Miller RA     2 1.563%
49.Morantte I     2 1.563%
50.Rodrigues AP     2 1.563%
01.longevity     115 89.844%
02.aging     95 74.219%
03.caenorhabditis elegans     50 39.063%
04.signal transduction     44 34.375%
05.caenorhabditis elegans proteins     43 33.594%
06.mutation     41 32.031%
07.transcription factors     37 28.906%
08.insulin     25 19.531%
09.receptor, insulin     23 17.969%
10.genes, helminth     22 17.188%
11.gene expression regulation     20 15.625%
12.oxidative stress     19 14.844%
13.drosophila melanogaster     18 14.063%
14.sirtuins     18 14.063%
15.caloric restriction     16 12.500%
16.drosophila proteins     16 12.500%
17.phenotype     15 11.719%
18.histone deacetylases     14 10.938%
19.insulin-like growth factor i     14 10.938%
20.saccharomyces cerevisiae     14 10.938%
21.cell aging     12 9.375%
22.gene expression     12 9.375%
23.reproduction     12 9.375%
24.fertility     11 8.594%
25.silent information regulator proteins, saccharomyces cerevisiae    11 8.594%
26.sirtuin 2     11 8.594%
27.gene expression regulation, developmental     10 7.813%
28.genes, insect     10 7.813%
29.mitochondria     10 7.813%
30.neoplasms     10 7.813%
31.rna interference     10 7.813%
32.trans-activators     10 7.813%
33.germ cells     9 7.031%
34.reactive oxygen species     9 7.031%
35.amino acid sequence     8 6.250%
36.animals, genetically modified     8 6.250%
37.dna-binding proteins     8 6.250%
38.models, animal     8 6.250%
39.molecular sequence data     8 6.250%
40.stress, physiological     8 6.250%
41.superoxide dismutase     8 6.250%
42.biological evolution     7 5.469%
43.carrier proteins     7 5.469%
44.cell division     7 5.469%
45.cells, cultured     7 5.469%
46.energy intake     7 5.469%
47.gene deletion     7 5.469%
48.helminth proteins     7 5.469%
49.intestines     7 5.469%
50.membrane proteins     7 5.469%
01.caenorhabditis elegans proteins     43 33.594%
02.transcription factors     37 28.906%
03.insulin     25 19.531%
04.receptor, insulin     23 17.969%
05.daf-16 protein, c elegans     21 16.406%
06.daf-2 protein, c elegans     19 14.844%
07.sirtuins     18 14.063%
08.drosophila proteins     16 12.500%
09.histone deacetylases     14 10.938%
10.insulin-like growth factor i     14 10.938%
01.肿瘤     18 14.063%
02.dna损伤     6 4.688%
03.营养与代谢疾病     6 4.688%
04.代谢疾病     5 3.906%
05.先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形     5 3.906%
06.神经系统疾病     5 3.906%
07.扭伤与劳损     4 3.125%
08.神经变性疾病     4 3.125%
09.细胞转化, 肿瘤     4 3.125%
10.中枢神经系统疾病     3 2.344%
11.先天性遗传性疾病     3 2.344%
12.肌骨骼疾病     3 2.344%
13.胰岛素抵抗     3 2.344%
14.脑疾病     3 2.344%
15.营养不良     3 2.344%
16.tau病变     2 1.563%
17.侏儒症     2 1.563%
18.先天性代谢缺陷     2 1.563%
19.先天性畸形     2 1.563%
20.免疫增生性疾病     2 1.563%
21.免疫系统疾病     2 1.563%
22.内分泌系统疾病     2 1.563%
23.动物疾病     2 1.563%
24.动物疾病模型     2 1.563%
25.心脏病     2 1.563%
26.早衰     2 1.563%
27.淋巴瘤     2 1.563%
28.淋巴系统疾病     2 1.563%
29.淋巴组织增生性疾病     2 1.563%
30.痴呆     2 1.563%
31.癌形成过程     2 1.563%
32.绝食     2 1.563%
33.葡萄糖代谢障碍     2 1.563%
34.血液和淋巴系统疾病     2 1.563%
35.阿尔茨海默病     2 1.563%
36.骨疾病     2 1.563%
37.骨质疏松     2 1.563%
38.高胰岛素血症     2 1.563%
39.emery-dreifuss型肌营养不良     1 0.781%
40.lewy体     1 0.781%
41.tdp-43蛋白病     1 0.781%
42.x连锁遗传性疾病     1 0.781%
43.代谢性骨疾病     1 0.781%
44.全身性癫痫     1 0.781%
45.创伤和损伤     1 0.781%
46.发育性骨疾病     1 0.781%
47.基底神经节疾病     1 0.781%
48.失神性癫痫     1 0.781%
49.女性泌尿生殖器疾病     1 0.781%
50.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症     1 0.781%
01.department of biology     13 10.156%
02.department of biochemistry and biophysics     12 9.375%
03.department of genetics     5 3.906%
04.department of pathology     5 3.906%
05.department of molecular biology     4 3.125%
06.andrus gerontology center     2 1.563%
07.department of ecology and evolutionary biology     2 1.563%
08.institute of molecular biology and biotechnology     2 1.563%
09.stanford university medical center     2 1.563%
10.1] joslin diabetes center     1 0.781%
11.center for blood research and department of genetics     1 0.781%
12.department of adult oncology     1 0.781%
13.department of basic gerontology     1 0.781%
14.department of biochemistry     1 0.781%
15.department of biochemistry and molecular biology     1 0.781%
16.department of bioinspired science     1 0.781%
17.department of biological sciences     1 0.781%
18.department of biomedical genetics     1 0.781%
19.department of biostatistics and computational biology     1 0.781%
20.department of cell biology and molecular medicine and cardiovascular research institute     1 0.781%
21.department of cellular and structural biology     1 0.781%
22.department of chemistry and biochemistry     1 0.781%
23.department of chemistry and molecular biology (cmb)     1 0.781%
24.department of cognitive     1 0.781%
25.department of computational medicine and bioinformatics     1 0.781%
26.department of developmental biology     1 0.781%
27.department of gene expression and development     1 0.781%
28.department of genetics and developmental biology     1 0.781%
29.department of medicine     1 0.781%
30.department of medicine and genetics     1 0.781%
31.department of molecular     1 0.781%
32.department of molecular and cell biology     1 0.781%
33.department of molecular biology & lsi genomics     1 0.781%
34.department of molecular biology and biochemistry     1 0.781%
35.department of molecular biology and genetics     1 0.781%
36.department of molecular biology and pharmacology     1 0.781%
37.department of pathology and geriatrics center     1 0.781%
38.department of pediatric and adolescent medicine     1 0.781%
39.department of pediatrics     1 0.781%
40.department of physiology     1 0.781%
41.division of biogerontology     1 0.781%
42.division of biology     1 0.781%
43.division of biology and medicine     1 0.781%
44.division of endocrinology     1 0.781%
45.glenn center for aging research     1 0.781%
46.hallett center for diabetes and endocrinology     1 0.781%
47.huffington center on aging     1 0.781%
48.institute of cell biology     1 0.781%
49.institute of healthy ageing     1 0.781%
50.institute of healthy ageing and department of genetics     1 0.781%


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