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已有 3393 次阅读 2022-5-12 10:28 |个人分类:美学诗文|系统分类:诗词雅集




【浣溪沙】*不知何处再缠绵*(9 阙)
























































Total 606

*Original * first release * contribution*


[Huanxi sand] * I don't know where to linger * (9 que)

--- the beauty of heaven

1. * Penglai Wonderland*

--- the beauty of heaven

The stars sing and move the moon strings, and the Lingbo fairy drives the fragrant Luan.

The Milky way is rolling and the dream is gurgling.

Qiong's sleeves are wrapped with cotton and wrinkled with flowers, and Yao's voice is hypnotic with waves.

Penglai enchanted water lilies.

2. * in shuiyi*

--- the beauty of heaven

In the water, Yi people dream, and birds wander in the autumn wind.

Chang'e also turns pink cheeks.

The deserted corridor bridge passes through the painted corner and happily throws the shadow of the moon to lie on the platform.

Farewell discharge opens the clouds.

3. * a piece of heart*

--- the beauty of heaven

The wind sends the fragrance of flowers into the account, and Luo pingcui lingers on the moon.

The cup is full and the cheek is dyed.

Qu Nong, spring breeze, horn feather, word research, elegant rhyme, drunk lotus platform.

My heart is open for you.

4. * dripping water into poetry*

--- the beauty of heaven

Dripping water makes a poem. The moon leans on the railing, and hibiscus lies drunk and makes soft strings.

Don't recall the past in the autumn wind.

Red sleeves in Moulin Rouge, purple clouds in crape myrtle dream.

I don't know where to linger.

5. * raise your glass to the moon*

--- the beauty of heaven

The charming spring light intoxicates the carved fence, the breeze blows the willow dream and plays the string.

Bright eyes reflect the water painting in front of the building.

If snow pear flowers dance in their clothes, such as LAN Xu language and ink paper filling.

Toast to the moon.

6. * aromatic white*

--- the beauty of heaven

The pear trees are like snowflakes, fragrant and white, which makes people boast.

Whose house is the hidden fragrance?

Several orioles sing on the Cape, and a pot of green ants cook the horizon.

Cherish the spring and never lose the good years.

7. * jade dew and golden wind*

--- the beauty of heaven

Jade dew, golden wind, flowers in the night, and begonias still make Lang boast.

Taoyuan is destined to be next door!

Goodbye to the moon shadow in Yaotai, and meet again at the beautiful cloud end.

Where autumn fragrance falls, spring flowers grow.

8. * chanting the moon and the wind*

--- the beauty of heaven

When the hairpin came out of the gate, it turned red and burst into tears.

The flower hoe leans on the dusk and sighs.

Chanting the moon and the wind often write, and chanting the spring is always sad.

Why are you a heartbreaker?

9. * Don't blame the world of mortals*

--- the beauty of heaven

In the dream, the Double Ninth Festival passed the door, but there was rain in the distance.

It's already dusk.

Don't blame the red dust for dyeing tears in autumn, just because the purple moon is absorbed.

Drop flowers to send beauty.











300 new rhyme couplets • 285

Maple forest drunk

Carefree day of raising flowers and grass; Walking on the moon and singing freely.

Lixue plum garden and Yushu; Look for fragrant osmanthus garden and golden branches.

Through clouds and rain, Xiangwang dream; Haunted Taibai poetry.

Lingshang new tea fragrant jade finger; Wine in the pot soothes Acacia.

The old tree nest crane beside the cloud; On the water, blue boats inhabit egrets and egrets.

Don't drop idle sorrow into wine; Hugh turns loneliness into words.

Indulge in vulgarity and get tired of the world of mortals; Wanton idle years.

Gradually spring breeze comes to the bottom of the pen; I'm ashamed to show my heroism.



1. 白雪纷飞映日辉(林小青晋江)

2. 白露常新带晓香(醉梦红尘)

3. 白玉初芳溢晓香(浩洋)

4. 红杏难开染夏香(七字余句 )

5. 绿竹常青拔节香(莆田方宗和)

6. 白芷重新等夏风(浩洋)

7. 绿码更新现迹踪(邱建国 )

8. 绿水长歌解夏闲(陈问生)

9. 白酒封藏品窖香(张永桂)

10. 绿野留岚引鹤娇。(泉州蔡芳其)

11. 翠柏长青显麓苍。(泉州蔡芳其)

12. 云客常吟陋室铭(踏雪寻梅 )

13. 红杏初芳带夏风(晋江王荣挺)

14. 陋室容安远俗尘

(吉林 李玉琢)

15. 村夫 红豆无情蘸雪痕

16. 素纸无华染墨香

(吉林 李玉琢)

17. 白发犹听打叶声(余哥唱晚 )

18. 白石难青带古风(阴山戍客)

19. 青笋争先立玉簪(马晓明 安徽)

20. 白鹭常新带雨姿(潘用水)

21. 绿柳常青映夏凉(正宗辉煌)

22. 红杏初开带露香(仙游黄世雄)

23. 绿竹常隆盛夏姿(潘用水)

24. 夏雨 碧叶能新送夏凉(贾宝汀)

25. 红叶多情染韵风(吉林王海燕)

26. 碧叶能新送夏凉(贾宝汀)

27, 红杏又新宜腑欢(莆田黄金明)

28. 绿柳何堪拂莺声(仙游黄世雄)

29. 翠竹长青亮节风(德化廖金堆)

30. 绿叶初萌带雨痕(邹学权 )

31. 虚竹长青得地华(老百姓 )

32. 玉露常湿润夏鲜(渡客如流 )

33. 白鹤相依送晚光(梁中觉南宁)

34. 翠柏长青掩夏阳(晋江 蔡金木)

35. 彩蝶无闲恋世尘(泉州 李兴富)

36. 翠竹常荣醉夏风(鳯非凡鳥)

37. 白雪每飘有暗香 老和(和西典)

38. 心路 


39. 红日难凉有火源(刘玉华安达)

40. 翠柏常青蕴碧滋(佘一龙)

41. 绿叶方新吸日光  (吉林王强)

42. 红豆多情托梦思(佘一龙)

43. 美国该亡让世安(天地人)

44. 白璧无瑕演世情(高毓俊)

45. 赤帜长虹爱国荣(张汉平)

46. 碧水长流汇雨滴(今韵,天马行空)


Yellow flowers don't taste like spring (cook)

1. White snow reflects the sun (Lin Xiaoqing, Jinjiang)

2. Bai Lu is always fresh with Xiao Xiang (drunk in the world of mortals)

3. Early fragrance of white jade (Haoyang)

4. Red apricots are difficult to open and dye Summer Fragrance (seven character sentence)

5. Green bamboo evergreen jointing incense (Putian Fang Zonghe)

6. Angelica dahurica waits for the summer wind again (Haoyang)

7. Trace of green code update (Qiu Jianguo)

8. Long song of green water to relieve leisure in summer (Chen Wensheng)

9. cellar fragrance of Baijiu collection (zhangyonggui)

10. The green field leaves the haze to attract the crane. (CAI Fangqi, Quanzhou)

11. The green cypress is evergreen and the green foot is green. (CAI Fangqi, Quanzhou)

12. Yunke often chants the inscription of the humble room (stepping on the snow and looking for plum blossoms)

13. The early fragrance of red apricot brings summer wind (Wang Rongting, Jinjiang)

14. The humble room contains the common dust of Anyuan

(Li Yuzhuo, Jilin)

15. The village man dipped the red bean ruthlessly into the snow mark

16. Plain paper has no Chinese dye and ink fragrance

(Li Yuzhuo, Jilin)

17. White hair still listens to the sound of beating leaves (brother Yu sings late)

18. Ancient style of Baishi refractory green belt (Yinshan Garrison)

19. Bamboo shoots competing for the first jade hairpin (MA Xiaoming, Anhui)

20. Egret always brings rain posture (Pan Shuishui)

21. Green willows are always green and cool in summer (authentic brilliance)

22. Red apricot with dew fragrance at the beginning of opening (Xianyou Huang Shixiong)

23. Green bamboo changlongsheng Xiazi (Pan Shuishui)

24. Xia Yubi and ye Nengxin send Xia Liang (Jia Baoting)

25. Red leaves are amorous and rhymed (Wang Haiyan, Jilin)

26. Bi ye Nengxin sends Xia Liang (Jia Baoting)

27. Hongxing and xinyifuhuan (Putian huangjinming)

28. He Kan, the green willow, blows the sound of warblers (Xianyou Huang Shixiong)

29. Green bamboos are always green and bright, and the festival wind is bright (Dehua liaojindui)

30. Green leaves sprout with rain marks (Zou Xuequan)

31. Bamboos grow green and land is beautiful (common people)

32. Jade dew is always wet and fresh in summer

33. White cranes depend on each other to send evening light (Liang Zhongjue, Nanning)

34. The evergreen cypress covers the summer sun (Jinjiang Cai Jinmu)

35. Colorful butterflies have no leisure to love the world (Li Xingfu, Quanzhou)

36. Emerald bamboo is always in glory and drunk in the summer wind (extraordinary bird)

37. Every time the snow is white, there is a faint fragrance of Laohe (and Xidian)

38. Mental path

The green fruit is fragrant until summer

39. The red sun is hard to cool and there is a fire source (Liu Yuhua anda)

40. Cuibai evergreen yunbizi (she Yilong)

41. Green leaves absorb new sunlight (Jilin Wangqiang)

42. Hongdou amorous daydreaming (she Yilong)

43. The United States should die and make the world safe (heaven, earth and man)

44. Flawless Bai Bi plays the world (Gao Yujun)

45. Chiqi Changhong patriotic glory (Zhang Hanping)

46. The clear water flows for a long time to collect raindrops (today's rhyme, heavenly horses fly in the sky)


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