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2016拉斯克奖得主Peter J. Ratcliffe教授的科学贡献

已有 4569 次阅读 2016-9-14 09:26 |个人分类:科学名人|系统分类:观点评述

   今年的“拉斯克基础医学奖”授予三位在人以及大多数动物细胞感知、适应氧气的变化机制方面做出杰出贡献的医学研究者。他们分别是来自哈佛医学院Dana-Farber癌症研究所的William G. Kaelin、英国牛津大学弗朗西斯·克里克研究所(Francis Crick Institute)的Peter J. Ratcliffe以及约翰霍普金斯医学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)的Gregg Semenza。http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=280034&do=blog&id=1002833

所在机构:University of Oxford



01.2016     8 6.015%
02.2015     9 6.767%
03.2014     9 6.767%
04.2013     10 7.519%
05.2012     9 6.767%
06.2011     19 14.286%
07.2010     10 7.519%
08.2009     11 8.271%
09.2008     11 8.271%
10.2007     8 6.015%
11.2012     9 6.767%
12.2007     8 6.015%
13.2006     8 6.015%
14.2005     5 3.759%
01.j biol chem     14 10.526%
02.embo rep     6 4.511%
03.proc natl acad sci u s a     6 4.511%
04.biochem j     5 3.759%
05.j physiol     5 3.759%
06.blood     4 3.008%
07.cancer cell     4 3.008%
08.cancer res     4 3.008%
09.faseb j     4 3.008%
10.bioorg med chem lett     3 2.256%
11.j clin invest     3 2.256%
12.mol cell biol     3 2.256%
13.adv enzyme regul     2 1.504%
14.chem commun (camb)     2 1.504%
15.febs lett     2 1.504%
16.hum mol genet     2 1.504%
17.j am soc nephrol     2 1.504%
18.methods enzymol     2 1.504%
19.mol cell     2 1.504%
20.nat cell biol     2 1.504%
21.nat genet     2 1.504%
22.nat med     2 1.504%
23.nature     2 1.504%
24.plos one     2 1.504%
25.acs chem biol     1 0.752%
26.am j kidney dis     1 0.752%
27.angew chem int ed engl     1 0.752%
28.ann n y acad sci     1 0.752%
29.anticancer res     1 0.752%
30.biochem biophys res commun     1 0.752%
31.biol chem     1 0.752%
32.bju int     1 0.752%
33.blood purif     1 0.752%
34.bmj open     1 0.752%
35.br j haematol     1 0.752%
36.cancer metab     1 0.752%
37.cardiovasc res     1 0.752%
38.cell rep     1 0.752%
39.chem biol     1 0.752%
40.chem sci     1 0.752%
41.circ res     1 0.752%
42.clin med     1 0.752%
43.diabetes     1 0.752%
44.endocr relat cancer     1 0.752%
45.essays biochem     1 0.752%
46.eur urol     1 0.752%
47.febs j     1 0.752%
48.haematologica     1 0.752%
49.j appl physiol (1985)     1 0.752%
50.j biol inorg chem     1 0.752%
01.英国     104 78.195%
02.德国     6 4.511%
03.美国     6 4.511%
04.阿根廷     3 2.256%
05.法国     2 1.504%
06.瑞士     2 1.504%
07.葡萄牙     2 1.504%
08.中国大陆     1 0.752%
09.丹麦     1 0.752%
10.俄罗斯     1 0.752%
11.加拿大     1 0.752%
12.斯洛伐克     1 0.752%
13.比利时     1 0.752%
14.西班牙     1 0.752%
01.英国牛津     97 72.932%
02.well     16 12.030%
03.nuffield     14 10.526%
04.mansfield.uk     11 8.271%
05.headington     8 6.015%
06.radcliffe     8 6.015%
07.birmingham.uk     3 2.256%
08.blackpool     3 2.256%
09.英国爱丁堡     3 2.256%
10.阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯     3 2.256%
11.马萨诸塞州剑桥市     3 2.256%
12.coimbra     2 1.504%
13.edgbaston     2 1.504%
14.germany.alexander     2 1.504%
15.sherrington     2 1.504%
16.trust     2 1.504%
17.united kingdom.churchill     2 1.504%
18.德国埃朗根     2 1.504%
19.德国柏林     2 1.504%
20.德国纽伦堡     2 1.504%
21.法国贝尔法斯特     2 1.504%
22.美国贝塞斯达     2 1.504%
23.美国麻省剑桥市     2 1.504%
24.allee     1 0.752%
25.germany.england     1 0.752%
26.girona     1 0.752%
27.gosselies     1 0.752%
28.headley     1 0.752%
29.kettering.uk     1 0.752%
30.kettering.us     1 0.752%
31.livingston.uk     1 0.752%
32.london.ca     1 0.752%
33.louvain     1 0.752%
34.mansfield.us     1 0.752%
35.mer     1 0.752%
36.nuremberg     1 0.752%
37.roosevelt     1 0.752%
38.united kingdom.paul     1 0.752%
39.villefranche     1 0.752%
40.villefranche-sur-mer     1 0.752%
41.villefranche-sur-saone     1 0.752%
42.walls     1 0.752%
43.丹麦哥本哈根     1 0.752%
44.俄罗斯莫斯科     1 0.752%
45.加拿大多伦多     1 0.752%
46.安大略省伦敦市     1 0.752%
47.德克萨斯州达拉斯     1 0.752%
48.德国乌尔姆     1 0.752%
49.德国吕贝克     1 0.752%
50.德国美因茨     1 0.752%
01.Ratcliffe PJ     133 100.000%
02.Schofield CJ     43 32.331%
03.Pugh CW     40 30.075%
04.Tian YM     21 15.789%
05.Maxwell PH     19 14.286%
06.Mole DR     18 13.534%
07.Robbins PA     15 11.278%
08.Kessler BM     14 10.526%
09.McDonough MA     14 10.526%
10.Coleman ML     13 9.774%
11.Chowdhury R     12 9.023%
12.Cockman ME     12 9.023%
13.Hewitson KS     11 8.271%
14.Gleadle JM     10 7.519%
15.Loenarz C     10 7.519%
16.Pollard PJ     10 7.519%
17.Ge W     9 6.767%
18.Harris AL     9 6.767%
19.Masson N     9 6.767%
20.Claridge TD     8 6.015%
21.Yeoh KK     8 6.015%
22.Adam J     7 5.263%
23.Bishop T     7 5.263%
24.Chan MC     7 5.263%
25.Kawamura A     7 5.263%
26.McNeill LA     7 5.263%
27.Schödel J     7 5.263%
28.Smith TG     7 5.263%
29.Talbot NP     7 5.263%
30.Thalhammer A     7 5.263%
31.Dorrington KL     6 4.511%
32.Fischer R     6 4.511%
33.Leung IK     6 4.511%
34.Demetriades M     5 3.759%
35.Maher ER     5 3.759%
36.McMullin MF     5 3.759%
37.O'Flaherty L     5 3.759%
38.Oldham NJ     5 3.759%
39.Rose NR     5 3.759%
40.Sekirnik R     5 3.759%
41.Wappner P     5 3.759%
42.Yang M     5 3.759%
43.Appelhoff RJ     4 3.008%
44.Eckardt KU     4 3.008%
45.Formenti F     4 3.008%
46.Hopkinson RJ     4 3.008%
47.Klose RJ     4 3.008%
48.Lappin TR     4 3.008%
49.Mackeen MM     4 3.008%
50.Nicholls LG     4 3.008%
01.牛津大学     79 59.398%
02.牛津大学人类遗传学威康信托中心     9 6.767%
03.牛津john radcliffe医院     6 4.511%
04.weatherall institute of molecular medicine     5 3.759%
05.爱丁堡大学     4 3.008%
06.伯明翰大学     3 2.256%
07.英国医学研究理事会     3 2.256%
08.belfast city hospital     2 1.504%
09.cancer research uk     2 1.504%
10.churchill hospital     2 1.504%
11.nuffield department of clinical medicine     2 1.504%
12.queen's medical research institute     2 1.504%
13.女王大学     2 1.504%
14.洪堡大学     2 1.504%
15.苏黎世大学     2 1.504%
16.cliniques universitaires saint-luc     1 0.752%
17.leicester general hospital     1 0.752%
18.shriners hospital for children     1 0.752%
19.universit catholique de louvain     1 0.752%
20.university of lubeck     1 0.752%
21.university of zurich     1 0.752%
22.upmc univ paris 06     1 0.752%
23.伦敦国王学院     1 0.752%
24.伦敦大学国王学院     1 0.752%
25.伦敦帝国理工学院     1 0.752%
26.伦敦盖氏医院     1 0.752%
27.俄罗斯科学院     1 0.752%
28.南安普敦大学     1 0.752%
29.吕贝克大学     1 0.752%
30.哥本哈根大学     1 0.752%
31.哥本哈根大学医院     1 0.752%
32.埃尔兰根大学     1 0.752%
33.多伦多病童医院     1 0.752%
34.天主教鲁汶大学     1 0.752%
35.弗里德里希亚历山大大学     1 0.752%
36.德克萨斯大学     1 0.752%
37.德克萨斯大学西南医学中心     1 0.752%
38.德国埃尔兰根纽伦堡大学     1 0.752%
39.斯洛伐克科学院     1 0.752%
40.柏林洪堡大学     1 0.752%
41.洪堡大学柏林     1 0.752%
42.皇后医疗中心     1 0.752%
43.皇家学院     1 0.752%
44.纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心     1 0.752%
45.美国国家卫生研究院     1 0.752%
46.美国国家癌症研究所     1 0.752%
47.美国德州大学西南医学中心     1 0.752%
48.美国西北大学     1 0.752%
49.苏黎世大学医院     1 0.752%
50.英国医学研究委员会分子生物学实验室     1 0.752%
01.hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit     55 41.353%
02.transcription factors     39 29.323%
03.oxygen     35 26.316%
04.anoxia     32 24.060%
05.hypoxia-inducible factor 1     30 22.556%
06.hydroxylation     29 21.805%
07.procollagen-proline dioxygenase     29 21.805%
08.cell hypoxia     26 19.549%
09.basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors     24 18.045%
10.mixed function oxygenases     20 15.038%
11.molecular sequence data     20 15.038%
12.cell line     18 13.534%
13.gene expression regulation     18 13.534%
14.von hippel-lindau tumor suppressor protein     18 13.534%
15.amino acid sequence     17 12.782%
16.repressor proteins     17 12.782%
17.dna-binding proteins     16 12.030%
18.nuclear proteins     16 12.030%
19.signal transduction     15 11.278%
20.cell line, tumor     14 10.526%
21.kidney neoplasms     14 10.526%
22.protein structure, tertiary     13 9.774%
23.protein binding     12 9.023%
24.rna, messenger     12 9.023%
25.iron     11 8.271%
26.mutation     11 8.271%
27.transcription, genetic     11 8.271%
28.models, molecular     10 7.519%
29.protein processing, post-translational     10 7.519%
30.tumor suppressor proteins     10 7.519%
31.ubiquitin-protein ligases     10 7.519%
32.carcinoma, renal cell     9 6.767%
33.dioxygenases     9 6.767%
34.immunoblotting     9 6.767%
35.ketoglutaric acids     9 6.767%
36.ankyrin repeat     8 6.015%
37.asparagine     8 6.015%
38.fumarate hydratase     8 6.015%
39.mass spectrometry     8 6.015%
40.substrate specificity     8 6.015%
41.trans-activators     8 6.015%
42.enzyme inhibitors     7 5.263%
43.kidney     7 5.263%
44.ligases     7 5.263%
45.neoplasms     7 5.263%
46.protein biosynthesis     7 5.263%
47.rna, small interfering     7 5.263%
48.transcriptional activation     7 5.263%
49.base sequence     6 4.511%
50.genetic predisposition to disease     6 4.511%
01.hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit     55 41.353%
02.transcription factors     39 29.323%
03.hif1a protein, human     37 27.820%
04.oxygen     35 26.316%
05.hypoxia-inducible factor 1     30 22.556%
06.procollagen-proline dioxygenase     29 21.805%
07.basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors     24 18.045%
08.endothelial pas domain-containing protein 1     22 16.541%
09.mixed function oxygenases     20 15.038%
10.von hippel-lindau tumor suppressor protein     18 13.534%
11.repressor proteins     17 12.782%
12.dna-binding proteins     16 12.030%
13.hif1an protein, human     16 12.030%
14.nuclear proteins     16 12.030%
15.rna, messenger     12 9.023%
16.iron     11 8.271%
17.tumor suppressor proteins     10 7.519%
18.ubiquitin-protein ligases     10 7.519%
19.vhl protein, human     10 7.519%
20.dioxygenases     9 6.767%
21.ketoglutaric acids     9 6.767%
22.alpha-ketoglutaric acid     8 6.015%
23.asparagine     8 6.015%
24.fumarate hydratase     8 6.015%
25.trans-activators     8 6.015%
26.egln1 protein, human     7 5.263%
27.enzyme inhibitors     7 5.263%
28.ligases     7 5.263%
29.rna, small interfering     7 5.263%
30.isoenzymes     6 4.511%
31.protein isoforms     6 4.511%
32.erythropoietin     5 3.759%
33.hif1a protein, mouse     5 3.759%
34.hypoxia-inducible factor-proline dioxygenases     5 3.759%
35.oxygenases     5 3.759%
36.recombinant proteins     5 3.759%
37.egln3 protein, human     4 3.008%
38.jumonji domain-containing histone demethylases     4 3.008%
39.neoplasm proteins     4 3.008%
40.peptide fragments     4 3.008%
41.peptides     4 3.008%
42.proline     4 3.008%
43.vascular endothelial growth factor a     4 3.008%
44.amino acids, dicarboxylic     3 2.256%
45.arginine     3 2.256%
46.ascorbic acid     3 2.256%
47.carbon dioxide     3 2.256%
48.cobalt     3 2.256%
49.deferoxamine     3 2.256%
50.drosophila proteins     3 2.256%
01.肿瘤     33 24.812%
02.女性泌尿生殖器疾病     19 14.286%
03.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症     19 14.286%
04.男性泌尿生殖器疾病     19 14.286%
05.泌尿系疾病     18 13.534%
06.肾疾病     18 13.534%
07.泌尿生殖系统癌     15 11.278%
08.癌,肿瘤     15 11.278%
09.肾肿瘤     15 11.278%
10.泌尿系癌     14 10.526%
11.心血管疾病     12 9.023%
12.腺和上皮癌     12 9.023%
13.腺癌     11 8.271%
14.肾细胞癌     9 6.767%
15.神经系统疾病     8 6.015%
16.血液和淋巴系统疾病     8 6.015%
17.血管疾病     8 6.015%
18.血液病     7 5.263%
19.贫血     7 5.263%
20.von hipple-lindau综合征,脑视网膜血管瘤病     6 4.511%
21.创伤和损伤     5 3.759%
22.平滑肌瘤     5 3.759%
23.平滑肌瘤病     5 3.759%
24.皮肤与结缔组织疾病     5 3.759%
25.皮肤疾病     5 3.759%
26.神经皮肤综合征     5 3.759%
27.红细胞增多症     5 3.759%
28.血管瘤病,多发性血管瘤     5 3.759%
29.乳腺疾病     4 3.008%
30.乳腺癌     4 3.008%
31.代谢疾病     4 3.008%
32.先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形     4 3.008%
33.先天性遗传性疾病     4 3.008%
34.囊肿     4 3.008%
35.细胞转化, 肿瘤     4 3.008%
36.结缔与软组织癌     4 3.008%
37.肌组织癌     4 3.008%
38.肺性高血压     4 3.008%
39.肺疾病     4 3.008%
40.营养与代谢疾病     4 3.008%
41.遗传性癌综合征     4 3.008%
42.内分泌系统疾病     3 2.256%
43.动物疾病     3 2.256%
44.动物疾病模型     3 2.256%
45.呼吸道疾病     3 2.256%
46.心脏病     3 2.256%
47.高血压     3 2.256%
48.中枢神经系统疾病     2 1.504%
49.中风     2 1.504%
50.低色素性贫血     2 1.504%
01.department of physiology     12 9.023%
02.department of chemistry     11 8.271%
03.department of biochemistry     3 2.256%
04.department of chemistry and the oxford centre for integrative systems biology     2 1.504%
05.department of haematology     2 1.504%
06.department of nephrology and medical intensive care     2 1.504%
07.division of cardiovascular medicine     2 1.504%
08.division of structural biology     2 1.504%
09.institute of physiology     2 1.504%
10.7 cambridge center     1 0.752%
11.center for cellular and molecular physiology     1 0.752%
12.center for metabolic bone disease and molecular research     1 0.752%
13.center of innovation in personalized medicine king fahd center for medical research king abdulaziz university     1 0.752%
14.danish multiple sclerosis center     1 0.752%
15.department of chemistry and oxford centre for molecular sciences    1 0.752%
16.department of chemistry and the oxford centre for molecular sciences     1 0.752%
17.department of clinical genetics     1 0.752%
18.department of haematological medicine     1 0.752%
19.department of medical and molecular genetics     1 0.752%
20.department of medical genetics     1 0.752%
21.department of medicinal chemistry     1 0.752%
22.department of medicine and therapeutics     1 0.752%
23.department of nephrology and hypertension     1 0.752%
24.department of neurology     1 0.752%
25.department of neuroscience     1 0.752%
26.department of paediatrics and adolescent medicine     1 0.752%
27.department of pediatrics     1 0.752%
28.department of pediatrics and adolescent medicine     1 0.752%
29.department of plastic and reconstructive surgery     1 0.752%
30.department of surgery     1 0.752%
31.division of brain sciences     1 0.752%
32.division of genetics     1 0.752%
33.division of rheumatology     1 0.752%
34.institute of biomedical research     1 0.752%
35.institute of genetics and molecular medicine     1 0.752%
36.institute of molecular medicine     1 0.752%
37.institute of surgical pathology     1 0.752%
38.institute of virology     1 0.752%
39.laboratory of human carcinogenesis     1 0.752%
40.medizinische klinik 4 and translational research center     1 0.752%
41.memorial sloan kettering cancer center     1 0.752%
42.school of biomedical sciences     1 0.752%
43.university medical center     1 0.752%
44.university medical center ulm     1 0.752%
45.university of connecticut health center     1 0.752%
46.university of texas southwestern medical center     1 0.752%
47.zurich center for integrative human physiology     1 0.752%


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