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王顺才(Shuncai Wang):天水师院高引作者

已有 5063 次阅读 2021-8-22 10:22 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事

王顺才(Shuncai Wang):天水师院高引作者


之前介绍过天水师范学院(Tianshui Normal University)详见:雨露滋润禾苗壮——Dimensions数据库收录天水师院作者论文来源期刊分析(此文被精选,浏览量超过3900人次)和宁夏与天水师范学院之比较(此文浏览量超过1100人次)。今天介绍天水师院高引作者王顺才(Shuncai Wang)。

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1. 王顺才(Shuncai Wang)简介

根据天水师范学院(Tianshui Normal University)官网介绍,王顺才,男,汉族,甘肃陇西人。博士,副教授。1999年毕业于甘肃农业大学园艺系,获学士学位;2001~2004,于西北农林科技大学攻读硕士学位;2007~2011年,于西北农林科技大学攻读博士学位,博士论文曾获西北农林科技大学“2012年度优秀博士学位论文奖”。2018年入选甘肃省科技专家。





3.1. 主持项目情况


3.2. 代表性论著

以第一作者在《Plant Physiology and Biochemistry》、《Molecular Biology Reports》、《Plant Molecular Biology Reporter》、《中国农业科学》、《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》、《干旱地区农业研究》和《果树学报》等学术期刊发表论文10余篇,其中SCI源刊论文被引次数累计120次以上。根据 Dimensions数据库2021822日的统计结果,有3篇论文被其收录,累计被引156次,平均被引频次为52.00/篇。位于天水师范学院平均被引频次排行榜之首。这3篇论文均系2010-2011年之间发表的论文,其合作者有西北农林科技大学(North West Agriculture and Forestry UniversityFeng-Wang Ma、四川农业大学(Sichuan Agricultural UniversityDong-Li Liang以及山东农业大学(Shandong Agricultural UniversityHuai-Rui Shu

3.4 Dimensions数据库收录的3篇论文

Title, Author(s), Bibliographic reference - About the metrics

Influence of drought stress on the cellular ultrastructure and antioxidant system in leaves of drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive apple rootstocks

Shuncai Wang, Dong Liang, Chao Li, Yonglu Hao, Fengwang Ma, Huairui Shu

2011, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry - Article

We compared two apple rootstocks -Malus prunifolia and Malus hupehensis - that differ in their tolerance to this abiotic stress. The former is considered drought-tolerant, the latter, sensitive. We mo...more

Citations: 114


Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Drought Responsive Gene Encoding a Glycine-rich RNA-binding Protein in Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh.

Shuncai Wang, Dong Liang, Shouguo Shi, Fengwang Ma, Huairui Shu, Rongchao Wang

2010, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Article

Drought is one of the most severe environmental factors that impair plant growth and agricultural production. To investigate how Malus prunifolia, an excellent apple rootstock with strong drought tole...more

Citations: 24


Molecular characterization and expression analysis of a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein gene from Malus hupehensis Rehd.

Shuncai Wang, Rongchao Wang, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma, Huairui Shu

2011, Molecular Biology Reports - Article

Members of the plant glycine-rich RNA-binding protein (GR-RBP) family play diverse roles in regulating RNA metabolism for various cellular processes. To understand better their function at the molecul...more

Citations: 18



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