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已有 2980 次阅读 2021-5-1 11:21 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯




据克里斯·巴顿(Chris Button2021429日提供的消息,德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学(全名弗里德里希-亚历山大 埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学,德文:Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg或者英文:Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)化学家,于2021428日在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站上发表了镁化学方面的突破性研究成果——B. RöschT. X. GentnerJ. EyseleinJ. LangerH. ElsenS. Harder. Strongly reducing magnesium(0) complexes. Nature, Published: 28 April 2021. Volume 592, pages: 717–721. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03401-w. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03401-w

镁(Mg)是地球上富含的一种早期主族金属元素,具有低电负性,因此容易失去价电子,与其它元素结合使用时,它自然仅以最稳定的形式作为带正电的Mg2+阳离子出现Mg2+阳离子存在于各种矿物质中,但在叶绿素中也存在。首次在星际云(interstellar cloud)中检测到异常的镁氧化态Mg+),但最近发现了第一个与Mg+形成的配合物,并被隔离。

无机和有机金属化学首席教授Sjoerd Harder领导的团队报告首次发现了镁零价态(Mg0)。有一种配合物其中镁的氧化态就是零价(Mg0),且整个配合物带负电荷。这些配合物包含独特的镁-钠键(Mg-Na),其反应与普通Mg2+化合物完全不同。电子不足的Mg2+阳离子可以接受电子,而富含电子的阴离子中的Mg0通过提供电子参与反应。


化学家创造了新的氧化剂作为制备化学的工具Chemists create new oxidizers as a tool for preparative chemistry


A complex of a metal in its zero oxidation state can be considered a stabilized, but highly reactive, form of a single metal atom. Such complexes are common for the more noble transition metals. Although rare examples are known for electronegative late-main-group p-block metals or semimetals1,2,3,4,5,6, it is a challenge to isolate early-main-group s-block metals in their zero oxidation state7,8,9,10,11. This is directly related to their very low electronegativity and strong tendency to oxidize. Here we present examples of zero-oxidation-state magnesium (that is, magnesium(0)) complexes that are stabilized by superbulky, monoanionic, β-diketiminate ligands. Whereas the reactivity of an organomagnesium compound is typically defined by the nucleophilicity of its organic groups and the electrophilicity of Mg2+ cations, the Mg0 complexes reported here feature electron-rich Mg centres that are nucleophilic and strongly reducing. The latter property is exemplified by the ability to reduce Na+ to Na0. We also present a complex with a linear Mg3 core that formally could be described as a MgI–Mg0–MgI unit. Such multinuclear mixed-valence Mgn clusters are discussed as fleeting intermediates during the early stages of Grignard reagent formation. Their remarkably strong reducing power implies a rich reactivity and application as specialized reducing agents.


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