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新研究表明:超大质量黑洞可能由暗物质形成 精选

已有 5504 次阅读 2021-2-25 21:55 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




据英国皇家天文学会(Royal Astronomical Society2021224日提供的消息,最新研究表明,超大质量黑洞可能由暗物质形成。

一项新的理论研究提出了一种由暗物质产生超大质量黑洞的新颖机制。国际小组发现,与传统的形成正常物质的情况不同,超大质量黑洞可以直接由星系中心高密度区域的暗物质形成。该结果对早期宇宙的宇宙学具有关键意义,并于20201231日已经在《皇家天文学会月刊》(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)网站发表——Carlos R Argüelles, Manuel I Díaz, Andreas Krut, Rafael Yunis. On the formation and stability of fermionic dark matter haloes in a cosmological frameworkMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021; 502 (3): 4227-4246. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3986https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa3986.

最初形成超大质量黑洞的确切方式是当今星系演化研究中的最大问题之一。早在大爆炸(Big Bang发生后的8亿年,就已经观察到超大质量黑洞,但它们如何迅速生长尚无法解释。



拉普拉塔国立大学(Universidad Nacional de La Plata)和国际相对论天体物理中心(International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics)联合体(ICRANet)的研究员卡洛斯·阿奎勒斯(Carlos R.Argüelles)领导了这项研究。他说:这种新的形成情况可以为宇宙早期如何形成超大质量黑洞提供自然的解释,而无需事先形成恒星或不需要以不切实际的积聚率引起种子黑洞。





The formation and stability of collisionless self-gravitating systems are long-standing problems, which date back to the work of D. Lynden-Bell on violent relaxation and extends to the issue of virialization of dark matter (DM) haloes. An important prediction of such a relaxation process is that spherical equilibrium states can be described by a Fermi–Dirac phase-space distribution, when the extremization of a coarse-grained entropy is reached. In the case of DM fermions, the most general solution develops a degenerate compact core surrounded by a diluted halo. As shown recently, the latter is able to explain the galaxy rotation curves, while the DM core can mimic the central black hole. A yet open problem is whether these kinds of astrophysical core–halo configurations can form at all, and whether they remain stable within cosmological time-scales. We assess these issues by performing a thermodynamic stability analysis in the microcanonical ensemble for solutions with a given particle number at halo virialization in a cosmological framework. For the first time, we demonstrate that the above core–halo DM profiles are stable (i.e. maxima of entropy) and extremely long-lived. We find the existence of a critical point at the onset of instability of the core–halo solutions, where the fermion-core collapses towards a supermassive black hole. For particle masses in the keV range, the core-collapse can only occur for |$M_{\rm vir} \gtrsim 10^{9}{\, \mathrm{M}_\odot}$| starting at zvir ≈ 10 in the given cosmological framework. Our results prove that DM haloes with a core–halo morphology are a very plausible outcome within non-linear stages of structure formation.


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