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已有 3023 次阅读 2021-1-12 21:17 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯





据美国莱斯大学(Rice University2021111日(当地时间)提供的消息,该大学的工程师用铜纳米立方体作为催化剂,将一氧化碳直接转化为醋酸。相关研究结果于2021112日已经在《美国国家科学院院刊》( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)网站上发表——Peng Zhu, Chuan Xia, Chun-Yen Liu, Kun Jiang, Guanhui Gao, Xiao Zhang, Yang Xia, Yongjiu Lei, Husam N. Alshareef, Thomas P. Senftle, Haotian Wang. Direct and continuous generation of pure acetic acid solutions via electrocatalytic carbon monoxide reduction,  Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesJanuary 12, 2021, 118 (2): e2010868118. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2010868118.


莱斯大学布朗工程学院(Rice's Brown School of Engineering)化学和生物分子工程师实验室的王浩天(Haotian Wang音译)和托马斯·森弗特尔(Thomas Senftle)等人研发的电化学过程解决了之前试图将一氧化碳(CO)还原为醋酸的问题,而且可以通过额外的步骤来净化产品,制得纯度更高的产品。这种环境友好型反应器使用纳米级铜立方体作为主要催化剂,同时使用一种独特的固态电解质。

在连续150小时的实验室操作中,该设备使水里的醋酸浓度达到了2%。醋酸成分的纯度可以高达98%,远优于早期将CO催化成液体燃料的尝试。相关研究的详情刊登在《美国国家科学院院刊》上。与醋和其他食品一样,醋酸在医学上被用作防腐剂;作为油墨、油漆和涂料的溶剂;也是生产普通白胶的前体醋酸乙烯酯(vinyl acetate)的原料。

莱斯大学的加工方法是建立在王浩天的实验室用二氧化碳生产甲酸的反应器的基础之上。这项研究建立了一个重要的王浩天基金会,最近被命名为Packard Fellow,赢得了200万美元的美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation, NSF)的资助,用于继续探索将温室气体转化为液体燃料的过程。





王浩天说,开发可扩展系统的下一步是提高系统的稳定性,并进一步减少此过程所需的能量。参与此项研究的赖斯大学的研究生朱鹏(Peng Zhu)、刘春彦(Chun-Yen Liu)、夏川(Chuan Xia)以及博士后研究员J. 埃文斯·阿特韦尔-韦尔奇(J. Evans Attwell-Welch)都是该论文的共同主要合作者。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道

Rice reactor turns greenhouse gas into pure liquid fuel


Using electricity to reduce CO2 or CO back into valuable liquid fuels can revolutionize the way we produce chemicals/fuels. However, there are two types of impurity challenges involved: Different liquid products were typically cogenerated on Cu catalysts; in addition, those generated liquid fuels were inevitably mixed with ion impurities in liquid electrolytes. By integrating the rational design of Cu nanocube catalyst and porous solid electrolyte reactor, we report a direct and continuous generation of high-purity acetic acid solutions via electrochemical CO reduction.


Electrochemical CO2 or CO reduction to high-value C2+ liquid fuels is desirable, but its practical application is challenged by impurities from cogenerated liquid products and solutes in liquid electrolytes, which necessitates cost- and energy-intensive downstream separation processes. By coupling rational designs in a Cu catalyst and porous solid electrolyte (PSE) reactor, here we demonstrate a direct and continuous generation of pure acetic acid solutions via electrochemical CO reduction. With optimized edge-to-surface ratio, the Cu nanocube catalyst presents an unprecedented acetate performance in neutral pH with other liquid products greatly suppressed, delivering a maximal acetate Faradaic efficiency of 43%, partial current of 200 mA⋅cm−2, ultrahigh relative purity of up to 98 wt%, and excellent stability of over 150 h continuous operation. Density functional theory simulations reveal the role of stepped sites along the cube edge in promoting the acetate pathway. Additionally, a PSE layer, other than a conventional liquid electrolyte, was designed to separate cathode and anode for efficient ion conductions, while not introducing any impurity ions into generated liquid fuels. Pure acetic acid solutions, with concentrations up to 2 wt% (0.33 M), can be continuously produced by employing the acetate-selective Cu catalyst in our PSE reactor.


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3 杨卫东 王安良 杨顺楷

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