I am a Lucky Guy (worth repeating)
2020-9-21 03:51

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I am a Lucky Guy (worth repeating)

The news in the US for the past couple of days have been dominated by the passing of the Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a true giant of her profession. In the Sunday NY Times today, there are excerpts of her autobiography published some four years ago where she recounted important happenings in her life. Among them the discrimination she encountered because of her gender and race, mentors/teachers who helped in her career, important legal decisions and dissents she authored while on the Supreme court. But among them, the most important person/item she put at the head of the list that enabled her rise to the top of her profession, is the support and help of her husband who passed away 10 years ago. Reading this excerpt, I am sure the texts resonate in many person’s mind about their own life. In my own case, RBG and I are less than two years apart in age. We lived almost the identical life experiences from the beginning in 1950 to the present. But among them nothing echo more strongly than the importance of having a loving, capable, and supporting spouse. I have chronicled this fact many times in my past blog articles http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-757535.html, http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-263414.html, and most importantly, http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&id=15663 . But this fact can never be emphasized enough times. In my case, I have the additional privilege and luck that my love is still with me and we are both reasonably healthy and active. What more can one ask in life?!





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