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Frontiers of Physics:引力波探测与引力波天文学

已有 2842 次阅读 2016-2-23 15:39 |系统分类:科研笔记


Frontiers of Physics编辑曾邀请University of Nevada/Peking University的张冰教授和Pennsylvania State UniversityPeter Mészáros教授组织了专题“High Energy Astrophysics”,其中包括Gabriela González, Andrea Viceré & Linqing Wen撰写的特约综述Gravitational wave astronomy”):

Invited Review:

Gravitational wave astronomy, Front. Phys. 8(6), 771(2013), DOI: 10.1007/s11467-013-0329-5  

Gabriela González1, Andrea Viceré2, Linqing Wen3

1. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, BatonRouge, LA 70803, USA

2. INFN, Sezione di Firenze, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino and Università degliStudi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, I-61029 Urbino, Italy

3. School of Physics, The University of Western Australia, 35 StirlingHwy, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia



We are entering a new era of gravitational-waveastronomy. The ground-based interferometers have reached their initial designsensitivity in the audio band. Several upper limits have been set foranticipated astrophysical sources from the science data. The advanced detectorsin the US and in Europe are expected to be operational around 2015. Newadvanced detectors are also planned in Japan and in India. The first directdetections of gravitational waves are expected within this decade. In themeanwhile, three pulsar timing array projects are forming an internationalcollaboration to detect gravitational waves directly in the nanoHertz rangeusing timing data from millisecond pulsars. The first direct detection ofnanoHertz gravitational waves are also expected within this decade. In thispaper, we review the status of current gravitational-wave detectors, possibletypes of sources, observational upper limits achieved, and future prospects fordirect detection of gravitational waves.

fulltext: Gravitational wave astronomy.pdf

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