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已有 21096 次阅读 2020-5-19 14:42 |系统分类:科研笔记| 基钦, 朱格拉, 库兹涅茨, 康德拉季耶夫, 周期





一、基钦周期 The Kitchin cycle,3.33年

   美国经济学家约瑟夫·基钦(Joseph Kitchin)于1923年提出,经济小周期平均长度约41个月(3.4年)。

   In 1923, Joseph Kitchin published in the Harvard University Press an article entitled “Review of Economic Statistics,” outlining his discovery of a 40-month cycle resulting from a study of U.S. and UK statistics from 1890 to 1922. At the same time as Kitchin was carrying out his investigation, a fellow Harvard professor, W.L.Crurn, found a cycle of 39, 40 or 41 months in commercial paper rates in New York. The Kitchin cycle is sometimes said to be based on a stocking/destocking cycle.

   Richard Mogey of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles determined a cycle of 40.68 months over the entire history of US stock prices.

   实际上,There is an interesting story related in Edward R. Dewey’s book, “Cycles: The Mysterious Forces that Trigger Events” about a group of investors on Wall Street in 1912. … Reputedly success followed, particularly when the group adapted their investment strategy to a 41-month stock cycle.


二、朱格拉周期 The Juglar cycle,8~11年

   1862年法国医生、经济学家克里门特·朱格拉(Clément Juglar, Oct. 15, 1819, Paris, Fr.— died Feb. 28, 1905, Paris)在《论法国、英国和美国的商业危机以及发生周期》一书中首次提出。提出了市场经济存在着9~10年的周期波动。

    The first authority to explore economic cycles as periodically recurring phenomena was the French physician and statistician Clément Juglar, who in 1860 identified cycles based on a periodicity of roughly 8 to 11 years. 

   The main features of medium-term cycles of business activity, or business cycles (7–11 years)  that are also known as Juglar cycles after the prominent 19th-century French economist Clement Juglar (1819–1905), who investigated these cycles in detail (Juglar 1862, 1889).

   Juglar Wave, a Cycle of 8 to 10 Years. In 1860, Clemant Juglar first observed a general economic cycle lasting 8 to 10 years, based on his study of data on banking, interest rates, stock prices, business failures, patents issued, pig iron prices, and a variety of other phenomena.


三、库兹涅茨周期 The Kuznets cycles,15~22年

    美国经济学家、1971年诺贝尔经济学奖得主库兹涅茨·西蒙(Simon Smith Kuznets,April 30 1901 – July 8/9 1985),许多生产部门尤其是基础工业部门的经济增长率,约15到22年呈现有规则的波动,其原因是人口(特别是移民)的波动。


   Kuznets carried out research on the U.S. real-estate cycle. He identified a cycle of 16.5 to 18 years. 

   The Kuznets swing (or Kuznets cycle) is a claimed medium-range economic wave with a period of 15–25 years identified in 1930 by Simon Kuznets.


四、康德拉季耶夫周期 The Kondratieff Wave,40~60年


   Nikolay D. Kondratyev, in full Nikolay Dmitriyevich Kondratyev, (born March 4, 1892—died 1938?), Russian economist and statistician noted among Western economists for his analysis and theory of major (50-year) business cycles—the so-called Kondratieff waves.

   Kondratieff Wave, named after Russian economist Nikolai Kondratieff, refers to cycles, lasting about 40 to 60 years, experienced by capitalist economies. Also known as "Kondratiev waves," "super-cycles," "K-waves," "surges," and/or "long waves."




五、2012-01, Bert de Groot, Philip Hans Franses, Bert de Groot)Common socio-economic cycle periods

2012 (Bert de Groot) Common socio-economic cycle periods Fig.1.jpg

   For the 71 socio-economic cycle periods we obtain empirical evidence that the data can be best described by a mixture of 4 normal distributions. The estimated means of these normal distributions appear in the first panel of Table 2. We find evidence of clusters around 8, 21, 32 and 55years.



[1] 基钦周期_百度百科


[2] Joseph Kitchin - Cycles Research Institute


[3] 朱格拉周期_百度百科


[4] Business cycle | Britannica


[5] A mathematical model of juglar cycles and the current global crisis


[6] 库兹涅茨周期_百度百科


[7] Simon Kuznets - Facts - NobelPrize.org


[8] Simon Kuznets | Biography, Nobel Prize, & Facts | Britannica


[9] Kuznets - Cycles Research Institute


[10] 康德拉季耶夫周期_百度百科


[11] Nikolay D. Kondratyev | Russian economist | Britannica


[12] Kondratieff - Cycles Research Institute


[13] 经济周期(Business Cycle)_百度百科



[1] 武夷山,2013-05-04,社会经济变量的周期



[2] Common socio-economic cycle periods [J]. de Groot, Bert (Econometric Institute, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands); Franses, Philip Hans Source: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v 79, n 1, p 59-68, January 2012


   Most well-known cycles are those named after of Kitchin, Juglar, Kuznets and Kondratieff, but there are many more.

   If we fit a mixture of normal distributions on the cycle periods, we find that these cycle periods are clustered around 8, 21, 32 and 55 years.


[1] 2014-12-03,经典经济周期,俄罗斯大事,北半球气温


[2] 2014-12-25,科学发展周期性的研究概况(《科技导报》)

杨正瓴. 科学发展周期性的研究概况[J]. 科技导报, 2014, 32(35): 88-88. 








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